[2024, August 23] Selected by UNL Chancellor to join a new AI Task Force convened by President Dr. Jeffrey P. Gold. This task force, including experts from all four University of Nebraska campuses, will focus on advancing generative AI and fostering inter-campus collaboration.
[2024, July 31] Awarded NSF supplemental funding to develop a generative AI tool, using NLP and LLMs to improve the generation of theory-based feedback
[2024, June 20] Delivered a tutorial titled "How Can AI Innovations Drive Effective Healthcare Applications?" at the Heartland Workshop on Heart Sounds and AI, hosted by the University of Nebraska Medical Center
[2024, May 5] Congratulations, Helen Martinez, on receiving the 2024-2025 UCARE (Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experience) award!
[2024, April 17] Congratulations, Ahatsham, on being awarded the College of Engineering Milton E. Mohr Fellowship for the academic year 2024-25!
[2024, April 17] Presented a keynote speech titled "The Future is Behind Us: Close Encounters of the First Kind with Artificial Intelligence" at the Nebraska Data Conference hosted by the Nebraska Department of Education
[2024, March 22] Gave a talk on "Navigating the Rapidly Evolving Terrain of AI Research" at the Advisory Board Meeting of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UNL
[2024, March 13] Our research on AI-based intervention systems is spotlighted in The 74
[2024, March 10] Our paper on enhancing zero-shot learning capabilities of Large Language Models has been accepted at the 2024 ASEE (American Society for Engineering Education) Annual Conference
[2023, November 15] Joined a panel discussion at UNL as a speaker to suggest strategies to Nebraska researchers for developing a winning Grand Challenges proposal
[2023, August 28] We received the 2023 UNL Grand Challenges Planning Grant Award for our research on Participatory Artificial Intelligence for behavior change to improve climate resilience and food security via a tribal non-tribal community partnership
[2023, August 9] Gave a presentation on "ChatGPT and Limits of AI" to the Lincoln Public Schools (LPS) science teachers at the UNL-LPS STEM Connector event
[2023, August] Chinh Hoang joined my lab as a Ph.D. student. Welcome!
[2023, August] Congratulations to Nathan Roberts and Sharif Akil for obtaining the 2023-2024 UCARE (Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experience) award!
[2023, July 19] Our article on AI-based intervention is published in PLoS One
[2023, July 13] Gave an invited talk on "Modern AI, its discontents, and how I am using it for social good" at LES (Lincoln Electric System)'s PluggedIn event which is targeted for a future leadership development group
[2023, July 6] Received the Research Development Fellows Program (RDFP) Award
[2023, June 25 - 28] Presented our paper on the Trajectory-Clustering Framework for Assessing AI-Based Adaptive Interventions at the 2023 ASEE (American Society for Engineering Education) Annual Conference in Baltimore, Maryland
[2023, May 30] Congratulations to Keyik Annagulyyeva and Yusup Orazov for obtaining the UCARE (Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experience) award! Welcome to the team
[2023, May 23] Received the Faculty Affairs award for the External Mentoring Program
[2023, May 19] My undergraduate research assistant Nathan Roberts received the Undergraduate Honors Award for the most original research in the 2023 Student Research Days Poster Sessions and Creative Exhibitions. Congratulations, Nathan!
[2023, April 3] Our paper on AI-based adaptive interventions has been accepted at the 2023 ASEE (American Society for Engineering Education) Annual Conference
[2023, March 28] My undergraduate research assistant Nathan Roberts (sponsored by UCARE) presented a poster on his research on the generalizability of deep learning vision models during the UNL 2023 Spring Student Research Days. Well done, Nathan!
[2022, September 7] Congratulations Nathan Roberts for obtaining the UCARE (Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experience) award! Welcome to the team
[2022, August 5] My student Thomas Walton (Summer 2022 UCARE) presented a poster on his research on the neural network during the UNL COE Summer Undergraduate Research Fair (SURF). Well done, Tom!
[2022, July 25] Story of our NSF-sponsored research on AI for behavioral intervention is published in the Nebraska Today
[2022, June 21] Received the UNL Collaboration Initiative Grant. Role: Co-PI. Project: An Innovative AI-Augmented Real-Time Remote Access Engineering Lab Using Robotics and Computer Vision
[2022, June 7] Received the UNL Collaboration Initiative Grant. Role: Co-PI. Project: Artificial intelligence-based condition monitoring and fault detection for power system equipment
[2021, November 4] Joined a panel discussion on Racial Bias in Artificial Intelligence Models as part of the Cooper Community Conversation at the UNL
[2021, October 21] Paper accepted at the 20th IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT 2021)
[2021, April 22] Congratulations to Atharva Tendle for successfully defending his M.S. thesis on "The Revolution Will Not be Supervised": An Investigation of the Efficacy and Reasoning Process of Self-Supervised Representations
[2021, April 13] Congratulations to Yuanzhi Chen for successfully defending his M.S. thesis on Towards a Machine Learning-based Generalizable Framework for Detecting COVID-19 Misinformation on Social Media
[2021, April 6] Received a grant from the Nebraska Governance and Technology Center (NGTC) at the UNL for developing a Deep Learning framework to identify health-related misinformation from online social media