Const Central - About


Engineering Nebraska's Future

The College of Engineering is beginning the process of transformational facilities renovations and new construction. The first phase features renovating two primary buildings within the engineering complex on City Campus in Lincoln: Scott Engineering Center (SEC) and the Link, which connects SEC and Nebraska Hall. These upgrades will enable the college to help engineer Nebraska's future.

  • The 2027 College of Engineering will better meet the engineering workforce needs of Nebraska’s industry, enabling them to grow.

  • Cutting-edge research will lead to technology transfer that will enable Nebraska companies to innovate quickly and lead to job creation.

  • A strong College of Engineering will attract talent and industry to the state.

New facilities are required to enable the college to compete nationally and internationally with top peer colleges in teaching, research and outreach.

  • This will transform the undergraduate and graduate educational experience and develop complete engineers for the 21st century.

  • These upgrades are essential to recruiting and retaining students, faculty and staff.