Academic Degrees
- PhD: Engineering Sciences, Simon Fraser University, Canada
- MSc: Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Iran
- BSc: Mechanical Engineering, Shiraz University, Iran
- PhD
- Instructor of Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School (2016-2017)
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School (2013-2016)
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (2013-2016)
Areas of Research and Professional Interest
- Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine
- Biomanufacturing
- Micro/Nanotechnologies
- Wearable and automated systems
About Ali Tamayol
Ali Tamayol served as an assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical & Materials Engineering at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He was an Instructor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School before moving to Lincoln. He received his BSc from Shiraz University followed by MSc from Sharif University of Technology both in Mechanical Engineering. He received his PhD from Simon Fraser University in 2011. He did one year of Postdoctoral Fellowship in Biomedical Engineering at McGill University and three years of Postdoctoral Fellowship at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His research involves design, fabrication, and characterization of microsystems and fibrous materials for emerging engineering applications such as tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, and wearable devices. He has been the recipient of several awards including NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship, BCIC Scholar Award, and the Alinasab Prize of ISME.
Selected Publications
1) P. Mostafalu, G. Kiaee, G. Giatsidis, A. Khalilpour, M. Nabavinia, Mehmet R. Dokmeci, S. Sonkusale, D. P. Orgill, A. Tamayol*, A. Khademhosseini*, “A textile dressing for temporal and dosage controlled drug delivery,” Advanced Functional Materials, Accepted (2017). *Co-senior authors.
2) A. Tamayol, A. Hassani Najafabadi, P. Mostafalu, A. K. Yetisen, M. Commotto, M. Aldhaheri, M. S. Abdel-wahab, Z. Izadi Najafabadi, N. Annabi, A. Memic, M. R. Dokmeci, and A. Khademhosseini, “Biodegradable elastic nanofibrous platforms with integrated flexible heaters for on-demand drug delivery,” Scientific Reports, Accepted (2017).
3) A. Tamayol*, M. Akbari*, Y. Zilberman*, M. Comotto, E. Lesha, L. Serex, S. Bagherifard, Y. Chen, G. Fu, S. Kabiri Ameri, W. Ruan, E.L. Miller, M.R. Dokmeci, S. Sonkusale, and A. Khademhosseni, “Flexible pH-sensing hydrogel fibers for epidermal applications,” Advanced Healthcare Materials, Accepted (2016). *Co-first authors. Highlighted on the Journal’s cover.
4) A. Tamayol, A. Hassani Najafabadi, B. Aliakbarian, E. Arab-Tehrany, N. Annabi, M. Akbari, D. Juncker, and A. Khademhosseini, “Interpenetrating polymer network hydrogels facilitates the fabrication of fibers and 3D constructs”, Advanced Healthcare Materials, 4, 2146-2153 (2015). Highlighted on Journal’s cover.
5) S. R. Shin*, R. Farzad*, A. Tamayol*, V. Manoharan, D. Kim, M. Akbari, S. Zhang, S. M. Jung, M. Commotto, P. Mostafalu, N. Annabi, F. E. Al-Hazmi, M. R. Dokmeci, and A. Khademhosseini, “A bioactive carbon nanotube-based ink for printing 2D and 3D flexible electronics,” Advanced Materials, 28, 3280–3289 (2016). *Co-first authors.
Complete list of publications: