Personal Links:
• Nebraska Acoustics Group (NAG)Professional Memberships:
• Acoustical Society of America• ASHRAE
Academic Degrees
- Ph.D. in Architectural Engineering, University of Nebraska - Lincoln (2011)
- B.S. in Architectural Engineering, University of Kansas (2006)
- Lecturer, Durham School of Architectural Engineering & Construction, University of Nebraska - Lincoln (2022-present)
- Industry Fellow, Durham School of Architectural Engineering & Construction, University of Nebraska - Lincoln (2017-2022)
- Collaborating Consultant, Threshold Acoustics, Chicago, IL (2017-2019)
- Assistant Professor, Acoustics, Columbia College Chicago (2013-2016)
- Lecturer, Acoustics, Columbia College Chicago (2012-2013)
- Postdoctoral Research Associate, Construction Engineering Research Laboratory Acoustics Group, US Army Engineer Resesarch and Development Center, Champaign, IL (2011-2013)
Areas of Research and Professional Interest
- Architectural Acoustics
- Noise Control
Courses Taught
- AREN 1010 - Intro to Architectural Engineering
- AREN 4300 - Advanced Noise Control
- AREN 8010 - Graduate Individual Mastery Project I
- AREN 8020 - Graduate Individual Mastery Project II
Honors and Awards
- Science Writing Award for Professionals in Acoustics, Acoustical Society of America, 2017
- Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award (Honorable Mention), University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2011
- Nebraska University Presidential Graduate Fellowship, 2010-1011
- Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award, University of Nebrska-Lincoln College of Engineering, 2010
- Graduate Research Fellowship, National Science Foundation, 2006-2010
Selected Publications
- L. M. Ronsse, M. S. Lawless, S. J. Kanter, and D. T. Carreon Bradley (Eds.) (2021) Rooms for the Learned Musician: A 20 Year Retrospective on the Acoustics of Music Education Facilities (Springer-Verlag, New York).
- D. T. Bradley, E. E. Ryherd, and L. M. Ronsse (Eds.) (2016) Worship Space Acoustics: 3 Decades of Design (Springer-Verlag, New York).
Magazine Articles
- T. B. Neilsen, L. M. Ronsse, and T. C. Zhao (2019) “Networking Up,” Acoustics Today 15(2), 53-56.
- T. B. Neilsen and L. M. Ronsse (2018) “Insights on Navigating the Two-body Problem,” Acoustics Today 14(2), 61-64.
- L. M. Ronsse and T. B. Neilsen (2017) “Twenty-five Years of the ASA Women in Acoustics Committee,” Acoustics Today 13(4), 66-68.
- L. M. Ronsse and T. B. Neilsen (2017) “Women in Acoustics: Honoring Some of Our Heroes,” Acoustics Today 13(2), 58-61.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications
- L. M. Ronsse and L. M. Wang (2013) “Relationships between unoccupied classroom acoustical conditions and elementary student achievement measured in eastern Nebraska,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 133, 1480-1495.
- L. M. Ronsse and L. M. Wang (2012) “Effects of room size and reverberation, receiver location, and source rotation on acoustical metrics related to source localization,” Acta Acustica united with Acustica 98, 768-775.
- D. Valente, L. M. Ronsse, L. Pater, M. J. White, R. Serwy, E. T. Nykaza, M. E. Swearingen, and D. G. Albert (2012) “Blast noise characteristics as a function of distance for temperate and desert climates,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 132, 216-227.
- L. M. Ronsse and L. M. Wang (2011) “Classroom acoustics affect student achievement,” Consulting Specifying Engineer. September Issue, 30-34.
- L. M. Ronsse and L. M. Wang (2010) “AB-10-C0.7: Effects of noise from building mechanical systems on elementary school student achievement,” ASHRAE Transactions. 116, Part 2, 347-354.
Recent Presentations
- S. A. Ahrens, E. E. Ryherd, L. M. Ronsse, and D. T. Bradley (2018) “Identifying trends in worship space acoustics: 3 decades of design,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 144, 1772(A).
