HealthySchools Publications

Publications and Presentations

Indoor Environmental Conditions and Their Interactions

Studies on Acoustic Conditions

Studies on Indoor Air Quality and Thermal Conditions

Studies on Lighting Conditions

  • M. Kuhlenengel, I. Konstantzos. and C. E. Waters (2021) "The Effects of the Visual Environment on K-12 Student Achievement." Buildings 11(11):498.
  • C. Waters and M. Kuhlenengel (2020) 2020 IES Virtual Research Symposium.
  • M. Kuhlenengel, C. Waters, I. Konstantzos (2019) “Assessing the impact of outside view on learning: a close look to EN 17037 ‘view out’ practices through the analysis of 220 classrooms” CISBAT 2019, Lausanne, Switzerland.
  • M. Kuhlenengel and C. Waters (2016) "An investigation of school lighting effects on student achievement" Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) 2016 Annual Conference; Orlando, FL; 23-25 October 2016.
  • A. Guha and C. Waters (2016) "Quantifying view: a way forward to statistically analyzing the effect of view on human performance" Council for Optical Radiation Measurements (CORM) 2016 Annual Technical Conference; Gaithersburgh, MD; 15-18 May 2016.