Journal Publications:
2018 | Li, Dawei, Zhiyong Xiao, Sai Mu, Fei Wang, Ying Liu, Jingfeng Song, Xi Huang et al. "A Facile Space-Confined Solid-Phase Sulfurization Strategy for Growth of High-Quality Ultrathin Molybdenum Disulfide Single Crystals." Nano letters (2018) |
2018 | Fan, Lisha, Loic Constantin, Dawei Li, Lei Liu, Kamran Keramatnejad, Clio Azina, Xi Huang et al. "Ultraviolet laser photolysis of hydrocarbons for nondiamond carbon suppression in chemical vapor deposition of diamond films." Light: Science & Applications (2018). |
2017 | Li, Dawei, Lijia Jiang, Zhiyong Xiao, H. Rabiee Golgir, Xi Huang et al. " Large-Area 2D/3D MoS2-MoO2 Heterostructures with Thermally Stable Exciton and Intriguing Electrical Transport Behaviors." Advanced Electronic Materials (2017). |
2017 | Keramatnejad, K, Li, Dawei, H. Rabiee Golgir, Xi Huang et al. " Laser-assisted Nanowelding of Graphene to Metals: An Optical Approach towards Ultralow Contact Resistance" Advanced Materials Interfaces, (2017). |
2017 | Hossein Rabiee Golgir, Dawei Li, Kamran Keramatnejad, Qi Ming Zou, Jun Xiao, Fei Wang, Lan Jiang, Jean-Francois Silvain, and Yongfeng Lu "Fast Growth of GaN Epilayers via Laser-Assisted Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition for Ultraviolet Photodetector Applications", ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017. |
2017 | D.W. Li, Q.M. Zou,H. Rabiee-Golgir, K. Keramatnejad , X. Huang, J. Song, Z. Xiao, L. Fan, X. Hong, L. Jiang, J. silvain, S. Sunand Y. Lu "Controlled defect creation and removal in graphene and MoS 2 monolayer", Nanoscale, 2017. |
2017 | Zou, Qi Ming, Leimin Deng, Dawei Li, Yunshen Zhou, Hossein Rabiee Golgir, Kamran Keramatnejad, Li Sha Fan, Lan Jiang, Jean-Francois Silvain, and Yongfeng Lu. "Thermally Stable and Electrically Conductive, Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotube/Silicon Infiltrated Composite Structures for High-Temperature Electrodes." ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2017). |
2016 | D.W. Li, W. Xiong, L.J. Jiang, Z.Y. Xiao, H.R. Golgir, M.M. Wang, X. Huang, Y.S. Zhou, Z. Lin, L. Jiang, J.F. Silvain, and Y.F. Lu, “Multimodal Nonlinear Optical Imaging of MoS2 and MoS2-Based van der Waals Heterostructures”, ACS Nano, 10.1021/acsnano.6b00371 (2016) |
2016 | Jiang, L., Xiong, W., Zhou, Y., Liu, Y., Huang, X., Li, D., Baldacchini, T., Jiang, L. and Lu, Y., 2016. Performance comparison of acrylic and thiol-acrylic resins in two-photon polymerization. Optics Express, 24(12), pp.13687-13701. |
2016 | Hossein Rabiee Golgir, Yun Shen Zhou, Dawei Li, Kamran Keramatnejad, Wei Xiong, Mengmeng Wang, Li Jia Jiang et al. "Resonant and nonresonant vibrational excitation of ammonia molecules in the growth of gallium nitride using laser-assisted metal organic chemical vapour deposition." Journal of Applied Physics 120, no. 10 (2016): 105303. |
2015 | D.W. Li, Y.S. Zhou, X. Huang, L. Jiang, J.-F. Silvain, and Y.F. Lu, “In situ imaging and control of layer-by-layer femtosecond laser thinning of graphene”, Nanoscale, DOI: 10.1039/ C4NR07078J (2015) |
2014 | R.X. Cui, D.W. Li, X. Fu, A. Muhammad, L.J. Pan. “Growth of carbon micro- and nanocoils mixture using NiSO4 as the catalyst precursor”, Chemical Vapor Deposition, 01/2015; DOI: 10.1002/cvde.201407144. |
2014 | S. Li, Q. Tao, D.W. Li, Q.Y. Zhang. “Controlled anisotropic growth of Ag nanoparticles on oil-decorated TiO2 films with photocatalytic reduction method”. Journal of Materials Research, 29 (2014) 2497-2504. |
