What datasets are available?
As part of WatchID, our team collected the Husker BRIAR Research Collection from up to 500m (HRBC-500).
The HBRC-500 dataset contains imagery from a total of 251 subjects aqcuired from both inddor and outdoor settings.
Outdoor data were acqurired from 200m, 300m, and 500m ranges with a total of 421,902 face images and 813,182 whole-body images.
Indoor data were acquired at a relatively close range (about 2m) and consists of 156,075 face images and 101,236 whole-body images.
How to request HBRC-500?
Requests may be initiated by contacting Benjamin S. Riggan at briggan2@unl.edu
What information needs to be submitted to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL)?
- Official documentation that demonstrates the requesting institutions have informed and received approval from their Institutional Review Board (IRB) to obtain and use the HBRC-500 dataset, which is considered to be a secondary identifiable dataset, for academic research purposes only
- A fully executed Data Transfer and Use Agreement (DTUA) between the requesting institution and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. This item will be initiated by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
How will the dataset be shared after submitting the necessary documents?
The data will be shared electronically using Globus (High Assurance License).
Additional requirements may be required to share data via encrypted hard drives.
Can HBRC-500 be used for commercial purposes?
No, the HBRC-500 is for non-commercial use only. This is clearly specified in the DTUA
How do I cite the HBRC-500 dataset?
C. N. Fondje, K. Nikhal, J. B. Peace, R. Karl, M. Lee, P. Berkowitz, K. Gramzinski, B. Kennedy, N. Uzuegbunam, T. Barrett, O. Arend, W. Liane, S. Semenova, and B. S. Riggan, "HBRC-500: A Long Range Recognition Benchmark Dataset using Face and Whole-body Imagery," IEEE Int'l Joint Conf. on Biometrics (IJCB), 2023.