$75M PHASE 1
Engineering Research Center / SEC

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- Engineering Research Center start and completion: Nov. 1, 2019 – Spring 2022
- SEC renovation start and completion: July 1, 2021 - TBD
In partnership with the State Legislature and the University, the $75M Phase 1 project created a new building in the former Link location and is now renovating Scott Engineering Center to support our research enterprise. The research conducted in these buildings is increasing the competitiveness of Nebraska industry, generating valuable intellectual property, and creating new companies and jobs.
The three-year project began in November 2019 with the demolition and replacement of the Link. Construction costs are estimated at $75,465,000, with $70 million in funding provided through bond proceeds and $5.456 million in private donations.
Bond proceeds from LB 957, which was approved by the Nebraska Legislature and governor in 2016, are being used to finance a number of renovation projects across the university, including the engineering upgrade. The bonds ($200 million in total) will be repaid over a 12-year period, with annual payments of $11 million in state funding plus $11 million from the NU system.
The previous 25,307-gross-square-foot Link housed offices for civil and environmental engineering (CEE) and electrical and computer engineering (ECE), as well as classrooms and meeting spaces.
The new Engineering Research Center has pproximately 87,000 gross square feet of space to house research labs; the CEE and ECE departments will be housed in the renovated Scott Engineering Center.
Read the full story: https://news.unl.edu/newsrooms/today/article/regents-approve-engineering-building-upgrades/