Professor Emeritus
Academic Degrees
- Ph.D. University of California, Los Angeles, 1965
- M.S. University of California, Los Angeles, 1961
- BSME University of Iowa, 1958
Current Position
Retired since 1998
- Professor Emerius, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
- Professor Emeritus, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Previous Professional Experience
- 1990-1998 University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- 1968-1990 University of Nebraska, Lincoln Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering since 1972
- Prior to 1972: Associate Professor jointly in Dept. of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
- 1958-1968 Various aerospace companies, including General Dynamics (Convair), Hughes Aircraft Co., and Aerospace Corporation
- 1978-1979 National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. while on leave from Nebraska.
- 1975-1998 Organized and presented numerous short courses on Kalman Filtering and control theory at UCLA and various military and industrial sites.
Professional Memberships
- Association of Old Crows
- Fellow Member of IEEE
- Registered Professional Engineer in Nebraska and Nevada
- Member of Sigma Xi, Tau Beta Oi, Pi Tau Sigma, Eta Kappa Nu and Sigma Tau
Selected Publications
- Modern Control Theory, Quantum Publishers, 1974
- Modern Control Theory, Prentice Hall, Inc, 3 Editions, 1982, 1985, 1991
- Numerous journal articles and chapters in handbooks dealing with filtering and control theory.
- Authored over 120 conference papers and technical reports from 1967 through 1996.