All volunteer positions and their respective responsibilities are described on this page. Please read below for a position you are interested in. Then, complete the Volunteer Agreement form HERE to start the registration process.
Check In/Reception
Time Slots: 7:00 AM – 9:30 AM, 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM, 12:30 PM – 4:30 PM
Quantity: 5 volunteers for the first time slot, 2 volunteers for the other time slots
Location: Kiewit Hall, 1ST Floor, Reception Desk
Point of Contact: Patrick Stolinski (pstolinski2@huskers.unl.edu)
The role of the check-in volunteers is critical in the morning and throughout the day of the competition. As teams arrive, each team will stop at reception to check in.
To avoid blocking the entrance, as teams enter from 7:30-9:30, the five-morning check in volunteers will work individually to greet teams at the door with an iPad in hand. The check-in volunteer will greet the team and ask the team to follow them a few steps away from the door. The check-in volunteer should take about 10-20 steps away from the door to clear the entryway and stop in the West Café area. Once the team is with the volunteer, the volunteer should ask for the team’s number, enter it on their iPad, and mark the team as checked in.
The volunteer will then verify all team members have completed the Parent/Guardian consent form. To do this, the volunteer will open the excel document link, look for the team’s school, and verify all team members are on the list.
If participants are not on the list, the affected participant will need to contact their parent/guardian, provide the consent form link (engineering.unl.edu/vex-tournament/consent) and have it filled out (it needs to be done by the time the competition matches start).
After the volunteer has marked the team as “Checked In” and verified all team members have completed the consent form, the volunteer should share the following pieces of information:
- Ask for the team’s engineering notebook (and place it in the storage bin at the reception desk after the check-in is complete).
- Provide any new announcements to the team as published by event management (that are not on this list).
- State that team pits are up the main stairs, to the right, and down the main hall in the classrooms at the Southwest corner of the building. The pits are split into two adjacent classrooms (Rooms A249 & A251), so you may have to check both for your team number.
- Elevators are available past the main staircase on the First Floor, directly to the right (point to them).
- The spectator area is in the classroom on the opposite side of the competition fields (Rooms A203 and A253).
- Practice fields are located on the far West side of Floor 2, behind the wall with the two video screens, in the skywalk between Kiewit Hall and Othmer Hall. Three practice fields are available.
- Due to ongoing construction, our access is limited to the first and second floors, and no one is allowed to go beyond these areas unless on a tour.
- Answer any questions that the team may have and note that all this information is published on a sheet on their pit table.
Patrick will demonstrate this process to check-in volunteers at 7:00 AM on Saturday.
The second role of the check-in/reception team is to provide knowledgeable information to event attendees. The first is competition location information. Guest hotspot directions can be given as follows from the reception desk:
- VEX Tournament Fields: Located up the main staircase on Floor 2.
- Spectator/Guest Tournament Viewing Area: Located up the main staircase on Floor 2, to the right of the competition fields, in Rooms A203 and A253 with a glass wall directly across from the competition fields.
- Team Pits: Located on Floor 2, up the main stairs, to the right, and down the main hall in the classrooms at the Southwest corner of the building, split into two classrooms (Rooms A249 & A251).
- Practice Fields: Located on the far West side of Floor 2, behind the wall with the two video screens, in the skywalk between Kiewit Hall and Othmer Hall. Three practice fields are available.
The second is to provide location information on additional activities, such as college recruitment going on during competition day. These additional activities and locations include:
- The VEX Robotics Tournament on Floor 2 in the East Commons Area.
- The College of Engineering Recruitment Tables on Floor 2 in the West Commons Area.
- The AIM Institute Table on Floor 2 in the West Commons Area.
- The College of Engineering Recruitment Informational Sessions for Parents/Guardians in Othmer Hall at two times throughout the day:
- 10:45 AM-11:30 AM, followed by a tour of the engineering complex.
- 1:30 PM-2:15 PM, followed by a tour of the engineering complex.
- From 12:00 PM-1:00 PM, all student participants will have the opportunity to tour the Engineering Complex for 30 minutes during lunch. Students should expect to divide the lunch hour in half, 30 minutes for a tour (either 12:00-12:30 or 12:30 to 1:00), and 30 minutes for lunch.
