Academic Degrees
- Ph.D., Architectural Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, 1993.
- M.S., Architectural Engineering, Kansas State University, 1988.
- B.S., Architectural Engineering, Kansas State University, 1978.
- PhD, PE (KS, CA), F.AEI

Dr. Clarence Waters shares how The Durham School architectural engineering program developed a unique relationship with the abundant local industry and how that helped the AE program become a giant success.
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- Aaron Douglas Professor of the Durham School of Architectural Engineering and Construction (2018-2028)
- Research Associate - Faculty Development Leave, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Golden, Colorado, (2011 - 2012)
- Director of Architectural Engineering, The Charles W. Durham School of Architectural Engineering and Construction, UNL College of Engineering, (2004 - 2010)
- Associate Professor - Professor, College of Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, (2000 - Present)
- Department Head, Dept. of Architectural Eng. & Construction Sci. (ARE/CNS), Kansas State University, (1995 - 1998)
- Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Dept. of Architectural Eng. & Construction Sci. (ARE/CNS), Kansas State University, (1986 - 2000)
- Besal Director of Illumination Studies, Dept. of Architectural Eng. & Construction Sci. (ARE/CNS), Kansas State University, (1994 - 1999)
- Electrical Project Engineer, Professional Engineering Consultants, Wichita, Kansas, (1979 - 1986)
Professional Engineering Registrations:
Arizona, Arkansas, California #E 12162 (Active), Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas #9650 (Active), Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, Wyoming.
Areas of Research and Professional Interest
- Lighting and power distribution systems for buildings
Courses Taught
- AREN 8030-8040 Interdisciplinary Team Design Project (Team Design)
- AREN 3220 Electrical Systems for Buildings
- AREN 1000 Durham School of Architectural Engineering and Construction Seminar
- AREN 8250 Daylighting
- AREN 8050 Internship in Architectural Engineering
About Clarence E. Waters
Dr. Waters has a Ph.D. in Architectural Engineering (AE) from Pennsylvania State University (1993). His B. S. (1978) and M.S. degrees (1988) are in AE from Kansas State University. Dr. Waters served on the faculty of Kansas State University in AE from 1986 to 2000. He was the head of the Department of Architectural Engineering and Construction Science at KSU for four years. Prior to his academic career, Dr. Waters served for over seven years as an electrical project engineer for Professional Engineering Consultants in Wichita, Kansas.
He is currently or has been licensed in 21 states and received two International Lighting Design Awards of Merit. Dr. Waters is involved with the Architectural Engineering Institute (AEI) where he served as president and on the Board of Governors and the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) where he has chaired and serves on many technical committees. Dr. Waters' scholarly activities are in lighting and power distribution systems for buildings.
Honors and Awards
National Council of Examiners of Engineering and Surveying (NCEES) Engineering Award for Connecting Professional Practice and Education 2022 Grand Prize, This is the third time AREN 8030-8040 "Team Design" has won the NCEES Grand Prize, the only course, program, or academic unit in all engineering to have won the Grand Prize more than once.
Architectural Engineering Institute International Student Design Competition, Advisor 2022, 1st Place – Electrical, 2nd Place – Building Integration, 2nd Place – Mechanical, 2nd Place – Structural, Outstanding Achievement in Innovation – Building Performance Enhancement
Architectural Engineering Institute International Student Design Competition, Advisor 2021, 1st Place – Building Integration (Top Award - International Champions), 1st Place – Mechanical Systems Design, Outstanding Achievement in Innovation – Building Performance Enhancement, Outstanding Achievement in Innovation – Water Retention, Harvesting, & Re-Utilization
Architectural Engineering Institute International Student Design Competition, Advisor 2020, 1st Place – Building Integration (Top Award - International Champions), 1st Place – Mechanical Systems Design, 2nd Place – Structural Systems Design, Outstanding Achievement in Innovation – Building Envelope
President Emeritus – Architectural Engineering Institute 2018
Architectural Engineering Institute Student Design Competition, Advisor 2018, One of five teams nationally selected to compete, 2nd – Mechanical Systems Category, 2nd – Structural Systems Category,
Aaron Douglas Professor of Architectural Engineering and Construction – 2018 - 2028
Architectural Engineering Institute Student Design Competition, Advisor 2017, Two of five teams nationally selected to compete; Runner up (Team Flux) – Building Integration Category; Winner (Team Flux) and Runner up (Team Apex) – Electrical Systems Category; Runner up (Team Flux) – Mechanical Systems Category; Runner up (Team Apex) – Structural Systems Category; Runner up (Team Apex) – Construction Systems Category; Innovation Award (Team Flux), Resiliency & Security Challenge, Innovation Award (Team Flux) High Performance & WELL Buildings Challenge,
Architectural Engineering Institute Student Design Competition, Advisor 2016, Runner up – Building Integration Category, Winner – Electrical Systems Category, Runner up – Mechanical Systems Category
2015 Architectural Engineering Institute (AEI) Outstanding Architectural Engineering (AE) Educator Award - The first time the now annual award was given
Taylor Technical Talent Award – IESNA – 2010 - This award recognizes outstanding application papers Eble-Hankins and Waters, (2009) “Subjective Impression of Discomfort Glare from Sources of Non-Uniform Luminance.” Leukos 6(1).
