Undergraduate Researchers

James Cover

Biological System Engineering

Program & Project Year: Undergraduate Research Fall 2022 - present

Project Advisor: Drs. Grace Panther and Heidi Diefes-Dux

Project Title: Evidencing Epidemic Change in Engineering Education: Shedding Light on Instructor Adaptability and Course Complexity for Sustained Change

Description: Significant and sudden disruptions can bring normal university classroom activity to a halt and have many effects on how instructors teach going forward. Disruptions cause instructors to utilize different teaching practices and strategies including different Learning Management System (LMS) features. The research question being addressed in this study is: How do engineering instructors’ Learning Management System (LMS) use change before, during, and after a sudden disruption to higher education?

Project Dissemination:  Poster

Cover, J., Panther, G., & Diefes-Dux, H. A. (2024). Learning management system feature use in mechanical engineering second- and third-year courses before, during, and after a disruption. Proceedings of the 131st ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Portland, OR.

Cover, J., Panther, G., & Diefes-Dux, H. A. (2023, Apr. 3). Changes in course delivery: The effect of a significant disruption on instructors’ LMS feature use. [Poster Presentation]. X-DBER Conference, Virtual.

Emily Fitzpatrick

Mechanical & Materials Engineering

Program & Project Year: 2022 – present; John Woollam Scholar, UCARE

Project Advisor: Dr. Jessica Deters

Project Title: Improving Retention in Engineering: Understanding How Engineering Students' Perspectives Influence their Experience in Statics

Description: Statics is a foundational engineering mechanics course required by many engineering disciplines, but it is also known as a gatekeeping course due to its high DFW rate (grades of D, F, or withdrawals). The purpose of this study is to investigate engineering students' perceptions throughout their time in the course in order to identify potential barriers to success. This longitudinal research project investigates the following research questions: (1) According to first-year engineering students at a large, public, land-grant university in the Midwest, what are the common preconceived notions about Statics prior to enrollment? (2) How do these preconceived notions impact students' experiences and performance in Statics? (3) How do assessments in Statics impact participants’ self-perception of belonging and fit in engineering? 

Project Dissemination: Poster 1 Poster 2

Fitzpatrick, E., Mann, C., Chin, M. Y. & Deters, J. R. (2024, June 23-27). Exploring the impact of professors and peer-relationships on undergraduate mechanical engineering students’ well-being. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Portland, OR.

Fitzpatrick, E., Mann, C., & Deters, J. R. (2024, June 23-27). Investigating how faculty perceptions of students are influenced by experience level. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Portland, OR.

Fitzpatrick, E., Idiaghe, N., Mann, C., Chin, M. Y. & Deters, J. R. (2024, June 23-27). <Comparing first- and fourth-year undergraduate engineering experiences of first-generation students using narrative analysis. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Portland, OR.

Fitzpatrick, E. & Deters, J. R. (2024, Feb. 25 – 27). Qualitatively exploring how finances constrain undergraduate engineering student experiences, mental health, and career opportunities. Proceedings of the Collaborative Network for Engineering & Computing Diversity (CoNECD) Conference, Crystal City, VA.

Fitzpatrick, E., Baldwin, H., Adams, I., Chin, M. Y., & Deters, J. R. (2023, Sept. 10 – 12). What universities should know about minoritized undergraduate engineering students’ mental health. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Midwest Section Conference, Lincoln, NE.

Fitzpatrick, E. & Deters, J. R. (2023, June 25 – 29). Work in progress: A pilot study on faculty perceptions of the impact of COVID-19 on undergraduate engineering student readiness. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Conference, Baltimore, MD.

Gracie Kerr

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Program & Project Year: Undergraduate Research Fall 2023 - present

Project Advisor: Dr. Grace Panther

Project Title: Evidencing Epidemic Change in Engineering Education: Shedding Light on Instructor Adaptability and Course Complexity for Sustained Change

Description: Examining the ways that instructors adjusted their teaching activities before, during, and after a disruption and identify whether adaptations resulted in long-term teaching changes. Methods involve qualitative analysis of core course syllabi for one engineering department.

Project Dissemination: Poster

Chloe Mann

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Program & Project Year: 2024 - present ; UCARE

Project Advisor: Dr. Jessica Deters

Project Title: First-Generation Engineering Students: Passion vs. Stability

Description: As a first-generation student, the motivation behind choosing an engineering major was partly a longing to find a career I was passionate about and partly a desire for financial stability. This project investigates the following research question and sub-research questions: According to first-generation students, what factors influence their decision to pursue an engineering degree? Does students’ income level or first-generation status predict their decision to pursue a high-paying major? Do students’ passions predict their decision to pursue a high-paying major?

Project Dissemination: Poster

Fitzpatrick, E., Mann, C., Chin, M. Y. & Deters, J. R. (2024, June 23-27). Exploring the impact of professors and peer-relationships on undergraduate mechanical engineering students’ well-being. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Portland, OR.

Fitzpatrick, E., Idiaghe, N., Mann, C., Chin, M. Y. & Deters, J. R. (2024, June 23-27). Comparing first- and fourth-year undergraduate engineering experiences of first-generation students using narrative analysis. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Portland, OR.

Hayden Wulf

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Program & Project Year: Undergraduate Research Fall 2022 - present

Project Advisor: Dr. Grace Panther

Project Title: Evidencing Epidemic Change in Engineering Education: Shedding Light on Instructor Adaptability and Course Complexity for Sustained Change

Description: Examining the ways that instructors adjusted their teaching activities before, during, and after a disruption and identify whether adaptations resulted in long-term teaching changes. Methods involve qualitative analysis of core course syllabi for one engineering department.

Project Dissemination: Poster

Wulf, H., Panther, G., & Diefes-Dux, H. A. (2024). Indicators of change in mechanical engineering instructors’ teaching practices across five years. Proceedings of the 131st ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Portland, OR.