Personal Links:
• Ultrasonics (QUISP Lab)
• Google Scholar Page
• Research Gate Page
Academic Degrees
- Ph.D. in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
- MEngr in Engineering Science and Mechanics, Iowa State University
- B.S. in Engineering Science and Mechanics, Iowa State University
Areas of Research and Professional Interest
- Experimental ultrasonics: nondestructive evaluation, materials characterization
- Nanoindentation: quasi-static, nanoDMA, novel measurement technique development
- Atomic force microscopy: contact resonance AFM, AFM beam dynamics, viscoelastic characterization
- Elastic wave propagation: complex media, anisotropic media, scattering, radiative transfer, diffusion
Google Scholar Page
Research Gate Page
Mar 02, 2015:
NSF-funded project explores plant cell growth
Jun 27, 2014:
Turner named prestigious ASA Fellow
Honors and Awards
Fellow, Acoustical Society of America (2014)
Wilhelm Bessel Forschungspreis, Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung (2013)
Selected Publications
- C. M. Kube and J. A. Turner, "Ultrasonic attenuation in polycrystals using a self-consistent approach," Wave Motion (to appear, 2015).
- M. Yanagisawa, A. Desyatova, S. Belteton, E. Mallery, J. A. Turner, D. B. Szymanski, “Patterning mechanisms of cytoskeletal and cell wall systems during leaf trichome morphogenesis,” Nature Plants 1 article 15014 (2015).
- P. Hu and J. A. Turner, “Contribution of double scattering in diffuse ultrasonic backscatter measurements,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 137, 321-344 (2015).
- E. Forouzesh, A. K. Goel, and J. A. Turner, “Quantifying plant cell wall failure in vivo using nanoindentation,” MRS Communications 4, 107-111 (2014).
- H. Du, C. Lonsdale, J. Oliver, B. M. Wilson, and J. A. Turner “Measurement of quench depth in railroad wheels by diffuse ultrasonic backscatter,” J. Nondestructive Evaluation33, 104-110 (2014).
- H. Du and J. A. Turner, “Ultrasonic attenuation in pearlitic steel,” Ultrasonics 54 882-887 (2014).
- P. Hu, C. M. Kube, L. W. Koester, and J. A. Turner, “Mode-converted diffuse ultrasonic backscatter,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 134, 982-990 (2013).
- A. Subramanian, J. A. Turner, G. Budiraja, S. G. Thakurta, N. P. Whitney, S. S. Nudurupati, “Ultrasonic bioreactor as a platform for studying cellular response to ultrasound,” Tissue Engineering C 19, 244-255 (2013).
- E. Forouzesh, A. Goel, S. A. Mackenzie, and J. A. Turner, “In vivo extraction of Arabidopsis cell turgor pressure using nanoindentation in conjunction with finite element modeling,” the Plant Journal73, 509-520, doi: 10.1111/tpj.12042 (2013).
- C. M. Kube, H. Du, G. Ghoshal, and J. A. Turner, “Stress-dependent changes in diffuse ultrasonic backscatter coefficient in steel: Experimental results,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 132, EL43-48 (2012).
- B. J. Polly, P. A. Yuya, M. P. Akhter, R. R. Recker, and J. A. Turner, “Intrinsic material properties of trabecular bone by nanoindentation testing of biopsies taken from healthy women before and after menopause,” Calcified Tissue International 90, 286-293 (2012)
- C. M. Hayot, E. Forouzesh, A. Goel, Z. Avramova and J. A. Turner, “Viscoelastic parameters of cell walls of single living plant cells determined by dynamic nanoindentation,” J. Exp. Botany 16, 2525-2540 (2012).
- J. P. Killgore, D. G. Yablon, A. H. Tsou, A. Gannepalli, P. A. Yuya, J. A. Turner, R. Proksch, and D. C. Hurley, “Viscoelastic property mapping with contact resonance force microscopy,” Langmuir 27, 13983-13987 (2011).