Pennsylvania State University Architectural Engineering Centennial Fellow - 2010
Fellow of the Architectural Engineering Institute - 2009
2019 Lean Construction Institute (LCI) Research Fellow $10,000
2018 Lean Construction Institute (LCI) Research Fellow $10,000
2017 Lean Construction Institute (LCI) Research Fellow $10,000
2014-2018 EPA - $998,433 Evidence-Based Interactions between Indoor Environmental Factors and Their Effects on K-12 Student Achievement, Co-PI with L. Wang (PI), J. Lau, J. Bovaird
2014-2016 Musco Lighting - $67,520 Discomfort Glare in Outdoor Nighttime Environments, PI
Selected Publications
Kuhlenengel M, Konstantzos I, Waters CE. (2021) “The Effects of the Visual Environment on K-12 Student Achievement" Buildings 11(11):498.
Eble-Hankins, M., S. Moser, J. Skidmore, S. Bernstein, C. Waters, (2021), “University of Nebraska Architectural Engineering Summer Internship Course – A Case Study” Journal of Architectural Engineering, 27(4)
Tyukhova, Y., and Waters, C.E., (2018) “Subjective and pupil responses to discomfort glare from small, high-luminance light sources when viewed against a low-luminance background” Lighting Research and Technology,
Tyukhova, Y., and Waters, C.E., (2018) “Discomfort glare from small, high-luminance light sources when viewed against a dark surround” Leukos Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society,
Waters, C., (2017) “Nebraska Architectural Engineering Reorganized Capstone Course” 2017 Architectural Engineering Institute (AEI) Conference, Oklahoma City, OK, April 11-13, 2017.
J. Lau, L. M. Wang, C. Waters, and J. Bovaird (2016) "A need for evidence-based and multidisciplinary research to study the effects of the interaction of school environmental conditions on student achievement" Indoor and Built Environment 25(6) 869–871.
Beaty, C., Waters, C., Dziuvenis, G., and Feldman, T., (2014), The Use of Professional Industry Interaction to Enhance Engineering Education, Journal of Architectural Engineering, 20(3), 05014001.
Tyukhova, Y., and Waters, C.E., (2014) “An Assessment of High Dynamic Range Luminance Measurements with LED Lighting” Leukos Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society, 10(2): 87-99 | DOI: 10.1080/15502724.2014.861279
Waters, C.E., L. Gentile Polese, M. Alahmad, S. Frank, K. Lee, (2014), “Electrical Distribution Systems for Commercial Reference Building Models” Journal of Architectural Engineering, 20(1) (04013005, 1-16) DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)AE.1943-5568.0000046.
Waters, C.E., Alvine, S., Eble-Hankins, M.L., (2012) The Industry Experienced Graduate Student Program: An Innovative Collaboration in Architectural Engineering at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln” Journal of Architectural Engineering, 18 (61-63) DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)AE.1943-5568.0000046.
Eble-Hankins, M.L., and Waters, C.E., (2009) “Subjective Impression of Discomfort Glare from Sources of Non-Uniform Luminance.” Leukos. 6(1): 51-77. Winner of the 2010 IESNA Taylor Technical Talent Award.
Eble-Hankins, Michelle. and Waters, Clarence E., (2004), “VCP and UGR Glare Evaluation Systems: A Look Back and A Way Forward. Leukos (successor to: J. Illum. Eng. Soc.). 1(2): 7-38.
Waters, Clarence E., Mistrick, Richard G., and Bernecker, Craig A., (1995), "Discomfort Glare from Sources of Non-Uniform Luminance," Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society. 24(2): 73.
Recent Presentations
M. Kuhlenengel and C. Waters “Evidence-Based Interactions between Indoor Environmental Factors and Their Effects on K-12 Student Achievement”, 2020 Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) Research Symposium, Light + Quality, Meaningful Metrics Beyond Energy
Adel Kabirikopaei, A., Kuhlenengel, M.,1 Arthur, A., Bovaird, J., Lau, J., Waters, C., Wang, L. (2019) “The Effects of Indoor Environmental Factors on Students' Academic Achievement” 2019 Architectural Engineering Institute (AEI) Conference, Tysons, VA, April 3-6, 2019.
A. Kabiri and C. Waters, An Investigation of School Environmental effects on Student Achievement, ASHRAE Annual Conference, SGPC 10 Technical Committee meeting, June 24, 2018
M. Kuhlenengel and C. Waters, “School Environmental Effects on Student Achievement” Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Portland, OR, June 7, 2018
Waters, Clarence E., “Lighting Education and Research at the University of Nebraska” Memphis, Tennessee Section of the Illuminating Engineering Society, September 28, 2017
Waters, C., (2017) “Nebraska Architectural Engineering Reorganized Capstone Course” 2017 Architectural Engineering Institute (AEI) Conference, Oklahoma City, OK, April 11-13, 2017.
Kuhlenengel, M., Brill L., Lester, H., Bovaird, J., Wang, L., Waters, C., (2017) “An investigation of school environmental effects on student achievement” 2017 Architectural Engineering Institute (AEI) Conference, Oklahoma City, OK, April 11-13, 2017.
Waters, C., Kuhlenengel, M., Brill L., Lau, J., Wang, L., “Evidence-Based Interactions between Indoor Environmental Factors and Their Effects on K-12 Student Achievement” DLR K-12 Forum, Omaha, NE, February 10, 2017.