Jack Burns
AE - Lighting/Electrical
Company: SES
Major: MAE - Lighting/Electrical
August 2, 2021

This summer I worked as an Electrical Intern at Specialized Engineering Solutions (SES) in Omaha, NE. Throughout the summer I was able to improve my technical skills pertaining to both lighting and power. Most of the projects I worked on during the summer were hospitals. The hospitals allowed me to expand my knowledge of common practices for building design as well as specific design practices for hospitals including diving deep into the codes and regulations for different lighting levels and required powerdesign.

SES allowed me to participate in many projects quickly as well as gave me ample opportunity to show my growth on projects. SES has a good balance between helping me through problems I may encounter and allowing me to solve problems with the skillsI have learned through school and previously in the internship. This internship has taught me many skills (including technical as well as soft skills) that will allow me to succeed in my final year in school as well as as a full time employee after graduation.