Research Assistant
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Ph.D. - MME
Ph.D. - MME
Expected Graduation Date:
August 2022
Materials Engineering
About Me:
Educational Background:
- M.S. in Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, Materials Engineering, May 2017, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Production and Metallurgy, July 2002, University of Mosul
Research Topic (s):
- Materials Characterization of Additively Manufactured Metallic Parts
- Monitoring, Metallurgy, and Machine Learning for Flaw-free Additive Manufacturing
- Materials for Extreme Environments
Teaching Experience (TA'ed):
- MECH 492/ 892: Additive Manufacturing II
- MECH 321: Engineering Statistics and Data Analysis
- MECH 320/820: Fundamental of Heat Transfer
- MECH 300: Thermal System and Design.
- MECH 373: Engineering Dynamics
- MECH 223: Engineering Statics
In the News: Powered by the 
Dec 08, 2020: New X-ray tomography machine gives researchers, businesses 3D views of materials, products
Peer-Reviewed Publications:
- Z. Smoqi, A. Gaikwad, B. Bevans, M. H. Kobir, J. Craig, A. Abul-Haj, A. Peralta, P. Rao Monitoring and Prediction of Porosity in Laser Powder Bed Fusion using Physics-informed Meltpool Signatures and Machine Learning. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 304, 2022, 117550. doi: 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2022.117550
- Z. Smoqi, B. Bevans, J. Craig, A. Abul-Haj, B. Roeder, B. Macy, J. E. Shield, P. Rao. Closed-loop Control of Meltpool Temperature in Directed Energy Deposition. Materials & Design, Volume 215, 2022, 110508. doi: 10.1016/j.matdes.2022.110508
- Z. Smoqi, J. Toddy, H. Halliday, J. E. Shield, and P. Rao. Process-Structure Relationship in the Directed Energy Deposition of Cobalt-Chromium Alloy Coatings. Materials and Design, Volume 197, 2021, 109229. doi: 10.1016/j.matdes.2020.109229
- R. Yavari, Z. Smoqi, A. Riensche, B. Bevans, H. Kobir, H. Mendoza, H. Song, K. Cole, P. Rao. Part-Scale Thermal Simulation of Laser Powder Bed Fusion Using Graph Theory: Effect of Thermal History on Porosity, Microstructure Evolution, and Recoater Crash. Materials & Design, Volume 204, 2021, 109685. doi: 10.1016/j.matdes.2021.109685
- A. Ramalho, T.G. Santos, B. Bevans3, Z. Smoqi, P. Rao, J.P. Oliveira. Effect of contaminations on the acoustic emissions during wire and arc additive manufacturing of 316L stainless steel. Additive Manufacturing, Volume 51, 2022, 102585. doi: 10.1016/j.addma.2021.102585
- R. Yavari, A. Riensche, E. Tekerek, L. Jacquemetton, H. Halliday, M. Vandever, A. Tenequer, V. Perumal, A. Kontsos, Z. Smoqi, K. Cole, P. Rao. Digitally twinned additive manufacturing: Detecting flaws in laser powder bed fusion by combining thermal simulations with in-situ meltpool sensor data. Materials & Design, Volume 211, 2021, 110167. doi: 10.1016/j.matdes.2021.110167
Conference Presentations and Posters
- Ziyad Smoqi, Aniruddha Gaikwad, Benjamin Bevans, Humaun Kobir, Alexander Riensche, James Craig, Alan Abul-Haj, Alonzo Peralta, Prahalad Rao, Prediction of Porosity in Laser Powder Bed Fusion Using Dual-wavelength Pyrometry, International Materials, Applications & Technologies (IMAT2021).
- Ziyad Smoqi, Aniruddha Gaikwad, Benjamin Bevans, Humaun Kobir, Alexander Riensche, James Craig, Alan Abul-Haj, Alonzo Peralta, Prahalad Rao, In-Situ Detection and Prediction of Porosity in Laser Powder Bed Fusion Using Dual-wavelength Pyrometry, 2021 Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (SFF Symp 2021).
- Ziyad Smoqi, Benjamin Bevans, Harold Halliday, Joshua Toddy, Jeffery E. Shield, Prahalad Rao, Directed Energy Deposition of Stellite 21 Hardfacing Coatings, 2021 Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (SFF Symp 2021).
- Ben Bevans, Ziyad Smoqi, Alan Abul-Haj, Brent Roeder, Bill Macy, James Craig, Prahalad Rao, Meltpool Monitoring and Control of Build Quality in Directed Energy Deposition, 2021 Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (SFF Symp 2021)
- Benjamin Bevans, Ziyad Smoqi, James Craig, Alan Abul-Haj, Brent Roeder, Bill Macy, Jeffery E. Shield, Prahalad Rao, Closed-Loop Control of Meltpool Temperature in Directed Energy Deposition, 2021 Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (SFF Symp 2021)
- Ben Bevans, Andre Ramalho, Aniruddha Gaikwad, Ziyad Smoqi, Joao Oliveira, Prahalad Rao, Arc Instability Detection in Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) using an Acoustic Sensor, 2021 Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (SFF Symp 2021)
- Prahalad Rao, Ziyad Smoqi, Jordan Severson, Joshua Toddy, Harold Halliday, Tom Cobbs, Process-Structure-Property Relationships in the Coating of Stellite on Inconel 718 by Directed Energy Deposition Process, 2019 Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (SFF Symp 2019).
- Bai Cui, Fei Wang, Ziyad Smoqi, Qing Su, Michael Nastasi, Steam Oxidation and Heavy Ion Irradiation Behaviors of Ti2AlC Ceramics, 2018 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Symposium of Accident Tolerant Fuels for Light Water Reactor.
- Fei Wang, Ziyad Smoqi, Michael Nastasi, Bai Cui. Irradiation and Oxidation Behaviors of Ti2AlC-a Candidate Cladding Material for Nuclear Reactors. Nebraska Center for Energy Sciences Research 2017, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.