PDF files of reprints are provided below only within fair use.
- "Transepithelial Electrical Impedance Increase Following Porous Substrate Electroporation Enables Label‐Free Delivery," Brooks, Justin R., Tyler C. Heiman, Sawyer R. Lorenzen, Ikhlaas Mungloo, Siamak Mirfendereski, Jae Sung Park, & Ruiguo Yang, Small, 2310221 (2024)
- "Rheology of dense suspensions of ideally conductive particles in an electric field," Mirfendereski, S., & Park, J. S., Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 977, A35 (2023)
- "Transition to turbulence in viscoelastic channel flow of dilute polymer solutions," Martinez Ibarra, A. & Park, J. S., Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 976, A28 (2023)
- "Exploring regular and turbulent flow states in active nematic channel flow via Exact Coherent Structures and their invariant manifolds," Wagner, C.G., Pallock, R.H., Park, J.S., Norton, M.M. & Grover, P., Physical Review Fluids, 8(12), 124401 (2023):
- "Multiscale nature of electric-field-induced structural formations in non-colloidal suspensions," Mirfendereski, S., & Park, J. S., Soft Matter, 18, 6916-6926 (2022)
- "Exact Coherent Structures and Phase Space Geometry of Preturbulent 2D Active Nematic Channel Flow," Wagner, C. G., Norton, M. M., Park, J. S. & Grover, P., Physical Review Letters, 128, 028003 (2022): Selected as Editors' Suggestion.
- "An equivalent circuit model for localized electroporation on porous substrates," Brooks, J.R., Mungloo, I., Mirfendereski, S., Quint, J.P., Paul, D., Jaberi, A., Park, J.S. & Yang, R., Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 199, 113862 (2022)
- "On the underlying drag-reduction mechanisms of flow-control strategies in a transitional channel flow: temporal approach," Rogge, A., & Park, J. S., Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 108(4), 1001-1016 (2022).
- "Direct numerical simulation of a pulsatile flow in a stenotic channel using immersed boundary method," Mirfendereski, S., & Park, J. S., Engineering Reports, e12444 (2022).
- "On the Comparison of Flow Physics between Minimal and Extended Flow Units in Turbulent Channels," Davis, E. A., Mirfendereski, S., & Park, J. S., Fluids, 6(5), 192 (2021).
- "Wall-Shear-Stress-Based Conditional Sampling Analysis of Coherent Structures in a Turbulent Boundary Layer," Ryu, S., Davis, E., Park, J. S., Zhang, H., & Yoo, J. Y., Journal of Fluids Engineering, 143(4), 04130 (2021).
- "The zero-shear-rate limiting rheological behaviors of ideally conductive particles suspended in concentrated dispersions under an electric field," S. Mirfendereski & J. S. Park, J. Rheology, 65(1) 13-26 (2021).
- "Low-and High-Drag Intermittencies in Turbulent Channel Flows," Agrawal, R., Ng, H. C. H., Davis, E. A., Park, J. S., Graham, M. D., Dennis, D. J., & Poole, R. J., Entropy, 22(10), 1126 (2020).
- "Dynamics of laminar and transitional flows over slip surfaces: effects on the laminar-turbulent separatrix," E. A. Davis & J. S. Park, J. Fluid Mech. 894 A16 (2020).
- "LSTM-Based Anomaly Detection for Non-Linear Dynamical System," Tan Y., Hu C., Zhang K., Zheng K., Davis E.A. & Park J.S., IEEE Access, 8, 103301-8 (2020).
- "Microfluidic Systems with Embedded Cell Culture Chambers for High-Throughput Biological Assays," Jaberi, A., Monemian Esfahani, A., Aghabaglou, F., Park, J. S., Ndao, S., Tamayol, A., & Yang, R., ACS Applied Bio Materials, 3(10), 6661-6671 (2020).
- "Engineering Biomimetic Nanofiber Microspheres with Tailored Size, Predesigned Structure, and Desired Composition via Gas Bubble–Mediated Coaxial Electrospray," John, J.V., McCarthy, A., Wang, H., Chen, S., Su, Y., Davis, E., Li, X., Park, J.S., Reinhardt, R.A. and Xie, J., Small, 16(19), p.1907393 (2020).
- “Assessment of two-parameter mixed models for large eddy simulations of transitional and turbulent flows,” Y. M. Lee, H. G. Hwang, J. H. Lee, J. Lee & J. S. Park, J. Mech. Sci. Technol., 34(2) 727-743 (2020).
- “Experimental and numerical analysis of a sustainable farming compartment with evaporative cooling system,” M. Sina Mousavi, S. Mirfendereski, J. S. Park & J. Eun, Processes, 7 823 (2019).
- “Dipolophoresis in concentrated suspensions of ideally polarizable spheres,” Siamak Mirfendereski & Jae Sung Park, J. Fluid Mech., 875 R3 (2019).
- “Bursting and critical layer frequencies in minimal turbulent dynamics and connections to exact coherent states,” Jae Sung Park, Ashwin Shekar & Michael D. Graham, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 3 014611 (2018). [reprint]
- “Low-drag events in transitional wall-bounded turbulence,” Richard D. Whalley, Jae Sung Park, Anubhav Kushwaha, David J.C. Dennis, Michael D. Graham & Robert J. Poole, Phys. Rev. Fluids 2 034602 (2017). [reprint]
- “Temporal and spatial intermittencies within channel flow turbulence near transition," Anubhav Kushwaha, Jae Sung Park, and Michael D. Graham, Phys. Rev. Fluids 2 026603 (2017). [reprint]
- “Low-dimensional representations of exact coherent states of the Navier-Stokes equations from the resolvent model of wall turbulence,” Ati S. Sharma, Rashad Moarref, Beverly J. McKeon, Jae Sung Park, Michael D. Graham & Ashley P. Willis, Phys. Rev. E 93 021102 (2016). [reprint]
- “Exact coherent states and connections to turbulent dynamics in minimal channel flow,” Jae Sung Park & Michael D. Graham, J. Fluid Mech., 782 430-454 (2015). [reprint]
- “Direct numerical simulations of electrophoretic deposition of charged colloidal suspensions,” Jae Sung Park & David Saintillan, Key Eng. Mater., 507 47 (2012). [reprint]
- “From diffusive motion to local aggregation: Effect of surface contamination in dipolophoresis,” Jae Sung Park & David Saintillan, Soft Matter, 7 10720 (2011). [reprint]
- “Electric-field-induced ordering and pattern formation in colloidal suspensions,” Jae Sung Park & David Saintillan, Phys. Rev. E, 83 041409 (2011). [reprint]
- “Dipolophoresis in large-scale suspensions of ideally polarizable spheres,” Jae Sung Park & David Saintillan, J. Fluid Mech., 662 66-90 (2010). [reprint]
- “A run-around heat exchanger system to improve the energy efficiency of a home appliance using hot water,” Jae Sung Park & Anthony M. Jacobi, Appl. Therm. Eng., 29 3110-3117 (2009). [reprint]