Benjamin Riggan

Contact Information:

City Campus (Lincoln)
(402) 472-3771

Personal Links:

Image + Signal Analysis Lab
personal webpage
google scholar

Professional Memberships:

• IEEE (Senior Member), SPIE

Assistant Professor
Associate Editor IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems (TAES)

Academic Degrees

  • Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, North Carolina State University, 2014
  • M.S. Electrical Engineering, North Carolina State University, 2011
  • B.S. Computer Engineering, North Carolina State University, 2009

Areas of Research and Professional Interest

  • Domain Adaptation
  • Image & Signal Processing
  • Computer Vision
  • Machine Learning & Deep Learning
  • Biometrics

Courses Taught

  • ECEN 898 - Introduction to Computer Vision (Spring 2020-2024)
  • ECEN 998 - Advanced Computer Vision (Fall 2020)
  • ECEN 815 - Digital Image Processing (Fall 2021)
  • ECEN 304 - Signals & Systems I (Fall 2022-2023)

Selected Publications

Peer Reviewed Journal Publications

  • D. D. Poster, S. Hu, N. J. Short, B. S. Riggan, and N. M. Nasrabadi, "Visible-to-Thermal Transfer Learning for Facial Landmark Detection," in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 52759-52772, 2021, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3070233. 
  •  X. Di, B. S. Riggan, S. Hu, N. J. Short and V. M. Patel, "Multi-Scale Thermal to VisibleFace Verification via Attribute Guided Synthesis," in IEEE Transactions on Biometrics,Behavior, and Identity Science, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 266-280, April 2021, doi: 10.1109/TBIOM.2021.3060641.
  • K. Lee, Y. Lee, A. Raina, Y. Liu, J. Wu, C. Defrancisci, B. S. Riggan, and S. S. Bhattacharyya, "Software Synthesis from dataflow schedule graphs," SN Applied Sciences 3, 142, 2021.
  • S. Roheda, H. Krim and B. S. Riggan, "Robust Multi-Modal Sensor Fusion: An Adversarial Approach," in IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 1885-1896, 15 Jan.15, 2021, doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2020.3018698. 
  • M. Mostofa, S. N. Ferdous, B. S. Riggan, and N. M. Nasrabadi, "Joint-SRVDNet: Joint Super Resolution and Vehicle Detection Network," in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 82306-82319, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2990870.
  • S. M. Iranmanesh, B. S. Riggan, S. Hu, N. M. Nasrabadi, "Coupled generative adversarial network for heterogeneous face recognition," Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 94, 103861, February 2020. 
  • H. Zhang, B. S. Riggan, S. Hu, N. J. Short and V. M. Patel, “Synthesis of High-Quality Visible Faces from Polarimetric Thermal Faces using Generative Adversarial Networks,” International Journal of Computer Vision, vol. 127, pp. 845–-862, 2019. 

Conference Proceedings: Peer reviewed

  • K. Nikhal, B. S. Riggan, “Unsupervised Attention Based Instance Discriminative Learning for Person Re-Identification,” in Proc. of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conf. on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), pp. 2422-2431, Jan. 2021. 
  • D. Poster, M. Thielke, R. Nguyen, S. Rajaraman, X. Di, C. N. Fondje, N. J. Short, B. S. Riggan, V. M. Patel, N. M. Nasrabadi, S. Hu, “A Large-Scale, Time-Synchronized Visible and Thermal Face Dataset,” in Proc. of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conf. on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), pp. 1559-1568, Jan. 2021. 
  • C. N. Fondje, S. Hu, N. J. Short, and B. S. Riggan, “Cross-Domain Identification for Thermal-to-Visible Face Recognition,” 2020 IEEE Int’l Joint Conf. on Biometrics (IJCB), pp. 1-9, Sept. 2020. 
  • D. Poster, S. Hu, N. Nasrabadi and B. S. Riggan, “An Examination of Deep-Learning Based Landmark Detection Methods on Thermal Face Imagery,” 2019 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), pp. 980-987, June 2019. 
  • X. Di, B. S. Riggan, S. Hu, N. J. Short and V. M. Patel, "Polarimetric Thermal to Visible Face Verification via Self-Attention Guided Synthesis," 2019 International Conference on Biometrics (ICB), pp. 1-8, June 2019.
  • S. Roheda, H. Krim and B. S. Riggan, “Commuting Conditional GANS for Multi-Modal Fusion,” ICASSP 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp. 3197-3201, May 2020.