Grand Challenge Scholars Program Proposal Form

Information & Purpose:

The purpose of the Grand Challenge Scholars Program Proposal is to have scholars propose an initial structure for their work in the GCSP related to their chosen Grand Challenge. The GCSP proposal is flexible and may be changed as you progress through the program. The committee will review your proposal and work collaboratively with you on acceptable changes to ensure your proposal meets the guidelines of the program. Once approved, it is up to each scholar to meet the terms of the agreed-upon proposal. If you later decide to change a component option after your proposal is approved, you must complete a Component Approval Form (C.A.F.) to request approval for the changes at the discretion of the GCSP committee.

Please submit revisions through this form by July 1, 2018. Your submission is only complete once you have received a confirmation email, so please check your email after submission. You may find the full curriculum to be helpful in developing your proposal: Click here to open full curriculum in a new window.

If you have any questions regarding the Program Proposal, please contact Cameron Adams at or (402) 472-3160.

Select the primary Grand Challenge you plan to pursue Required