- D. T. Bradley, E. E. Ryherd, and L. M. Ronsse (2016) “The state of the art in worship space acoustics,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 139, 2118(A). Invited
- L. M. Ronsse (2015) “Strategies for guiding undergraduate acoustics students through independent research projects,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 137, 2359(A). Invited
- J. J. Roberts and L. M. Ronsse (2014) “Effects of sustainable and traditional building systems on indoor environmental quality and occupant perceptions,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 136, 2129(A).
- L. M. Ronsse (2014) “Effects of classroom acoustical environments on student achievement,” Midwest Society for Acoustic Ecology Meeting, Chicago, IL. Invited
- L. M. Ronsse, D. J. Chéenne, and S. Kaddatz (2013) “Using your ears: A novel way to teach acoustics,” Proceedings of the 21st International Congress on Acoustics, Montreal, Canada. Invited
- L. M. Ronsse and D. Valente (2013) “Comparison and evaluation of physics-based outdoor sound propagation assessment schemes,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 134, 4158(A).
- L. M. Ronsse, D. Valente, E. T. Nykaza, and M. J. White (2012) “Investigations of measured temperature and wind effects on outdoor sound propagation,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 132, 1904(A).
- L. M. Ronsse, D. Valente, M. J. White, and M. E. Swearingen (2012) “Meteorology-based propagation classes for high-energy impulsive sources,” Proceedings of Inter-Noise, New York City, NY. Invited
- L. M. Wang and L. M. Ronsse (2012) “Perceptual metrics in elementary classrooms and their correlations to student achievement,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 131, 3318(A). Invited
- L. M. Wang and L. M. Ronsse (2011) “Correlations between unoccupied background noise level and reverberation time to student achievement scores in elementary classrooms,” Ecophon International Acousticians’ Seminar, Bastad, Sweden. Invited
- L. M. Ronsse and L. M. Wang (2011) “A review of the Robert Bradford Newman Student Award Fund’s impact on the University of Nebraska Acoustics Group,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 129, 2467(A). Invited
- L. M. Ronsse and L. M. Wang (2010) “Effects of noise from building mechanical systems on elementary school student achievement,” American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM.
- L. M. Ronsse, L. M. Wang, and P. Sim (2010) “Examining the relationships between monaural and binaural classroom acoustics parameters and student achievement,” Proceedings of the 20th International Congress on Acoustics, Sydney, Australia.
- L. M. Ronsse, L. M. Wang, E. Powell, and P. Sim (2010) “Quantification of binaural acoustical conditions in elementary school classrooms,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 128, 2361(A). Invited
- C. H. Wiese, L. M. Wang, and L. M. Ronsse (2009) “Comparison of noise levels between four hospital wings with different material treatments,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 126, 2217(A).
- D. Ruggles, L. M. Ronsse, and B. Shinn-Cunningham (2009) “Age effects and individual differences in spatial selective auditory attention,” Aging and Speech Communication: Third International and Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Bloomington, IN(P).
- L. M. Ronsse and L. M. Wang (2009) “Effects of room reverberation time and receiver position on measured binaural room impulse responses,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 125, 2483(A).
- R. C. Coffeen, J. Birney, S. Hoeman, S. Kanter, H. Schultheis, L. M. Ronsse, and L. M. Wang (2009) “Comparison of auralized and measured sound in moderately reverberant spaces,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 125, 2585(A). Invited
- L. M. Ronsse and L. M. Wang (2008) “Effects of a hearing aid noise management feature on user perception and performance under noise,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 123, 3449(A).
- L. M. Ronsse and L. M. Wang (2007) “Perception and productivity of hearing-impaired vs. normal-hearing persons under noise,” Upper Midwest Chapter of the Acoustical Society of America Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. Invited
- L. M. Ronsse and R. C. Coffeen (2007) “Speech intelligibility of lecture halls,” Architectural Engineering Institute National Student Conference, Kansas City, MO. Invited
- L. M. Ronsse (2006) “Speech intelligibility of lecture halls,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 119, 3207(A).