Transportation Systems Engineering Research

illustration highlighting multiple modes of transportation, from trains to planes to automobiles.
Credit: Shirley Bass
Transportation engineering focuses on the planning, design, and operations of the transportation system, as well as the management of transportation assets. The transportation system enables the movement of both people and goods that is necessary for economic and social well-being of all Americans. An efficient, reliable, safe, accessible, and resilient transportation system requires a proactive, integrated approach that also considers policies, land use, and economic development needs.

At the University of Nebraska, we strive to equip the next generation of transportation professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to shape the future transportation system that moves people and goods via very different technologies (e.g., autonomous vehicles, flying cars, drones). Students at the University of Nebraska have access to state-of-the-art facilities, including an Intelligent Transportation Systems Lab and a planned Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality Lab; imagine being able to see your roadway design in a virtual world. Students also have opportunities to enhance their undergraduate engineering experience with research and internship opportunities provided by centers that our transportation faculty lead or are affiliated with.

Our transportation faculty also work closely with federal, state, and local governments to enhance the Nebraska transportation system and state of practice. Research areas that our transportation faculty are well known for include:

  • Multimodal transportation system design and operations,
  • Sustainable transportation systems,
  • Supply chain and logistics,
  • Transportation safety and human factors,
  • Travel behavior and travel demand management,
  • Intelligent transportation systems,
  • Automated driving systems, and
  • Intermodal network design.