The study will take place at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln Havelock Research Farm, approximately 10 minutes from the main campus.
The Havelock Research farm is on the South West corner of Havelock Ave & 84th Street in Lincoln, NE.
Designated parking will be provided at Havelock Research Farm
Public Transportation
A ride share cost (such as Lyft) from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln to the data collection site should cost between $15-25.
Lincoln City Bus (StarTran) is also available. The closest bus stop is at the Walmart at the corner of 85th and Fremont Street. This stop is approximately a 10-minute walk (0.6 miles) from the data collection site and is accessible from the #49, University Place, bus.
The StarTran trip planner is available here: https://www.lincoln.ne.gov/City/Departments/LTU/StarTran/Routes