The LANE lab is equipped with a diversity of cutting edge instruments that are necessary for doing research on a diverse range of research areas. The laboratory space of approximately 4,000 square feet is allocated to research activities. This space is provided by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. The list of the equipment and facilities are as follows:
- 3D Laser Nanolithography System (Nanoscribe GmbH, Germany).
- Mira Optima 900-D (dual) fs and ps mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser with Legend Elite regeneration amplifier (130 fs, 1 KHZ, 1 mJ).
- Mai Tai HP DS fs laser (Spectra Physics, 690-1040 nm, 2.5W).
- OPO wavelength-tunable laser (Continuum Panther EX OPO, wavelength range 215-2550 nm, pulse duration 7 ns, repetition rate 10 Hz, pulse energy ~40 mJ/pulse).
- PRC wavelength-tunable CO2 laser (STS 1000T, wavelength range 9.2~10.8 µm).
- PRC wavelength-tunable CO2 laser 2 (STS 1800T, wavelength range 9.2~10.8 µm).
- CW CO2 laser (Synrad, Firestar v40, 10.6 µm, beam diameter of 2.5 ± 0.5 mm, two sets).
Uranus 3200-1030-0800-PM fs fiber laser ( PolarOnyx Laser, Inc. ,wavelength: 1025-1040 nm, pulse energy: 200 μJ, pulse width <= 800 fs, repetition rate: 2-150 kHz)- Malfunctioned and Out of Service.
- Pulsed YLP Fiber Laser (20 W, 1064 nm, IPG Inc).
- CW Fiber Laser (400 W, 1064 nm, IPG Inc).
- Lambda Physik Compex 205 KrF excimer laser which has a pulse energy over 600 mJ and an average power over 30 W.
- Continuum Q-switched Nd:YAG Laser (Powerlite Precision II Series Model 8010, 10 Hz, 1650 mJ at 1064 nm, 2nd, 3rd, 4th harmonic outputs).
- Continuum Q-switched Nd:YAG laser (Minilite II with 2nd harmonic generator).
- Quantronix Nd:YAG IR CW and pulsed laser (Model Number CONDOR-1064-200-M).
- Quantronix Nd:YLF Green Q-switched laser (Model Number 527 DPL).
- Green-line argon ion laser (Coherent Innova 306).
- UV-line argon ion laser (Coherent Innova Sabre Laser, Model TSM-7).
- OPOTEK vibrant 355 LD tunable optical parametric oscillator. (wavelength range 225-2400 nm, pulse duration 5 ns, repetition rate 10 Hz, peak pulse energy ~50 mJ/pulse).
- Tangor by Amplitude laser (pulse duration 500 fs to 10 ns, wavelength 1030 nm, 343 nm, repetition rate single shot to 330 kHz, peak pulse energy ~300 uJ/pulse).
Lasers Photo Gallery and Manual
Deposition setups
- Home-built laser-assisted chemical vapor deposition system (for growing graphene and pn junctions inside optical fibers).
- Two sets of laser-assisted chemical vapor deposition (CVD) chambers.
- DC Sputtering System (ORION-5, ATC Orion Series Custom Sputtering System, AJA International Inc.).
- Neocera pulsed-laser deposition (PLD) system (chamber diameter 18 inches, background vacuum below 3x10-7 Torr).
- Uranus 3200-1030-0800-PM fs fiber laser ( PolarOnyx Laser, Inc. ,wavelength: 1025-1040 nm, pulse energy: 200 μJ, pulse width <= 800 fs, repetition rate: 2-150 kHz).
- Coherent Compex 205 ArF excimer laser running at 193 nm which has a pulse energy over 400 mJ and an average power over 15 W.
- Selective Laser Melting 125 3D Printing
Deposition setups Photo Gallery and Manual
- WEU-02 Wavelength Extension Unit (Spectra Physics).
- Optical Multichannel Analyzer (OMA) (Andor Technology, Mechelle Spectrograph: 200-950 nm, I*Star Intensified CCD Camera: 1.2 ns).
- Shamrock Optical Spectrometer SR-303I-A (Andor Technology, 3 gratings: 150 l/mm 500 nm blaze, 600 l/mm 500 nm blaze, and holographic 2400 l/min 190-800 nm)).
- Acton SP-2756 Spectrograph (with three ruled and holographic gratings).
- DART-AccuTOF mass spectrometer (JEOL, JMS-T100).
Spectroscopy Photo Gallery and Manual
Annealing instruments
- 3 sets of Rapid Thermal Processing Furnace (RTP4-080811P, 4 inch, MRI Corp.).
- Fisher Isotemp Standard Lab Oven.
- Vacuum Oven (Lab Companion, EW-52402-95).
Annealing Instruments Photo Gallery and Manual
Characterization instruments
- Agilent PicoPlus scanning probe microscope (SPM) system consisting of atomic force microscope (AFM) and scanning tunneling microscope (STM).
- Nanoscience Instrument EasyScan scanning tunneling microscope.
- High-resolution optical microscope (Nikkon).
- BX61 laser scanning microscope.
- GMW Associates 5403 Electro-magnetizer (maximum magnetic field intensity: 2.1 T).
- Electrochemical Workstation (CHI760D, CH Instruments, Inc).
- Probe station (CascadeMicrotech, MPS150).
Renishaw inVia Raman microscope. (Status update: Due to system maintenance, the Renishaw inVia Raman microscope is currently under limited access to LANE group Raman microscope administrators only. Unauthorized services to external users are temporarily suspended until further notice. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation).
- Renishaw UV Raman microscope.
- Zygo NewView 8300 High Performance 3D Optical Profiling System.
- Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman (CARS) Spectroscopy
Characterization Instruments Photo Gallery and Manual
- Ohaus Adventurer SL Analytical Balances.
- GMW Associates 5403 Electro-magnetizer (maximum magnetic field intensity: 2.1 T).
- 3D stage.
- 2 sets of Probe Sonicator.
Miscellaneous Photo Gallery and Manual
Colaborative facilities
LANE research group is also associated with the Nebraska Center for Materials and Nanoscience (NCMN) at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. NCMN’s entire research and laboratory facilities are available for center members and their undergraduate and graduate students to carry out research projects. Equipments are as following:
- A FEI focused ion beam (FIB) workstation (StrataTM FIB201xp).
- Optical Lithography: Spin Coater, Laurell Model WS-400, Bake ovens, Zeiss polarizing microscope with CCD camera, Ion beam etcher, and Torr International RIE300.
- Three multiple gun sputter systems.
- JEOL JEM 2010 Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM).
- VG Microscopes HB5 Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (STEM).
- JEOL JSM 840A Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).
- Philips EM 400T Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM).
- Heat-Treatment Oven.
- Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM): Two scanning probe microscopes (Nanoscope IIIa, Dimension 3000 and 3100).
- X-Ray Characterization.
See the NCMN website for more information about the NCMN facilities.
Coherent Compex 205 ArF excimer laser running at 193 nm which has a pulse energy over 400 mJ and an average power over 15 W.