- The Registered Student Organization (RSO, Student Club) tables are in the queuing room (Room A211) on the second floor.
Please do not leave the reception desk unattended for any amount of time! The desk will be our guests go-to spot for event information, and it is crucial someone is there to help.
Time Slots: 7:00 AM – 9:30 AM
Quantity: 6 volunteers each time slot
Location: Kiewit Hall, 2nd Floor, Competition Queuing Area (East Commons Area)
Point of Contact: Patrick Stolinski (pstolinski2@huskers.unl.edu)
The role of the inspectors is to use preset criteria for evaluating team robot designs, programs, and competition readiness. The inspectors will use a set checklist of points and inspect the robot for flaws.
The checklist can be found here: recf.org/documents/2023/05/robot-inspection-checklist-vrc-over-under.pdf/
Once the checklist is complete, the inspectors will enter the team number on a tablet, and mark whether the inspection was completed, partially completed, or incomplete.
This role is only used for the beginning of competition day, as all teams must pass an inspection to partake in the rest of the competition. For technical questions on robot inspection criteria, ask a referee (in a black and white shirt).
Time Slots: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM, 1:00 PM – 5:30 PM
Quantity: 5 volunteers each time slot
Location: Kiewit Hall, 1st Floor, Café Dining/Entry Commons (A140)
Point of Contact: Patrick Stolinski (pstolinski2@huskers.unl.edu)
The role of concessions volunteers is to provide food service throughout the day. On-the-job training, food options and prices will be available on competition day. Please make any allergies known to event management.
Ice will need to be picked up from the Abel Dining Center at 9:15 AM by volunteers on the first shift. Coolers will be available in the concessions area to transport the ice back to Kiewit. Please call the Abel Kitchen at (402) 472-1020 (ask for cook Schuyler) before heading over to Abel Dining with the coolers to pick up the ice. If ice is needed again during the day, call the Abel Kitchen and arrange a pickup.
Ice will be dumped outside in an inconspicuous at the end of the day.
Skills Scorekeepers
Time Slots: 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM, 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Quantity: 2 volunteers each time slot
Location: Kiewit Hall, 2nd Floor, East Commons Area
Point of Contact: Patrick Stolinski (pstolinski2@huskers.unl.edu)
The role of the skills scorekeepers (different from Match Scorekeepers, who are responsible for scoring competition matches with a partner volunteer) is to run the robot skills challenge independently. Using tablets and the competition fields located in the Skills Challenge/Queuing room, volunteers will call teams in a queue line up to the field to run their matches.
Skills Scorekeepers will need to have a good understanding of how the skills challenge works in advance, and it is requested that volunteers have experience in this position at prior tournaments. Volunteers will be expected to understand the rules, scoring requirements, and other technical requirements of the challenge as they will play the “referee” (calling violations, disqualifying teams, and uploading official results) completely by themselves.
The Skills challenge will take place in the East Commons. While students are waiting in line, they are allowed to network with the RSOs located in the queuing room. When it is a team’s turn in line, the skills scorekeeper will call them up to run their match. This will allow participants to maximize their downtime and make connections with future college peers.
Time Slots: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Quantity: 8 volunteers each time slot
Location: Kiewit Hall, 2nd Floor)
Point of Contact: Anna Hadan (ahadan2@huskers.unl.edu)
The role of the Judge is to fairly evaluate teams’ technical designs, programs, team dynamics, competition strategy, and overall effectiveness throughout the day. Judges will conduct team interviews (individual sit-downs with each team) to ask questions regarding these subjects. After all interviews have been completed, judges will discuss to decide what team will win what award, based on published criteria.
This is an all-day commitment to maintain integrity and fairness amongst participants. Any team affiliations volunteers may have will be considered when designating teams to interview.
No information (including but not limited to) engineering notebooks, judging notes or other materials, may be discussed, shared, or exit the judging room. All materials (except for engineering notebooks which will be returned to teams) must be destroyed at the end of the judging session, and their contents must not be discussed with anyone after the judging period ends.
