Personal Links:
• Lab web siteProfessional Memberships:
• ACM• Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Academic Degrees
- Ph.D., Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA
- M.S., Utah State University, Logan, UT, USA
- M.Eng., China Textile University, Shanghai, China
- B.S., Suzhou University, Suzhou, China
- Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2016 - present
- Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2012 - 2016
- Assistant Professor, Department of Computer and Electronics Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2009 - 2012
Areas of Research and Professional Interest
- Cyber Security and Privacy
- Information and Communication Network Security
- Information Assurance
- Cyber Physical Systems
- Computer Communication Networks
- Internet of Things
- Big Data and Deep Learning/Machine Learning Algorithms
- Cloud Computing
- Mobile Computing
- Network System Modeling and Performance Analysis
- Smart Grid Communications
- Vehicular Communications
- Wireless Communications
- Next Generation Wireless Networks
Nov 28, 2018:
Yi Qian named to class of 2019 IEEE Fellows
Apr 25, 2016:
Fourteen faculty granted promotion or tenure
Feb 04, 2010:
2010 Research Development Fellows named
Courses Taught
About Yi Qian
Yi Qian received a Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Clemson University, in Clemson, South Carolina. He is currently a professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL). Prior to joining UNL, he worked in the telecommunications industry, academia, and government. Some of his previous professional positions include serving as a senior member of scientific staff and a technical advisor at Nortel Networks, a senior systems engineer and a technical advisor at several startup companies, an assistant professor at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, and a senior researcher at the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
His research interests include cyber security and communication network security, and computer and communication networks. He has research and industry experience in information and communication network security, wireless communications and networks, wireless sensor networks, vehicular communication networks, smart grid communications, broadband satellite communications, optical communications, high-speed communications and networks, and Internet of Things.
Prof. Yi Qian is a Fellow of IEEE. He was previously Chair of the IEEE Technical Committee for Communications and Information Security. He was the Technical Program Chair for IEEE International Conference on Communications 2018. He serves or has served on the Editorial Boards of several international journals and magazines, including as the Editor-in-Chief for IEEE Wireless Communications between July 2018 and June 2022. He was a Distinguished Lecturer for IEEE Vehicular Technology Society and a Distinguished Lecturer for IEEE Communications Society.
His research interests include cyber security and communication network security, and computer and communication networks. He has research and industry experience in information and communication network security, wireless communications and networks, wireless sensor networks, vehicular communication networks, smart grid communications, broadband satellite communications, optical communications, high-speed communications and networks, and Internet of Things.
Prof. Yi Qian is a Fellow of IEEE. He was previously Chair of the IEEE Technical Committee for Communications and Information Security. He was the Technical Program Chair for IEEE International Conference on Communications 2018. He serves or has served on the Editorial Boards of several international journals and magazines, including as the Editor-in-Chief for IEEE Wireless Communications between July 2018 and June 2022. He was a Distinguished Lecturer for IEEE Vehicular Technology Society and a Distinguished Lecturer for IEEE Communications Society.
Honors and Awards
- IEEE CISTC Technical Recognition Award, IEEE Communications and Information Security Technical Committee (CISTC), December 2023.
- Research Leaders Program Fellow, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, August 2022 - May 2023.
- Research Excellence Award, College of Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, October 2022.
- IEEE TCGCC Distinguished Technical Achievement Recognition Award, IEEE Technical Committee on Green Communications & Computing (TCGCC), December 2018.
- IEEE CISTC Outstanding Service Award, IEEE Communications and Information Security Technical Committee (CISTC), December 2018.
- Holling Family Distinguished Teaching/Advising/Mentoring Award, College of Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, April 2018.
- Holling Family Distinguished Teaching Award for Innovative Use of Instructional Technology, College of Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, April 2018.
- William E. Brooks Engineering Leadership Fellow, College of Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, September 2014 – August 2018.
- Distinguished Lecturer, IEEE Communications Society, January 2018 - December 2021.
- Distinguished Lecturer, IEEE Vehicular Technology Society, July 2014 - June 2018.
- Faculty Service Award, College of Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, April 2014.
- Holling Family Distinguished Teaching Award, College of Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, April 2012.
- Henry Y. Kleinkauf Family Distinguished New Faculty Teaching Award, College of Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, April 2011.