Continuing COE Teaching Fellow Title Track Requirements

Requirements for Maintaining COE Teaching Fellow Title

Congratulations on earning the title COE Teaching Fellow in years 1-2 of the program! By completing all activities and earning your title, you are part of a select group of faculty. After completing a third year of teaching-focused professional development, you have the option of either maintaining your title’s active status annually for up to 3 years, or apply for the 3-year Teaching Scholar Track. Below is an infographic of the Continuing Teaching Fellows track program timeline, in addition to the specific requirements of previous years of the program. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about the program, please contact, Dr. Amie Sommers, or Dr. Tareq Daher

Below are the specific requirements for years 3-6 of the Faculty Teaching Fellows program, where faculty have the option to pursue the Continuing Teaching Fellow track.

Year 3: Fall 2023-Spring 2024 Academic Year
Theme and Goal

Teaching-Focused Professional Development

  • Reflect on current teaching practices and philosophies
  • Plan future participation in the Faculty Teaching Fellows program, via the Continuing Teaching Fellow track or the Faculty Teaching Scholar Track
  • Network with Faculty Teaching Fellows Communities
  1. Participate in a yearlong faculty learning community with 8 in-person group discussions
    • Fall 2023: 3 sessions discussing recent research articles in special topics in engineering education
    • Spring 2024: 5 sessions of the Learning by Design 2 Program
  2. Attend private Teaching Celebration meeting with Leadership (Strongly recommended)

Active participation throughout the Fall and Spring semesters (attend all 8 learning community discussions)

Teaching Celebration hosted on Late Spring 2024, date TBA

Below are the specific requirements for the 3 years of the Continuing Teaching Fellow track in current and previous academic years.

Year 4: Fall 2024-Spring 2025 Academic Year
Theme and Goal

Building Community

  • Reflect on current teaching practices and philosophies
  • Plan activities and strategies based on reflection and discussion to implement in future courses
  • Network with faculty learning community and Leadership
  1. Participate in a yearlong faculty learning community with 6 in-person group discussions and events
      • Fall 2024: Attend two in-person discussion sessions, prepare and implement one new teaching strategy, meet once with Pre-Fellow peer regarding their Spring 2025 presentation
      • Spring 2025: 3 sessions in the Spring discussing The Skillful Teacher by Stephen D. Brookfield, complete Reflection Packets, attend Pre-Fellow presentations (voluntary)
    2. Attend private Teaching Celebration meeting with Leadership (Strongly recommended)

Active participation throughout the Fall and Spring semesters (attend and complete all 4 learning community discussions and other activities)

Meet with Pre-Fellow peer in early Fall 2024

Attend Pre-Fellow presentations in late Spring 2025

Attend Teaching Celebration hosted on Spring 2025, date TBD

Year 5: Fall 2025-Spring 2026 Academic Year
Theme and Goal

Teaching Approaches

  • Reflect on current teaching practices and philosophies
  • Plan activities and strategies based on reflection and discussion to implement in future courses
  • Network with Faculty Teaching Fellows Communities
  1. Participate in a yearlong faculty learning community with 6 in-person group discussions
      • 3 sessions in the Fall discussing Inclusive Teaching by Hogan and Sathy,complete Reflection Packets
      • 3 sessions in the Spring discussing How Humans Learn by Joshua R. Eyler, complete Reflection Packets
  2. Allow POCA participants to observe teaching (Optional)
  3. Attend private Teaching Celebration meeting with Leadership (Strongly recommended)

Active participation throughout the Fall and Spring semesters (attend all 6 learning community discussions)

Teaching Celebration date TBD

Year 6: Fall 2026-Spring 2027 Academic Year
Theme and Goal

Student-Focused Teaching Practices

  • Reflect on current teaching practices and philosophies
  • Plan activities and strategies based on reflection and discussion to implement in future courses
  • Network with Faculty Teaching Fellows Communities
  1. Participate in a yearlong faculty learning community with 6 in-person group discussions and events
    • Fall 2026: 3 discussion sessions on Improving Learning and Mental Health in the College Classroom by Eaton et al., complete associated reflection packets
    • Spring 2027: 3 discussion sessions on Geeky Pedagogy: A Guide for Intellectuals, Introverts, and Nerds Who Want to Be Effective Teachers (Teaching and Learning in Higher Education) by Jessamyn Neuhaus, complete associated reflection packets
  2. Attend private Teaching Celebration meeting with Leadership (Strongly recommended)

Active participation throughout the Fall and Spring semesters (attend and complete all 6 learning community discussions and other activities)

Attend Teaching Celebration hosted on date TBA