Academic Degrees
- Ph.D. in Robotics, Carnegie Mellon University (2018)
- M.S. in Robotics, Carnegie Mellon University (2017)
- M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (2014)
- B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (2011)
Research Opportunities (Graduate/Undergraduate)
Areas of Research and Professional Interest
- Robotics
- Stretchable electronics
- Soft materials
- Liquid metals
- Bio-inspired engineering
Courses Taught
- MECH 350: Dynamics and Control of Engineering Systems (Spring 2019-2024)
- MECH 453/853: Robotics: Kinematics and Design (Fall 2020-2023)
- MECH 492/892 (Co-Instructor): Data-Driven Science and Engineering (Spring 2021)
- ENGR 491/891: Engineering Entrepreneurship (Fall 2022-2023)
About Eric Markvicka
Dr. Eric Markvicka directs the Smart Materials and Robotics Laboratory, which is broadly interested in research at the intersection of computer and material science to transform how materials interact with the human body and the world around us. Specifically, we engineer new systems that are composed of intrinsically soft materials (e.g. rubbers, gels, fluids) that exhibit the mechanical compliance of natural, biological tissue to ensure safe interactions with humans. These efforts typically lie in the emerging fields of wearable computing, soft robotics, and multifunctional materials. Prof. Markvicka is the recipient of the 2021 NUtech Ventures Emerging Innovator of the Year, 2023 COE Excellence in Research Award, 2024 COE Edgerton Innovation Award, 2024 ASME Rising Star of Mechanical Engineering, and 2024 NSF CAREER Award.
Prof. Markvicka received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Robotics at Carnegie Mellon University. Prior to arriving at CMU, he received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He has been a visiting researcher at the Air Force Research Laboratory, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA Johnson Space Center, and Honeybee Robotics. He is the recipient of the graduate research fellowship awards from the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Center for Machine Learning and Health (CMLH) at CMU, and NASA Nebraska Space Grant Consortium.
Autonomously Electrically Self-Healing Soft Electronics
ElectroDermis: Untethered Electronic Bandages
Autonomously Electrically Self-Healing Soft Robotics
Honors and Awards
- ASME Rising Star of Mechanical Engineering (2024)
- NSF CAREER Award (2024)
- College of Engineering Edgerton Innovation Award (2024)
- College of Engineering Excellence in Research Award (2023)
- Five-minute pitch competition grand prize winner - ASME Design of Medical Devices (2022)
- Emerging Innovator of the Year - NUtech Ventures (2021)
- SXSW Innovation Award finalist in the Wearable Tech category (2019)
- Dezeen Awards Design Longlist (2019)
- Design Intelligence Award honorable mention (2019)
- Center for Machine Learning and Health Fellowship - CMU (2017)
- NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (2012)