Assistant Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Department at Auburn University (AU)
(Assistant Professor at Auburn University (AU))
Dr. Masoud Mahjouri-Samani a former PhD Student in the LANE group is starting the next chapter of his career as an Assistant Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Department at Auburn University (AU). Masoud joined our group in 2006 as an undergraduate McNair fellow and continued his research as a graduate student in 2008 working on laser-assisted synthesis and processing of carbon nanotubes. He was a highly motivated and hardworking student who had clear goals for his future academic career. He did extremely well on his graduate program, published scientific papers, and received number of recognitions, awards, scholarships, and fellowships. These achievements made him an attractive candidate for a prestigious postdoctoral position at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), where he continued to expand his excellent research, collaboration, and networking activities. At ORNL he initiated and advanced a new research program in the emerging area of two-dimensional (2D) materials and devices. His extraordinary achievement and progress resulted in high impact publications, recognitions, and invited talks at universities and conferences. He advises the new and prospective students to understand the fact that: “It is crucial to set your goals in the early stage of your academic career and clearly recognize what is needed to get there. You will definitely face many discouraging obstacles and disappointments on the way, but stay focused, be patient, don’t nag, and work even harder - It finally pays off!”
Journal Publications:
2013 | M. Mahjouri-Samani, Y. S. Zhou, X.N. He, W. Xiong, P. Hilger, L. Jiang, and Y. F. Lu, “Plasmonic-Enhanced Carbon Nanotube Infrared Bolometers ”, Nanotechnology, 24, 035502 (2013) |
2013 | M. Mahjouri-Samani, Y. S. Zhou, L. Fan, Y. Gao, W. Xiong, K. L. More and Y. F. Lu, “Laser-assisted solid-state synthesis of carbon nanotube/silicon core/shell structures”, Nanotechnol., 24, 255604(2013) |
2013 | Y. Gao, Y.S. Zhou, W. Xiong, L.J. Jiang, M. Mahjouri-samani, P. Thirugnanam, X. Huang, M.M. Wang, L. Jiang, and Y.F. Lu, “Transparent, flexible, and solid-state supercapacitors based on graphene electrodes”, APL Mater. 1, 012101 (2013) |
2012 | Y.S. Zhou, W. Xiong, J.B. Park, M. Qian, M. Mahjouri-Samani, Y. Gao, L. Jiang, and Y.F. Lu, “Laser-assisted nanofabrication of carbon nanostructures”, J. Laser Appl. 24, 042007(2012) |
2012 | M. Mahjouri-Samani, Y. S. Zhou, W. Xiong, Z. Q. Xie, L. Jiang, and Y. F. Lu, “Strong Photoluminescence from Diameter-Modulated Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 043123(2012). |
2012 | Xiong, W., Zhou, Y. S., Jiang, L. J., Sarkar, A., Mahjouri-Samani, M., Xie, Z. Q., Gao, Y., Ianno, N. J., Jiang, L. and Lu, Y. F. Single-Step Formation of Graphene on Dielectric Surfaces. Adv. Mater.(2012) |
2011 | J.B. Park, W. Xiong, Z.Q. Xie, Y. Gao, M. Qian, M. Mitchell, M. Mahjouri-Samani, Y.S. Zhou, L. Jiang, Y.F. Lu, “Transparent interconnections formed by rapid single-step fabrication of graphene patterns”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 99, 053103(2011). |
2010 | Y.S. Zhou, W. Xiong, Y. Gao, M. Mahjouri-Samani, M. Mitchell, L. Jiang, and Y.F. Lu, “Towards Carbon-Nanotube Integrated Electronics: Optically Controlled Simultaneous Integration of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes”, Nanotechnology 21, 315601(2010) |
2010 | M. Mahjouri-Samani1,Y.S. Zhou,W. Xiong,Y. Gao,M. Mitchell, L. Jiang, and Y.F. Lu, “Diameter modulation by fast temperature control in laser-assisted chemical vapor deposition of single-walled carbon nanotubes”, Nanotechnology 21, 395601(2010) |
2009 | W. Xiong, Y. S. Zhou, M. Mahjouri-Samani, W. Q. Yang, K. J. Yi, X. N. He, S. H. Liou, and Y. F. Lu, “Self-aligned growth of single walled carbon nanotubes using optical near-field effects”, Nanotechnology, 20(2), 025601, (2009). |
2009 | Y.S. Zhou, K.J. Yi, M. Mahjouri, W. Xiong, Y.F. Lu, “Image contrast enhancement in field-emission scanning electron microscopy of single-walled carbon nanotubes”, Appl. Surf. Sci., ¬255, 4341-4346(2009). |
2009 | Y. Gao, Y. S. Zhou, W. Xiong, M. Mahjouri-Samani, M. Mitchell, Y.F. Lu, “Controlled growth of carbon nanotubes on electrodes under different bias polarity”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 143117 (2009) |
