Jerald Varner

Contact Information:

City Campus (Lincoln)
(402) 472-3771

Associate Professor and Undergraduate Advisor

Academic Degrees

  • Ph.D., 1972 University of Nebraska Lincoln, NE
  • M.S., 1965 University of Nebraska Lincoln, NE
  • B.S., 1963 University of Nebraska Lincoln, NE

Areas of Research and Professional Interest

  • Digital signal processing with applications to physiological signals and software development to control stimulus presentation and real time data acquisition.

About Jerald Varner

Dr. Varner received his Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in July of 1972. He has been a member of the faculty of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln since 1965 and is currently an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering. His research interests have largely been in the area of digital signal processing with applications to physiological signals. Since 1984, he has worked summers as a Visiting Researcher on the National Institutes of Health Campus in Bethesda, Maryland doing research related to the analysis of the electrical activity of the brain.

Selected Publications

  • J.L. Varner, S.R. Paige, M.J. Eckhardt and R. J. J.L.Varner, R.J. Ellingson, L. Danahy and D. Nelson, "Interhemispheric Amplitude Symmetry in the EEG's of Full-Term Newborns", Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol. 43, 1977, pp. 846-852.
  • J.L. Varner, J.F. Peters and R.J. Ellingson, "Interhemispheric Synchrony in the EEG's of Full-Term Newborns," Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol. 45, 1978.
  • J.L. Peters, J.L. Varner and R.J. Ellingson, "Interhemispheric Amplitude Symmetry in the EEG's of Normal Full-Term, Low Risk Premature, and Trisomy-21 Infants", Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol. 51, 1981, pp. 165-169.
  • J.W. Rohrbaugh, D.B. Newlin, J.L. Varner and R.J. Ellingson, "Bilateral Distribution of the O Wave", Brain and Information: Event Related Potentials, R. Harrer, J. Cohen and P. Treting (Editors), Annals of the New York Academy of Science, Vol. 425, 184, pp. 267-270.
  • J. W. Rohrbaugh, J. L. Varner, J. F. peters, R. J. Ellingson and M.J. Eckhart, "Brain-Stem Auditory Evoked Poreintials are Unaltered During the Orienting Response", Current Trends in Event-Related Potential Research (EEG Suppl. 40), 1987, pp. 132-137.
  • J.W. Rohrbaugh, J.M. Stapleton, H.W. Frowein, B. Adinoff, J.L. Varner, E.A. Lane, M.J. Eckhardt and M. Linnoila, "Acute Effects of Ethanol on Motor Performance and Movement-Related Brain Potentials", Advances in Alcohol and Substance Abuse, 1988, 7:53-57.
  • J.W. Rohrbaugh, J.M. Stapleton, R. Parasuraman, H.W. Frowein, B. Adinoff, J.L. Varner, E.A. Lane, MJ. Eckhardt and M. Linnoila, "Alcohol Intoxication Reduces Visual Sustained Attention", Psychopharmacology, 1988, 96: 442-446.
  • J.W. Rohrbaugh, Ellison, "Sensitivity During Orienting: Effects on an Electrophysiological Measure of Auditory Function," Biological Psychology, 1989, 29, 247-271.
  • J.W. Rohrbaugh, J.L. Varner, S.R. Paige, M.J. Eckhardt and R.J. Ellison, "Orienting to Sound and Light: Effects on the Evoked 40Hz EEG Rhythm," EEG Journal 76, pp. 148-164, 1990.
  • J.W. Rohrbaugh, J.L. Varner, S.R. Paige, M.O. Eckhardt and R.J. Ellison, "An Electrophysiological Measure of Sensitivity During Orienting: Effects of Probability, Insensitivity and Repeated Sessions," International Journal of Psychophysiology 10, pp. 17-32.
  • Enoch, M.A., Rohrbaugh, J.W., Davis, E.Z., Harris, C.K., Ellingson, R.J., Andreason, P., Moore, V., Varner, J.L., Brown, G.L., Eckhardt, M.J., and Goldman, D. "Relationship on Genetically Transmitted Alpha EEG Traits ot Anxiety Disorders and Alcoholism," American Journal of Medical Genetics (Neurophychiatric), 60: 400-408, 1995.