Natural Resources and Irrigation Engineering
Natural Resources and Irrigation Engineering
Abundant, clean water is becoming more valuable every day, and irrigation is critical for increasing food production. A Natural Resources and Irrigation Engineer (NRIE) is someone who uses science and engineering tools to solve problems related to our water resources and irrigation systems. Find out how engineers help conserve resources as you study the interactions between soils, plants, and watershed hydrology that influence the way these resources are used in planning irrigation systems, tillage and cultivation practices, conservation buffers, and watershed management.
Students can develop irrigation and drainage systems as well as apply water resources engineering tools to current water management challenges. There are many applications for this career field, and if you want to play a role in improving and protecting our food production and natural resources, this is the field of study for you!
Recommended Classes:

Introduction to soil and water resources and the engineering processes used to analyze watersheds. Soil water relations, evapotranspiration, precipitation, runoff, erosion, flow in natural waterways and through reservoirs, wetland and groundwater hydrology, and water quality. Geographic information system utilized to develop maps and analyze watershed characteristics. A selected watershed is investigated.

Application of engineering principles to the movement of groundwater. Analysis and design of wells, well fields, and artificial recharge. Analysis of pollutant movement.

Identification, characterization, and assessment of nonpoint source pollutants; transport mechanisms and remediation technologies; design methodologies and case studies.

Characterization of wastes from animal production. Specification and design of collection, transport, storage, treatment, and land application systems. Air and water pollution, regulatory and management aspects.

Analytical and design consideration of evapotranspiration, soil moisture, and water movement as related to irrigation and drainage systems; analysis and design of components of irrigation and drainage systems including water supplies, pumping plants, sprinkler systems, and center pivots.
For more information, visit the Agricultural Engineering (AGEN) section of the Undergraduate Catalog.
After Graduation
After completing a B.S. in Agricultural Engineering with an emphasis in Natural Resources and Irrigation Engineering, many students pursue a job within irrigation, including water management and system design. Other career areas include soil erosion, drainage systems, water supplies, water quality and quantity, geographic information systems, and nonpoint source pollution control. There are also students who choose to continue with their education and pursue advanced degrees.
Emphasis Areas

Machine Design Engineering
Invent, design, or improve the machines used by agriculture, heavy construction, industry, and households.
Natural Resources and Irrigation Engineering
Design irrigation systems, reduce soil erosion, and apply engineering tools to current water management challenges.