2009 | M. Masoud-Samani, Y. S. Zhou, W. Xiong, Y. Gao, M. Mitchell, and Y. F. Lu, “Laser-assisted selective removal of metallic carbon nanotubes” Nanotechnology 20(49), 495202 (2009) (Cover Paper). |
Conference Publications:
2012 | W. Xiong, Y.S. Zhou, X.N. Xiangnan He, Y. Gao, M. Mahjouri-Samani, T. Baldacchini, Y.F. Lu, “Three-dimensional micro/nano-fabrication by integration of additive and subtractive femtosecond-laser direct writing processes”, Nanomanufacturing Conference, 31st International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics (ICALEO 2012, 23-27 Sept 2012, Anaheim, CA) |
2012 | M. Mahjouri-Samani, Y.S. Zhou, W. Xiong, X.N. He, P. Hilger, and Y.F. Lu, “Efficient laser coupling into plasmonic nanoattenna arrays for fabrication and characterization of sensitive infrared bolometers”, Nanomanufacturing Conference, 31st International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics (ICALEO 2012, 23-27 Sept 2012, Anaheim, CA |
2012 | Y.S. Zhou, W. Xiong, J.B. Park, M. Qian, M. Mahjouri-Samani, Y. Gao, L. Jiang, and Y.F. Lu, Invited talk, “Laser-assisted Fabrication of Carbon Nanostructures”, 13th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication (LPM 2012, 12-15 June 2012, Washington DC, USA) |
2012 | Y.F. Lu, Y.S. Zhou, W. Xiong, J.B. Park, M. Qian, M. Mahjouri-Samani, Y. Gao, and L. Jiang, “Laser synthesis of carbon nanostructures”, Plenary talk, 20th International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies (ALT-2012, 2-6 September 2012, Gwatt Zentrum, Thun, Switzerland) |
2011 | Y.F. Lu, Y.S. Zhou, M.M. Samani, W. Xiong, M. Mitchell, “Controlled growth of carbon nanotubes: from locations to structures”, Invited talk, Confernece on Laser Applications in Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Manufacturing (LAMOM) XVI in LASE 2011 (Photonics West 2011, 22-27 January 2011, Moscone Center San Francisco, California, USA) |
2011 | M. Mahjouri-Samani, Y. S. Zhou, W. Xiong, Y. Gao, M. Mitchell, and Y. F. Lu, “Diameter modulation of carbon nanotubes by rapid temperature modulation in laser-assisted chemical vapor deposition”, Confernece on Laser-Based Micro and Nano-Packaging and Assembly V in LASE 2011 (Photonics West 2011, 22-27 January 2011, Moscone Center San Francisco, California, USA) |
2011 | Y.S. Zhou, W. Xiong, M.M. Samani, Y. Gao, M. Mitchell, and Y.F. Lu, “What Can Lasers Do in the Nano-Fabrication of Carbon Nanotube Based Devices?”, Invited talk, Symposium TT: Laser-Material Interactions at Micro/Nanoscales, MRS Spring Meeting 2011 (Materials Research Society, 25-29 April 2011, San Francisco, CA) |
2011 | W. Xiong, Y.S. Zhou, M. Mitchell, J. Park, M.M. Samani, Y. Gao, and Y.F. Lu, “Assembly of carbon nanotube devices by tip-induced optical trapping”, Symposium TT: Laser-Material Interactions at Micro/Nanoscales, MRS Spring Meeting 2011 (Materials Research Society, 25-29 April 2011, San Francisco, CA) |
2011 | M. Mahjouri-Samani, Y.S. Zhou, W. Xiong and Y.F. Lu, “Laser-Assisted Periodic Diameter Modulation of Carbon Nanotubes Through Rapid Temperature Modulation”, The 12th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication (LPM 2011, 7-10 June 2011, Kagawa, Japan) |
2011 | M. Mahjouri-Samani, Y.S. Zhou, W. Xiong, M. Mitchell, and Y.F. Lu, “Laser-Induced Growth of Diameter-Modulated Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes”, Laser Microfabrication Conference, 30th International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics (ICALEO 2011, 23-27 October 2011, Orlando, FL) |
2011 | W. Xiong, Y. S. Zhou, J. B. Park, M. Mahjouri-Samani, Y. Gao, Y. F. Lu, “Integration of additive and subtractive processes for three-dimensional sub-wavelength fabrication by femtosecond direct laser writing”, MRS Fall Meeting 2011, Symposium V: Multifunctional Polymer-based Materials (November 28 - December 2, 2011, Boston, MA) |
2010 | W. Xiong, Y. S. Zhou, M. Mahjouri-Samani, M. Mitchell, Y.F. Lu, “Optically controlled assembly of single-walled carbon nanotube devices”, Proceedings of the 4th Pacific International Conference on Application of Lasers and Optics (PICALO 210, March 23-25, 2010, Wuhan, China) “ |
2010 | Y. F. Lu, W. Xiong, M. Mahjouri-Samani, Y. Gao, Y. S. Zhou and M. Mitchell, “Controlled Growth and Integration of Carbon Nanotubes in Laser-Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition”, Invited talk, The 11th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication (LPM 2010, 7-10 June 2010, Stuttgart Messe, Germany) |
