E-Week 2025 sponsor form

Engineers Week (E-Week) 2025 is seeking individual and corporate partners as sponsors.  

“NEXT LEVEL” is the theme for this year’s E-Week - February 17-23, 2025 - bringing together UNL students from our campuses in Lincoln and Omaha. While events change based on the E-Week theme, they generally include design competitions, community outreach/awareness programs, keynote speakers, networking mixers, and casual socials that bring the collegiate engineering community together.

As in past years, we are offering Diamond, Gold, Silver and Bronze level sponsorships. You can read about these sponsorship levels and benefits below or on the E-Week website.

To help ensure the student leaders can begin developing their budgets, please submit your donation by Monday, Dec. 23, 2024 to receive benefits listed with each sponsorship level (in-kind donations will continue to be accepted through January 2025).

Thank you for your consideration and continued support of the College of Engineering and E-Week! 

Diamond Sponsorship Level
$3,000+ Donation
(Maximum of 5 Diamond Sponsors)
Gold Sponsorship Level
$2,000 donation
Silver Sponsorship Level
$1,000 donation
Bronze Sponsorship Level
$500 donation
Choice of individually sponsoring an event or holding a Lunch & Learn presentation on both campuses in Omaha and Lincoln. Yes* No No No
Invitation to Omaha and Lincoln Campuses Joint E-Week Industry Mixers Yes
Two tables at the Lincoln E-Week Mixer; one table at the Omaha E-Week Mixer 
One table at each of the Omaha and Lincoln Campuses during the E-Week Mixer
No No
Invitation to the Omaha Engineers Night Out Yes Yes Yes Yes
Tabling opportunity at an E-Week Student Event Multiple Events 2 Events 1 Event No
Order of right to refusal for any judging events or employer panels (First / Second / Third / Fourth) First Right Second Right Third Right Fourth Right
Size of corporate logo on E-Week t-shirt, E-Week sponsors banner, display boards, website, as well as digital and print marketing materials B2 B3 B4 B5


Donations at any level are appreciated, but we do encourage choosing Bronze, Silver, Gold and Diamond level sponsorships that offer specific benefits. You can pay via UNL Marketplace (credit card) or by check [for any amount], to: UNL College of Engineering, c/o Phil Carter, 641J Kiewit Hall, Lincoln, NE 68588-0657.

*Choice of Professional Development Presentation (meet with our students about professional development and what they need to know to prepare for their career path: resumé writing, taking advantage of Career Fairs, or host an event to address your company’s approach to our Complete Engineer core competencies: Inclusive Excellence, Communication, Teamwork, Self- Management & Leadership, Civic Responsibility, and Professionalism & Ethics. This is a great opportunity to showcase your company in person!


E-Week Sponsorship PDF Form


Desired Sponsorship Level Required