Time Slots: 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM, 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Quantity: 2 volunteers each time slot
Location: Kiewit Hall, 2nd Floor, East Commons Area
Point of Contact: Patrick Stolinski (pstolinski2@huskers.unl.edu)
The role of the emcee is to provide a meaningful and engaging experience for event attendees centered around the robotics competition. Volunteers in this role are asked to have some robotics experience and that they are comfortable speaking in front of people on a microphone.
Arena Setters
Time Slots: 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM, 12:30 PM – 5:30 PM
Quantity: 10 volunteers each time slot
Location: Kiewit Hall, 2nd Floor, East Commons Area
Point of Contact: Patrick Stolinski (pstolinski2@huskers.unl.edu)
Arena setters are responsible, with the assistance of the competing teams, for resetting the competition field after each match. Volunteers do not have to have any experience to perform this role, but are asked to understand the game elements and layout that can be found here: https://www.vexrobotics.com/over-under-manual#Sec2-Overview
Match Scorekeepers
Time Slots: 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM, 12:30 PM – 5:30 PM
Quantity: 8 volunteers each time slot
Location: Kiewit Hall, 2nd Floor, East Commons Area
Point of Contact: Patrick Stolinski (pstolinski2@huskers.unl.edu)
Match Scorekeepers (different from Skills Scorekeepers, who are independently running the Skills Challenge) are responsible for counting points scored by teams at the end of each competition match, entering the score on the tablet, verifying it is accurate with their scorekeeper partner, and then verifying with teams. This is a critical role in ensuring efficiency and quick turnover times of competition fields throughout the competition. Match Scorekeepers do not need previous experience, but are asked to be familiar with Section 2 of the Over Under Game Manual, found here: https://www.vexrobotics.com/over-under-manual#Sec2-Overview
Match Queuing Assistant
Time Slots: 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM, 12:30 PM – 5:00 PM
Quantity: 4 volunteers each time slot
Location: Kiewit Hall, 2nd Floor, Queuing Room (Room A211) & East Commons Area
Point of Contact: Patrick Stolinski (pstolinski2@huskers.unl.edu)
The role of Match Queuing Assistants (or “queuers”) is to ensure the efficient flow of teams from the pits to the queue line and then to their competition or skills matches. Queuers will be provided with a clipboard and the schedule of matches to keep track of teams.
Match queuing will look different at UNL compared to traditional tournaments. To maximize participant’s experience on campus as potential future students at the University, teams will wait in no queuing lines for matches. Instead, with the support of the Queuing Volunteers, students will check their robot in with Match Queuing Assistants, and then can network with the RSOs (UNL student clubs) with representatives in the queuing room.
Teams are responsible for showing up for matches on time, and the queuer helps make this happen. Teams should enter the queue room well in advance of their match through the West door (Room A211, the classroom directly behind the competition fields), and they will check their robot in with the Queuer Volunteers and place their robot on an assigned table (one of the competition queue tables in Room A211, as shown below). Using a whiteboard, the queuer will write down the match that the team is waiting for. On the clipboard schedule sheet, the queuer will cross the team off as present. Queuers are then responsible for monitoring the tables and the flow of matches. As the team waits, they are allowed to network with the UNL students in the queuing room. This will allow teams to connect with current UNL students and explore future possibilities at the university.
Once a team is 5 competition matches away, the queuers will call the team up via the microphone for Room A211. The team will pick up their robot, exit the queuing room, and wait on the “Standby” queuing tables outside the door (the Competition Queue tables located outside Room A211, behind the competition fields). Then, as the fields clear, teams will take the field for their match.
While it is the team’s responsibility to be on time, if a team has not checked in at the queuing room 5 matches their match, a queuer will need to go to the pits to check if the team is there.
This system will allow teams to explore future opportunities at UNL during their day on campus. It is the responsibility of the queueing volunteers to make sure students are leaving the queuing room on time.
Crowd Control – Staircase Guard (1st Floor, LL Staircase)
Time Slots: 7:00 AM – 12:30 PM, 12:30 PM – 5:30 PM
Quantity: 2 volunteers each time slot
Location: Kiewit Hall, 1st Floor, Lower-Level Staircase
Point of Contact: Patrick Stolinski (pstolinski2@huskers.unl.edu)
Due to ongoing construction in Kiewit Hall, participants and guests are only authorized to occupy the 1st and 2nd floors of the building. Crowd Control guards are necessary to block additional staircases and ways of entry to other parts of the building.
