Academic Degrees
- Ph.D., Iowa State University, 1979
- M.S.I.E., Iowa State University, 1976
- B.S.E.E., Iowa State University, 1972
Areas of Research and Professional Interest
- Electricity market
- Modeling and analysis of smart grid
- Systems engineering and risk analysis
About Fred Choobineh
Dr. Choobineh P. E. is Blackman Distinguished Professor Emeritus. He joined the faculty of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Engineering in 1978, and was a member of the Industrial Engineering faculty before joining the Electrical & Computer Engineering faculty in 2011. He also held a courtesy appointment as a Professor of Management.
His current research interests in systems engineering include transmission planning, smart grid, and simulation output analysis. His research has been funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the private sector, and he has served as the Principal Investigator or co-Principal Investigator for more than $70M of extramural funding primarily from the NSF. He is a recipient of the Nebraska Legislator Award for Distinguished Teaching in the College of Engineering, and a multiple recipient of the University of Nebraska Parents’ Association Recognition Award for Contributions to Students. He is also a recipient of the Joseph K. Walkup Prominence in Industrial Engineering Award from Iowa State University and a Fellow of the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers.
Dr. Choobineh served as the Director of Nebraska Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) for 15 years. He is a registered Professional Engineer in Nebraska and has served the Chair of the State of Nebraska Board of Engineers and Architects. He has also served as the President of UNL Faculty Senate.
Selected Publications
- Cervantes, J. and F. F. Choobineh, "A Quantile-Based Approach for Transmission Expansion Planning", Accepted in IEEE Access, 2020.
- Batur, D. and F. F. Choobineh, “Selecting the Best Alternative Based on Its Quantile”, Accepted in Informs Journal on Computing, 2020.
- Cervantes, J. and F. F. Choobineh, “A Mean-variance Approach to Transmission Network Planning”, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Vol 115, 2020.
- Cheng, J., R. Li, F. F. Choobineh, and Q. Hu, “Dispatchable Generation of a Novel Compressed-Air Assisted Wind Turbine and its Operation Mechanism”, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, Vol 10, N0 4, pp 2201-2210, 2019.
- Cervantes, J. and F. Choobineh, “Optimal Sizing of a Nonutility-Scale Solar Power System and its Battery”, Applied Energy, pp. 105-115, 2018.
- Batur D., L. Wang, and F. Choobineh, “Methods for System Selection Based on Sequential Mean-Variance Analysis”, Informs Journal on Computing, Vol. 30, No.4, pp 724-738, 2018.
- Ziaee, O., O. Alizadeh-Mousavi, and F.F. Choobineh, “Co-optimization of transmission expansion planning and TCSC placement considering the correlation between wind and demand scenarios,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 33, No 1, pp 206-215, 2018.
- Ziaee, O. and F.F. Choobineh, “Optimal Location-Allocation of TCSCs and Transmission Switch Placement Under High Penetration of Wind Power”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 32 , No. 4, pp. 3006-3014, 2017.
- Ziaee, O. and F.F. Choobineh, “Optimal Location-Allocation of TCSC Devices on a Transmission Network”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 94-102, 2017.
- Cheng, J., and F. Choobineh, “A Novel Wind Energy Conversion System with Storage for Spillage Recovery”, Journal of Power and Energy Engineering, Vol. 3, pp. 33-38, 2015.
- Marvizadeh, S.Z., S. Zamiri, and F.F. Choobineh, “Entropy-based dispatching for automatic guided vehicles,” International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 52, No. 11, pp. 3303-3316, 2014.
- Fakhrazari, Amin, Hamid Vakilzadian, F. Fred Choobineh, “Optimal Energy Scheduling for a Smart Entity,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Vol. 5, No. 6, pp. 2919-2928, 2014.