2014 | R.X. Cui, L.J. Pan, D.W. Li, H. Ma, W. Peng. “Controlled synthesis of carbon nanocoils and carbon nanotubes on common paper substrates”. Carbon, 76 (2014) 455-458. |
2014 | L.L. Li, L.J. Pan, D.W. Li, Q. Zhao, H. Ma. “Field emission properties of carbon nanocoils synthesized on stainless steel”. New Carbon Materials, 71 (2014) 343-344. |
2014 | S. Li, Q. Tao, D.W. Li, K. Liu, Q.Y. Zhang. “Photocatalytic growth and plasmonic properties of nanoparticles on TiO2 films”. Journal of Materials Research, 01/2014; FirstView:1-11. |
2013 | K. Liu, D.W. Li, R. Li, Q. Wang, S. Pan, W. Peng, M.D. Chen. “Silver-decorated ZnO hexagonal nanoplate arrays as SERS-active substrates: An experimental and simulation study”. The Journal of Physics and Chemistry C, 28 (2013) 3374-3383. |
2013 | D.W. Li, L.J. Pan, S. Li, K. Liu, S.F. Wu, W. Peng. “Controlled preparation of uniform TiO2-catalyzed silver nanoparticle films for surface enhanced Raman scattering”, The Journal of Physics and Chemistry C, 117 (2013) 6861-6871. |
2013 | D.W. Li, L.J. Pan, K. Liu, W. Peng, R. Muhammad. “Growth of multiwall carbon nanocoils using Fe catalyst films prepared by ion sputtering”, Journal of Materials Research, 28 (2013) 1316-1325. |
2013 | D.W. Li, L.J. Pan, S.F. Wu, S. Li. “An active surface enhanced Raman scattering substrate using carbon nanocoils”, Journal of Materials Research, 28 (2013), 2113-2123. (Cover story) |
2013 | X. Fu, D.W. Li, L.J. Pan. “Time evolution analysis on the growth of carbon nanocoils by Fe-Sn-O catalyst”, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 420 (2013) 154-159. |
2012 | D.W. Li, S.F. Wu, Q. Wang, Y.K. Wu, W. Peng, L.J. Pan. “Ag@C core−shell colloidal nanoparticles prepared by the hydrothermal route and the low temperature heating−stirring method and their application in surface enhanced Raman scattering”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116 (2012) 12283-12294. |
2012 | D.W. Li, L.J. Pan. “Necessity of base fixation for helical growth of carbon nanocoils”, Journal of Materials Research, 27 (2012) 431-439. |
2012 | D.W. Li, L.J. Pan, Y.K. Wu, W. Peng. “The effect of changes in synthesis temperature and acetylene supply on the morphology of carbon nanocoils”, Carbon, 50 (2012) 2571-2580. (Cover story) |
2012 | Y.K. Wu, K. Liu, D.W. Li, Y.N. Guo, S. Pan. “In-situ AFM and Raman spectroscopy study of the crystallization behavior of Ge2Sb2Te5 films at different temperature”, Applied Surface Science, 258 (2012), 1619-1623. |
2011 | D.W. Li, L.J. Pan. “Growth of carbon nanocoils using Fe–Sn–O catalyst film prepared by a spin-coating method”, Journal of Materials Research, 26 (2011) 2024-2032. |
2010 | D.W. Li, L.J. Pan, J.J. Qian, D.P. Liu. “Highly efficient synthesis of carbon nanocoils by catalyst particles prepared by a sol–gel method”, Carbon, 48 (2010) 170-175. |
2010 | D.W. Li, L.J. Pan, D.P. Liu, N.S. Yu. “Relationship between geometric structures of catalyst particles and growth of carbon nanocoils”, Chemical Vapor Deposition, 16 (2010) 166-169. |
2010 | J.J. Qian, L.J. Pan, D.W. Li, N.S. Yu, D.P. Liu. “Formation of catalyst particles for carbon nanocoil growth”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 10 (2010) 7366-7369. |
2009 | D.W. Li, L.J. Pan, J.J. Qian, H. Ma. “High efficient synthesis of carbon nanocoils by catalysts produced by a Fe and Sn containing solution”, Advanced Materials Research, 60-61 (2009) 251-255. |
