Academic Degrees
- Ph.D., University of Nebraska-Lincoln (2012)
- M.S.M.E., University of Nebraska-Lincoln (2010)
- B.S.M.E., University of Nebraska-Lincoln (2008)
- Ph.D.
Vehicle Dynamics Research
Evaluating the crashworthiness, control, path prediction, and stability of vehicles in an effort to design intelligent vehicle-to-roadside infrastructure (V2I) communication systems

From NASCAR to our nation's highways, the Midwest Roadside Safety Facility at Nebraska is protecting drivers and saving lives every day with our innovative safer roadside barriers.
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16 years experience at MwRSF, contributing to projects including:
- NCHRP Project 17-22 (NCHRP Report No. 665)
- Development of simple, robust, wire rope model for use in finite element analysis codes
- Design of passive safety elements (barriers, road design, speed tables, chicanes) for military Entry Control Facilities
Research Opportunities (Graduate/Undergraduate)
- 100% Research
Curriculum Vitae (CV):
Areas of Research and Professional Interest
- Vehicle dynamics research:focused on evaluating performance handling and cornering, suspension reactions, path prediction, transient control asynchronicities, impact, crashworthiness, occupant safety, and stability
- Crashworthiness evaluation of roadside hardware using In-Service Performance Evaluations (ISPEs), crash statistics and reconstruction, engagement with law enforcement and crash scene investigators, federal standards for crash reporting and investigation, and evaluation and determination of federally recommended criteria for conducting crash testing
- Sports safety, impact attenutaion, structure, and component design
- Military passive safety transportation design, anti-ram barrier design, system anaylsis, crash testing, threat mitigation
- Finite element analysis, material characterization, fracture analysis, impact plasticity
- Wire rope behavior and modeling, cable barriers, impacts involving low-mass tension elements
Research Profiles:
Sep 15, 2023:
Stolle engineering better road safety to save lives
Design of an energy-absorbing hockey dasherboard design
Courses Taught
- Vehicle Dynamics (MECH455/855)
- Engineering Dynamics (MECH373)
- MECH950 Impact Engineering
Honors and Awards
- Transportation Research Board Best Paper Award: Guidelines for Implementation of Cable Median Barriers
- International Roadside Safety Conference Best Paper Award: Initial Developments Supporting a Roadside Tree Removal Safety Campaign
- Holling Family Distinguished Teaching/Advising/Mentoring Award