Qilin Guo - Portrait

Contact Information:

City Campus (Lincoln)
NH W317.4B
(402) 472-3798

Assistant Professor

Academic Degrees

  • Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison


  • Ph.D.

We are hiring

Our group is currently offering two fully-funded Ph.D. positions for students with a background in Materials Science & Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, or a related field. If you are interested, please feel free to contact us via email (qilin.guo@unl.edu) with your CV attached. 


  • 01/2023-present, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical & Materials Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
  • 10/2022-12/2022, Adjunct Faculty Member, Department of Mechanical & Materials Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
  • 08/2022-12/2022, Research Associate, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Areas of Research and Professional Interest

  • Metal additive manufacturing, laser powder bed fusion, laser processing
  • In-situ characterization, synchrotron X-ray imaging & diffraction
  • New alloy development for AM, microstructural characterization

Research Profiles:

Courses Taught

About Qilin Guo

Guo's research interests are at the intersection of additive manufacturing, materials science, and advanced in-situ characterization. He is a pioneer in the use of synchrotron-based in-situ X-ray imaging and diffraction to study the physical dynamics of metal additive manufacturing processes, including the formation and evolution of defects such as spatter, porosity, and cracks, as well as heat and mass transfer and phase transformation.

During his Ph.D. studies, Guo focused on characterizing and quantifying the fundamental physics that govern highly dynamic metal additive manufacturing processes, thereby revealing the mechanisms underlying their physical dynamics. His major accomplishments include the characterization of powder spattering, melt pool evolution, and melt flow evolution in the laser power bed fusion additive manufacturing process. Guo also employed in-situ high-energy X-ray diffraction to study the phase transformation dynamics of 17-4 PH steel during rapid solidification. His research has provided crucial insights into the metal additive manufacturing process and could guide the development of more stable and consistent processes.

Selected Research News

Group News

06/2024    Dr. Guo won the Research Development Fellows Program (RDPF) Award, which provides funds to advance his career development. 
03/2024    Terrol Wilson joined the group as a Master's student. Welcome, Terrol! 
09/2023    Dr. Guo was selected to participate in the competitive Research Development Fellows Program (RDFP)
02/2023    Sudha Krishnan joined the team as a PhD student, co-advised by Dr. Guo and Dr. Jeffrey Shield. Welcome, Sudha! 
01/2023    Oluwagbemisola (Gbemi) Olaniyan joined the group as the first PhD student, welcome!
01/2023    Dr. Guo was awarded a grant from the Nebraska Center for Energy Sciences Research as Co-PI, with PI Prof. Jeffrey Shield
01/2023    Dr. Guo joined the MME department as a tenure-track assistant professor: 

Honors and Awards

  • Excellent Graduate Student’s Award (2015, HIT)
  • First-class Scholarship for Outstanding Graduate Student (2013, 2014, HIT)
  • People’s Scholarship (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, HIT)
  • Excellent Undergraduate Student’s Award (2013, HIT)
  • National Scholarship (2011, HIT)

Selected Publications

A full list of publications is available on my Google Scholar page.

Recent Presentations

  • 2022 APS/CNM Users Meeting, Virtual [APS Plenary talk]
  • 33rd Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium, Austin, Texas, USA, 2022
  • TMS 2022 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Anaheim, California, USA
  • TMS 2021 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Virtual
  • TMS 2020 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, San Diego, California, USA
  • 30th solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium, Austin, Texas, USA, 2019
  • TMS 2019 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, USA
  • 29th Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium, Austin, Texas, USA, 2018
  • TMS 2018 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Phoenix, Arizona, USA