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July 19, 2012 - <span>Educators at the institute learn new ways to teach math and science, with content from civil engineering areas.</span>  Full Story

Michael Nastasi
July 18, 2012 - <span>In a July 17 announcement, the U.S. Department of Energy committed to invest $10.9 million across 13 projects&nbsp;</span><span>to improve nuclear industry and reactor safety, performance and cost competitiveness.</span>  Full Story

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July 13, 2012 - <span>The Environmental Protection Agency will support a team led by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln to evaluate the effectiveness of the Saddle Hills neighborhood's green infrastructure in metropolitan Omaha.</span>  Full Story

The ICARE equipment is going to market. UNL professor Carl Nelson helped Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital on the research.
July 12, 2012 - <span>Researchers at Madonna spent three years developing the ICARE in collaboration with Carl Nelson, UNL associate professor of mechanical and materials engineering and biological systems engineering.</span>  Full Story

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July 02, 2012 - <span>Hendrix assumes CHME department chair duties from Prof. William Velander,</span><span>&nbsp;who held the D.R. Voelte Jr. and N.A. Keegan Endowed Chair in Engineering, and continues as a CHME faculty member.</span>  Full Story

UNL students Mirzojamshed Mirzokarimov (Electrical Engineering), Paul Kubitschek (Computer Science & Engineering) and Mattew Mahlin (Mechanical & Materials Engineering) collaborate at RockOn! 2012, a rocketry workshop at NASA's Wallops Flight Facility.
June 22, 2012 - <span>On Thursday, June 21 at 6 a.m. EDT, a 48-foot NASA rocket launched to go more than 70 miles into space while carrying two payloads built by Nebraska Engineering student teams.</span>  Full Story

Chad Wright stands with his earned men's discus national championship.
June 06, 2012 - <span>Chad Wright earned the men's discus national championship on Wednesday.</span>  Full Story

UNL's Baja SAE vehicle during the rock crawl competition.
June 05, 2012 - <span>UNL's Baja SAE team finished fourth among 79 collegiate teams at the 2012 Baja SAE Oregon competition in May<span>—the highest finish yet achieved by the Nebraska Engineering team at this major competition.</span></span>  Full Story

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May 15, 2012 - <span>UNL College of Engineering students note their activities for summer and beyond. Best wishes to all from Nebraska Engineering!</span>  Full Story

Members of the AEI team.
May 10, 2012 - <span>Students in UNL’s Durham School of Architectural Engineering &amp; Construction hoped to earn one award at the Architectural Engineering Institute’s annual national student conference—instead they won in two out of five categories.</span>  Full Story