American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE)

ASABE Robotic Club
Robotic Club is a student organization that focuses on robotic design. Throughout the year, we conduct robotic design workshops as well as work on robotic projects. Students will be involved in mechanical and electrical design and also embedded system programming. We participate in the annual ASABE student robotic challenge, and build our competition robots during spring and summer.
Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES)
Contacts: Email BMES • Nicole Iverson (Advisor) • Rebecca Wachs (Advisor)
Organization: UNL Chapter

BSE Graduate Student Association
The Biological Systems Engineering Graduate Student Association promotes the professional development, creates a positive social environment, and supports the needs of the students in Agricultural and Biological Systems Engineering, particularly as these interests relate to their academic and professional advancement.
Mechanized Systems Management Club
The UNL Soil and Water Resources Club was organized to bring together students with an interest in soil and water resources and offer opportunities not normally found in the conventional classroom. The goal is to stimulate the interest of graduate and undergraduate students in soil and water resources and promote the art and science of good land and water use.
We are inclusive to all engineering disciplines, including but not limited to agricultural, biological system, computer, electrical, and mechanical engineering as well as computer science. It requires people from different fields and expertise to build a fully functional robot. All experience levels are welcome!