April 6th, 2024 Scrimmage
New Location:
Nebraska Hall900 N 16th St Lincoln, NE 68508Normal vehicles, vans, and trailers (on the ends of rows) are allowed to park in the lot. NO BUSSES
Room Nebraska Hall 133
For VEXU competitors, please fill out the following form. Team leads MUST ensure their entire team traveling to UNL has filled out the following by competition morning. It will be here.
For VRC competitors, please have the minor safety form filled out for you under the scrimmage section or found here. Students will not be allowed to compete unless this form is filled out by a guardian. This is to ensure the safety of the minors at our event as outlines by UNL policy. We will be enforcing this form at check-in so please ensure those at your school are in compliance. If you have already filled out this form for a UNL event, you do not need to fill it out again.
For VRC coaches, please let us know if you can bring any fields/electonics for our event and how many of your teams plan to attend. We are expecting 10-12 VRC teams at this time. Additonally, we will then be in contact to ensure your kids have their minor forms completed again.
9:30 AM Doors open
9:30 AM – 10:30 AM Teams bring fields for setup
10:30 AM – 5:00 PM Scrimmage (It is likely to end at 4 due to those involved planning to leave at this time)
We will take an hour for lunch or everyone goes on their own time, we will decide day of
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM Cleanup
Event Structure:
We will have 2 fields setup with electronics and at least 2 for practice. We will have tournament manager setup for a clock and would be able to run a schedule. We will have limited pits and limited access to power. Coaches and parents are welcome but we will not have seating for the compeition fields. We will be contained to a limited space and wandering the building is not allowed. Campus Union and fast food nearby will be the best options for food.
For VRC, we will be holding a scrimmage for the normal VRC rules and have the option for teams at our scrimmage to opt into VEXU rules. High school and middle school teams are welcome from any region to attend. A worlds qualification is not required to attend our event. Teams scrimmaging under the VRC rules should expect a standard scrimmage environment on their competition field. Teams may pair up to face VEXU teams using their 18" robots abiding by the VRC rules in a match of modified/reduced/no autonomous and VRC/VEXU driver control for drivers practice.
VRC teams may also pair up under the VEXU rules of unlimited motors, a 15" and 24" robot, and following the elevation and match loading VEXU modifications. Teams that add more than 88 watts of motors for the sake of the scrimmage are expected to abide by VEXU rules (not quite to the rigor of a Worlds inspection but with clear attempts to commit to VEXU rules). If you have time, students are able to pair up across schools, grade levels, and bring multiple robots to our event to compete on the VEXU and VRC side. This event is intended to be for fun primarily but respectfully, do not waste the time of the VEXU teams and VRC teams looking for a quality scrimmage before worlds. We ask that attempts be made for a match autonomous (you get 10 match loads) for the 45 seconds atunonmous, 75 second driver matchtime split. Ultimately, the event is for fun and we hope it pans out well with the cross-level competition aimed to give VEXU more practice. The timelines are short this year but for the future, we hope this can become an inbetween event from regional championships and worlds.
For VEXU, we will be having a VEXU only competition field for matches against other VEXU teams and VRC teams you are willing to face. All VRC teams interested in the VEXU side of the scrimmage can may either have robots to fit VEXU rules or be driver practice using their VRC worlds bots. VEXU teams have the ability to only face the true VEXU teams or competitors they desire a tour scrimmage. The teams at our event should be there for a serious scrimmage despite the very relaxed atmosphere. We hope this little experiment of an event pays off and we greatly appreciate your travel to Lincoln before worlds.
Please reach out to UNLVEXU@gmail.com or Karson at KSwartzbaugh2@huskers.unl.edu and 402-880-9350 for any further questions or clarifications. This webpage should be fully up to date.