Conference Publications:
2013 | D.W. Li, L.J. Pan, S. F. Wu, S. Li. “An active surface enhanced Raman scattering substrate using carbon nanocoils”, China NANO 2013, International Conference on Nanoscience and Technollogy. September 5-7, 2013, Beijing: 127. |
2013 | R. X. Cui, L. J. Pan, D. W. Li. “The synthesis of carbon nanocoils on copy paper”, China NANO 2013, International Conference on Nanoscience and Technollogy. September 5-7, 2013, Beijing: 292. |
2012 | D.W. Li, L.J. Pan. “The effect of changes in synthesis temperature on the morphology of carbon nanocoils”, 3th National Symposium on Nano Materials and Structure, Detection and Characterization. August 19-22, 2012, Hohhot: 41-44. |
2011 | D.W. Li, L.J. Pan, J.J. Qian. “Relationship between catalyst aggregates with different morphologies and growth of carbon nanocoils”, Carbon2011-The Annual World Conference on Carbon. July 24-29, 2011, Shanghai: 1-2. |
2011 | D.W. Li, L.J. Pan, R.X. Cui. “Growth of carbon microcoils and nanocoils mixture by using NiSO4 as the catalyst precursor”, 10th National Symposium on New Carbon Materials. December 10-14, 2011, Shenzhen: 550-556. |
2011 | X. Fu, D.W. Li, L.J. Pan. “Time evolution analysis on the growth of carbon nanocoils by Fe-Sn-O catalyst”, Carbon2011-The Annual World Conference on Carbon. July 24-29, 2011, Shanghai: 1-2. |
2011 | L.L. Li, L.J. Pan, D.W. Li. “Carbon nanocoils synthesized on stainless steel plates and their field emission properties”, Carbon2011-The Annual World Conference on Carbon. July 24-29, 2011, Shanghai. |
2011 | X. Fu, L.J. Pan, D.W. Li. “Study on lifetime and activity of Fe-Sn-O catalysts for the growth of carbon nanocoils”, 10th National Symposium on New Carbon Materials. December 10-14, 2011, Shenzhen: 560-564. |
2011 | L.L. Li, L.J. Pan, D.W. Li, Q. Zhao,H. Ma. “Field emission properties of carbon nanocoils synthesized on stainless steel”, 10th National Symposium on New Carbon Materials. December 10-14, 2011, Shenzhen: 586-591. |
2010 | L.J. Pan, J.J. Qian, D.W. Li. “Growth mechanism of carbon nanocoils”, 3th National Symposium on Nano Materials and Structure, Detection and Characterization. May 10-12, 2010, Xiamen: 27-29. |
2010 | D.W. Li, L.J. Pan, J.J. Qian. “Low density growth of carbon nanocoils”, 4th International Symposium on Carbon for Catalyst, November 7-10, 2010, Dalian: 61. |
2010 | D.W. Li, L.J. Pan. “AFM study of the morphological changes of catalyst particles for carbon nanocoil growth”, 11th National Academic Conference on STM. November 2-5, 2010, Wuhan: 47. |
2010 | L.J. Pan, D.W. Li, J.J. Qian. “Growth and morphology of carbon nanocoils”, 2rd International conference on advanced science and technology for materials, manufacturing and measurement. September 15-19, Dalian, 2010. |
2009 | J.J. Qian, D.W. Li, L.J. Pan. “Formation of catalyst particles for carbon nanocoil growth”, China NANO 2009, International Conference on Nanoscience and Technollogy. September 1-3, 2009, Beijing: 213. |
2009 | D.W. Li, L.J. Pan. “Carbon nanocoils synthesized by sulfur-contained catalyst”, NT09:10th International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes. June 21-26, 2009, Beijing: 316. |
2008 | D.W. Li, L.J. Pan. “High Efficient Synthesis of Carbon Nanocoils”, 1st International Conference of the Chinese Society of Micro/Nana Technology. November 21-23, 2008, Beijing: 320-321. |