- The nano-optics group at the University of Rochester led by Dr. Lukas Novotny
- The spectroscopy group led by Dr. Bruno Pettinger (The group's former director, Prof. Gerhard Ertl, has been awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry 2007 for his studies of chemical processes on solid surfaces)
- Dr. Achim Hartschuh's group at the University of München
- The nanophotonics laboratory led by Dr. Satoshi Kawata (author of the book "Near-Field Optics and Surface Plasmon Polaritons")
- Dr. Satoshi Kawata's cyber lab
- The nano-optics group at the Max-Planck-Institute for solid state research
- Dr. ZeXiang Shen's group at the Nanyang Technological University
- Dr. Park's group at the University of Colorado, Boulder
- Dr. Alexei P. Sokolov's group at the University of Akron
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- College of Engineering - University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- National Nanotechnology Initiative National Science Foundation