Engineering student acquires valuable internship via career fair
One of the goals for the University of Nebraska–Lincoln is to increase innovative student experiences by requiring all students to have a professional experience before they graduate as highlighted in the “N2025 Strategic Plan”, but some students are already ahead of the game.
Engineering Career Services works to empower our students on their individual path to success. Through key signature programming—career coaching appointments, licensure workshops, development events, career fairs, and more—Engineering Career Services offers a myriad of ways for students to seek and obtain support toward their professional goals.
Career Coach
Book an appointment with the Engineering Career team through Student Success Hub.Engineering Career Guides:
- Aleea Stanford -
- Kayleen Nguyen -
- Shahd Khourshed -
505 Kiewit Hall | Virtual AppointmentsOmaha
Career Coach
Book an appointment with the Engineering Career team through MavConnect.Location
107 Peter Kiewit Institute | Virtual Appointments
Visit and work with Engineering Career Services to:
- Create and refine your application documents (start today with this resume guidance and examples of resume action verbs from ECS!)
- Note: You will need to download the resumes in order to use them.
- Hone your interviewing skills
- Meet and network with future employers
- Gain industry knowledge
- Learn to negotiate your salary
- Build your future
Scheduling a Meeting
- If you need more time with the Career Services team to talk through your resume or another document review, help searching for opportunities, preparing for an interview, or any other career-related topic, you can schedule a meeting using the scheduling system for your campus:
Career Fairs and Events
The College of Engineering offers career fairs throughout the year for students to interact with employers for full-time and internship opportunities. To view upcoming career fairs, visit the Event Calendar.
Additionally, Engineering Career Services hosts employers on campus, pop-up events, career development seminars, and workshops throughout the year. Stay up to date through your weekly Career Connection newsletter or contact the Engineering Career Services office to learn more.
Internships, Co-ops, and Full-Time Jobs
Advance your career and develop professional skills prior to graduation through gaining hands-on experience in your engineering discipline. With the support of Engineering Career Services, our alumni find excellent employment offers, with many students securing their post-graduation plans long before graduation.
- To learn more about engineering co-op expectations, visit Engineering Co-ops.
- To explore employers and job opportunities, visit Handshake.
Undergraduate Research and Graduate School
Engineering Career Services supports students looking for roles beyond the engineering industry too. Meet with our team to learn more about other opportunities afforded with an engineering degree and to develop your application materials.
Career Services Contacts

Jordyn McCave

Nicole Askew