Nanomaterials Group Publications

Journal Articles: (* indicates Corresponding Author)

  • Obewhere, O. A.; Acurio-Cerda, K.; Sutradhar, S.;  Dike, M.; Keloth, R.; Dishari, S. K.* "Unravel-engineer-design: a three-pronged approach to advance ionomer performance at interfaces in proton exchange membrane fuel cells"  Chem. Commun. 2024 (Advanced Article) Link:
  • Sutradhar, S.; Obewhere, O. A.; Acurio-Cerda, K.; Dike, M.; Keloth, R.; Dishari, S. K.* "Energy Literacy Infrastructure Study across Nebraska and Data-Driven Design of Energy-focused STEM Education and Virtual Outreach Activities for K-12 Students and Teachers" Received the First Place in the Best Paper Category at the 2024 American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Midwest ConferenceLink:
  • Obewhere, O. A.; Acurio-Cerda, K.; Keloth, R.; Dishari, S. K.* "Implementing a Virtual STEM Camp for Middle- and High Schoolers in a Post-COVID Climate Leveraging Prior Experience" Received the First Place in the Best Paper Category at the 2023 American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Midwest Conference. Link:
  • Obewhere, O. A.; Dishari, S. K.* "Engineering Ionomer–Substrate Interface to Improve Thin-Film Proton Conductivity in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells." ACS Appl. Polym. Mater. 20246, 4535-4546. Link: 
  • Cerda, K. A.; Kathol, M.; Purohit, G.; Zamani, E.; Morton, M. D.; Khalimonchuk, O.; Saha, R.; Dishari, S. K.* "Cationic Lignin as an Efficient and Biorenewable Antimicrobial Material." ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 202311, 10364-10379Link:
  • Chatterjee, S.; Obewhere, O. A.; Zamani, E.; Keloth, R.; Farzin, S.; Morton, M.; Sarella, A.; Dishari, S. K.* "Advancing Ionomer Design to Boost Interfacial and Thin-Film Proton Conductivity via Styrene-Calix[4]arene-based Ionomers." Cell Rep. Phys. Sci. 2023, 4, 1-20. Link:
  • Chatterjee, S.; Zamani, E.; Farzin, S.; Evazzade, I.; Obewhere, O. A.; Johnson, T.; Alexandrov, V.; Dishari, S. K.* "Molecular-level Control over Ionic Conduction and Ionic Current Direction by Designing Macrocycle-based Ionomers.JACS Au 20222, 1144-1159. Link:
  • Farzin, S.; Zamani, E.; Dishari, S. K.* "Depth-specific Ion Conduction and Stiffness Across Ionomer Thin Films and Bulk Membranes.ACS Macro Lett. 202110, 791-798. Link:
  • Zamani, E.; Chatterjee, S.; Changa, T.; Immethun, C.; Sarella, A.; Saha, R.; Dishari, S. K.* "Cationic Pi-Conjugated Polyelectrolyte Shows Antimicrobial Activity by Causing Lipid Loss and Lowering Elastic Modulus of Bacteria ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 202012, 49346-49361Link:
  • Farzin, S.; Johnson, T. J.; Chatterjee, S.; Zamani, E.; Dishari, S. K.* "Ionomers from Kraft Lignin for Renewable Energy Applications." Frontiers in Chemistry 20206, 690  (featured at Frontiers' "Women in Science: Chemistry" collection). Link:
  • Zamani, E.; Chatterjee, S.; Changa, T.; Immethun, C.; Sarella, A.; Saha, R.; Dishari, S. K.* "Mechanistic Understanding of the Interactions of Cationic Conjugated Oligo- and Polyelectrolytes with Wild-type and Ampicillin-resistant Escherichia coli.Sci. Rep. 20199: 20411Link:
  • Farzin, S.; Sarella, A.; Yandrasits, M. A.; Dishari, S. K.* "Fluorocarbon-based Ionomers with Single and Multi-Acid Side Chains at Nanothin Interfaces." J. Phys. Chem. C  2019123, 30871-30884Link:
  • Dishari, S. K.;* Rumble, C. A.; Maroncelli, M.; Dura, J. A.; Hickner, M. A. "Unraveling the Complex Hydration Behavior under Thin Film Confinement." J. Phys. Chem. C  2018122, 3471-3481Link:
  • Dishari, S. K.; Zydney, A. L. “Probing Virus Capture in Different Virus Filters using Fluorescence Confocal Microscopy.” Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2015, 112, 2115-2122 (Video highlights). Link:
  • Dishari, S. K.; Micklin, M. R.; Sung, K. J.; Zydney, A. L. (2015). “Effects of Solution Conditions on Virus Retention by the Viresolve® NFP Filters.” Biotechnol. Prog. 2015, 31, 1280 -1286. Link:
  • Dishari, S. K. “Current Understanding of Proton Conduction in Confined Ionomeric Systems.” J. Post-doc Res. 20142, 30-39. Link:
  • Modestino, M. A.; Paul, D. K.; Dishari, S. K.; Petrina, S.; Allen, F. I.; Hickner, M. A.; Karan, K.; Segalman, R. A.; Weber, A. Z. “Self-Assembly and Transport Limitations in Confined Nafion Films.” Macromolecules 201346, 867–873. Link:
  • Dishari, S. K.; Hickner, M. A. “Confinement and Proton Transfer in Nafion Thin Films.” Macromolecules 201346, 413-421. Link:
  • Dishari, S. K.; Hickner, M. A. “Antiplasticization and Water Uptake of Nafion Thin Films.” ACS Macro Lett. 2012, 1, 291-295 (Cover Story). Link
  • Dishari, S.K.; Kan-Yi, P.; Liu, B. “Combinatorial Energy Transfer between an End-Capped Conjugated Polyelectrolyte and Chromophore-Labeled PNA for Strand-Specific DNA Detection,”  Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2009, 30, 1645-1650 (Cover Story). Link:
  • Dishari, S. K.; Liu, B. “A Sensitive and Selective Solid-State DNA Sensor by LBL Self-Assembly: Smart Use of Conjugated Oligofluorenes.”  Proc. Intl. Conf. Chem. Eng. 2008, 29-33.
  • Liu, B.; Dishari, S. K. “Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Cationic Water Soluble Oligofluorenes in DNA Hybridization Detection.” Chem. Eur. J. 2008, 14, 7366-7375. Link:

Book/Book Chapter. (* indicates Corresponding Author)

  • Farzin, S.; Johnson, Dishari, S. K.* "Lignin-based Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage Devices." in the book "Sustainability Engineering Challenges, Technologies, and Applications,2023. Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group, Editors: Eric C. D. Tan. Link:
  • Farzin, S.; Johnson, T. J.; Chatterjee, S.; Zamani, E.; Dishari, S. K.* "Ionomers from Kraft Lignin for Renewable Energy Applications." in the book "Women in Science: Chemistry,2022. Publisher: Frontiers, Editors: Jennifer L. Schaefer, Elisabeth Lojou, Svetlana Ivanova, Silvia Giordani and Qin Li. Link:    


1. Dishari. S. K. 2021. "Ionomers with Macrocyclic Calix[n]arene Moieties for Ion Conductivity and Permselectivity." (PCT/US21/70432)


1. Dishari, S. K. Nebraska High School Energy Literacy Infrastructure Study- Phase 2 (2020).

2. Dishari, S. K. Nebraska High School Energy Literacy Infrastructure Study- Phase 1 (2019).