2010 | Y. F. Lu, W. Xiong, M. Mahjouri-Samanni, Y. Gao, Y. S. Zhou and M. Mitchell, ”, Invited talk, “Laser processing of nanomaterials with spectral and spatial controllability”, International Workshop on Nanomaterials and Nanodevices (IWNN 2010, 1-3 July 2010, Beijing, China) |
2010 | Y.S. Zhou, W. Xiong, M. Mahjouri-Samani, M. Mitchell, Y.F. Lu, “Precise Growth and Integration of Carbon Nanotubes through Optical Control”, Invited talk, Nanomanufacturing Conference, 29th International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics (ICALEO 2010, 26-30 Sept 2010, Anaheim, Florida, USA) |
2010 | M. Mahjouri-Samani, Y. S. Zhou, W. Xiong, Y. Gao, M. Mitchell, and Y. F. Lu, “Growth of diameter-modulated single-walled carbon nanotubes through instant temperature modulation in laser-assisted chemical vapor deposition”, MRS Fall Meeting 2010, Symposium C (Nov 29 – Dec 3, 2010, Boston, MA) |
2009 | Y.S. Zhou, W. Xiong, M. Mahjouri-Samani, Y. Gao, M. Mitchell, and Y. F. Lu, “Simultaneous Integration of Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes in Device Structures at Multiple Sites Using an Optically Driven Process”, MRS Fall Meeting 2009, Symposium K (Nov 30 – Dec 4, 2009, Boston, MA) |
2009 | Y. Gao, Y.S. Zhou, W. Xiong, M. Mahjouri-Samani, M. Mitchell, Y.F. Lu, “Growth directions of carbon nanotubes controlled by different electrical bias polarities”, Confernece on Laser-Based Micro and Nano-Packaging and Assembly IV in LASE 2010 (Photonics West 2010, 23-28 January 2010, Moscone Center San Francisco, California, USA) |
2009 | W. Xiong, Y.S. Zhou, M. M. Samani, W. Q. Yang, K.J. Yi, X. N. He, Y.F. Lu, “Controlled-growth of single-walled carbon nanotubes using optical near-field effects”, Confernece on Laser-Based Micro and Nano-Packaging and Assembly III in LASE2009 (Photonics West 2009, 24-29 January 2009, San Jose Convention Center, California, USA) |
2009 | Y.F. Lu, Y.S. Zhou, M. Mahjouri, and W. Xiong, “Self-aligned growth of single-walled carbon nanotubes using optical near-field effects”, NSF CMMI Engineering Research and Innovation Conference 2009 (Jun 22-25, 2009, Honolulu, HI, USA) |
2009 | Y.S. Zhou, W. Xiong, M. Mahjouri-Samani, W.Q. Yang, K.J. Yi, X.N. He, and Y.F. Lu, “Growth of single-walled carbon nanotubes assisted by tip-enhanced optical near fields”, 5th International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing (LAMP 2009, June 29 - July 2, 2009, Kobe Convention Center, Japan) |
2009 | Y.F. Lu, Y.S. Zhou, W. Xiong, M. Mahjouri-Samani, Y. Gao, and M. Mitchell, Invited talk, “Optically-Controlled Growth of Carbon Nanotubes”, Frontiers in Optics 2009/Laser Science XXV (SPIE, Oct. 11-15, 2009, San Jose, California, USA) |
2009 | M. Mahjouri-Samani, Y. S. Zhou, W. Xiong, Y. Gao, M. Mitchell, and Y.F. Lu, “Laser-assisted selective removal of metallic carbon nanotubes”, 28th International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics, (ICALEO 2009, Nov 2 - 5, 2009, Orlando, FL, USA) |
2009 | W. Xiong, Y. S. Zhou, M. Mahjouri-Samani, Y. Gao, W. Q. Yang, K. J. Yi, X. N. He, M. Mitchell, and Y. F. Lu,“Simultaneous growth of single-walled carbon-nanotube bridge structures using optical near-field effects”, 28th International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics, (ICALEO 2009, Nov 2 - 5, 2009, Orlando, FL, USA) |
2008 | Y.F. Lu, Y.S. Zhou, M. Mahjouri, and W. Xiong, “Self-aligned Growth of Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes Using Laser-assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition”, NSF CMMI Engineering Research and Innovation Conference 2008 (Jan 7-10, 2008, Knoxville, TN, USA) |
2008 | M. Mahjouri, Y. S. Zhou, W. Xiong, Y.F. Lu, “Growth of self-aligned single-walled carbon nanotubes by laser-assisted chemical vapor deposition”, Confernece on Laser-Based Micro and Nano-Packaging and Assembly (LMP-V) in in LASE2008 (Photonics West 2008, 19 - 24 January 2008, San Jose Convention Center, California, USA) |
2008 | Y. S. Zhou, W. Xiong, M. Mahjouri-Samani, W. Q. Yang, K. J. Yi, X. N. He, Y. F. Lu, “Self-aligned growth of single-walled carbon nanotubes using optical near-field effects”, MRS Fall Meeting 2008, Symposium JJ: Nanotubes, Nanowires, Nanobelts, and Nanocoils--Promise, Expectations, and Status (1-5 December, 2008, Boston, MA) |