This location needs to be guarded due to the staircases that lead to the basement. A chair will be provided at the staircase for the volunteers. Only those on the Authorized Entry list are approved to go beyond the guarded point.
Authorized Entry:
No other persons are authorized to go beyond the guarded point due to hazards to safety and security. If someone not authorized to pass raises an argument, direct them to the event management personnel.
In the event of a fire, or other cause of immediate evacuation, this guarded point becomes voided and will be used as an emergency exit.
Crowd Control – Hallway Guard (2nd Floor, Othmer Hall Exit)
Time Slots: 7:00 AM – 12:30 PM, 12:30 PM – 5:30 PM
Quantity: 2 volunteers each time slot
Location: Kiewit Hall, 2nd Floor, Othmer Hall Skywalk
Point of Contact: Patrick Stolinski (pstolinski2@huskers.unl.edu)
Due to ongoing construction in Kiewit Hall, participants, guests and UNL Students are only authorized to occupy the 1st and 2nd floors of the building. Crowd Control guards are necessary to block additional staircases and ways of entry to other parts of the building.
This location needs to be guarded due to the skywalk that leads to Othmer Hall. A chair will be provided at both sides of the hallway for the volunteers. Only those on the Authorized Entry list are approved to go beyond the guarded point.
Authorized Entry:
If the 2nd Floor of Kiewit Hall pushes occupancy limits, all guests will be allowed to enter Othmer Hall to make way to Othmer B159. B159 is designated as an overflow room where guests will be able to watch the event livestream and alleviate space in Kiewit.
No other persons are authorized to go beyond the guarded point due to hazards to safety and security. If someone not authorized to pass raises an argument, direct them to the event management personnel.
In the event of a fire, or other cause of immediate evacuation, this guarded point becomes voided and will be used as an emergency exit.
Crowd Control – Staircase Guard (2nd Floor, NW Staircase)
Time Slots: 7:00 AM – 12:30 PM, 12:30 PM – 5:30 PM
Quantity: 1 volunteer each time slot
Location: Kiewit Hall, 2nd Floor, NW Staircase Entrance in Main Hallway by Elevators
Point of Contact: Patrick Stolinski (pstolinski2@huskers.unl.edu)
Due to ongoing construction in Kiewit Hall, participants, guests and UNL Students are only authorized to occupy the 1st and 2nd floors of the building. Crowd Control guards are necessary to block additional staircases and ways of entry to other parts of the building.
This location needs to be guarded due to the staircase that leads to the other floors of the building. A chair will be provided at both ends of the staircase for the volunteer. Only those on the Authorized Entry list are approved to go beyond the guarded point.
Authorized Entry:
No other persons are authorized to go beyond the guarded point due to hazards to safety and security. If someone not authorized to pass raises an argument, direct them to the event management personnel.
In the event of a fire, or other cause of immediate evacuation, this guarded point becomes voided and will be used as an emergency exit.
Crowd Control – Staircase Guard (3rd Floor, Central Staircase)
Time Slots: 7:00 AM – 12:30 PM, 12:30 PM – 5:30 PM
Quantity: 1 volunteer each time slot
Location: Kiewit Hall, 2nd Floor, Central Staircase in East Commons Area
Point of Contact: Patrick Stolinski (pstolinski2@huskers.unl.edu)
Due to ongoing construction in Kiewit Hall, participants, guests and UNL Students are only authorized to occupy the 1st 2nd and only on a tour/college informational session, 3rd floors of the building. Crowd Control guards are necessary to block additional staircases and ways of entry to other parts of the building.
This location needs to be guarded due to the staircase that leads to the upper floors of the building. A chair will be provided at the end of the staircase for the volunteer. Only those on the Authorized Entry list are approved to go beyond the guarded point.
Authorized Entry:
No other persons are authorized to go beyond the guarded point due to hazards to safety and security. If someone not authorized to pass raises an argument, direct them to the event management personnel.
In the event of a fire, or other cause of immediate evacuation, this guarded point becomes voided and will be used as an emergency exit.