Academic Degrees
- Ph.D., Engineering Mechanics, Virginia Tech (2010)
- B.Tech, Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Guwahati, India (2005)
- Ph.D.
I lead the Dynamical Systems Lab (DSL) in the MME department at UNL. My research involves developing new analysis, control and optimization methods for nonlinear dynamical systems, and their application to several areas including large-scale multi-agent robotics, fluid mechanics, structural mechanics/nonlinear vibration and astrodynamics. My current focus is on active fluids, mean-field control, mean-field games and nonlinear waves in mechanical metamaterials.
Email: piyush.grover@unl.edu
2010-2019 : (Staff ('10-'15)/Principal('15-'19)/Senior Principal('19)) Research Scientist at Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs (MERL), Cambridge, MA
Research Opportunities (Graduate/Undergraduate)
Curriculum Vitae (CV):
Areas of Research and Professional Interest
Dynamical Systems theory, control and optimization:
- Geometric and topological methods in dynamical systems
- Operator theoretic methods (Perron-Frobenius/Koopman) for analysis and control
- Continuum approach to multi-agent system control and decision making (Mean-field control and mean-field games, Optimal Transport)
Applications to:
- Large-scale multi-agent systems (swarm robotics, traffic)
- Microfluidics and active fluids (chaotic mixing, topological chaos, flow control)
- Metamaterial design (Energy transfers in nonlinear media)
- Atmospheric Flows (Reduced-order modeling , LiDAR data-assimilation)
- Astrodynamics (Low-energy space mission design)
- Buoyancy driven flow in built environment (control of HVAC)
Research Profiles:
Courses Taught
- Spring 2021: Advanced Dynamics (MECH 449/849)
- Spring 2021 (Co-instructor) : Data Driven Science and Engineering (Special Topics MECH 492/892)
- Fall 2019, 2020, 2021: Mechanical Engineering Control Systems Design (MECH 450/850)
- Summer 2020: Introduction to Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos (MECH 98)
Selected Publications
(* denotes advisee)
13). Optimal Control of Active Nematics Preprint
Physical Review Letters, 2020 DOI: PhysRevLett.125.178005 Chosen as Editor's Suggestion
Michael Norton, Piyush Grover, Michael Hagan and Seth Fraden
12). Reduced-order modeling of fully turbulent buoyancy-driven flows using the Green's function method Preprint
Physical Review Fluids, 2019. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.4.013801 Chosen as Editor's suggestion.
M.A. Khodkar, Pedram Hassanzadeh, Saleh Nabi and Piyush Grover
11). On mean field games for agents with Langevin dynamics
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems (TCNS), 2019 DOI:10.1109/TCNS.2019.2896975
Kaivalya Bakshi*, Piyush Grover and Evangelos Theodorou
10). Assignment and Control of Two-Tiered Vehicle Traffic Preprint
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2018
Gustav Nilsson, Piyush Grover and Uros Kalabic.
9). A mean-field game model for homogeneous flocking Download
Chaos: An interdisciplinary journal of nonlinear science, 2018 DOI:10.1063/1.5036663
Piyush Grover, Kaivalya Bakshi* and Evangelos Theodorou
8). Optimal Transport over Deterministic Discrete-time Nonlinear Systems using Stochastic Feedback Laws Download
IEEE Control System Letters, 2018. DOI: 10.1109/LCSYS.2018.2855185
Karthik Elamvazhuthi*, Piyush Grover, and Spring Berman
7). Optimal transport over nonlinear systems via infinitesimal generators on graphs Download
Journal of Computational Dynamics, 2018 DOI: 10.3934/jcd.2018001
Karthik Elamvazhuthi* and Piyush Grover
6). Reinforcement Learning with Function-Valued Action Spaces for Partial Differential Equation Control Download
Thirty-fifth International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2018.
Yangchen Pan, Amir-massoud Farahmand, Martha White, Saleh Nabi, Piyush Grover, Daniel Nikovski
5). Sparse sensing and DMD based identification of flow regimes and bifurcations in complex flows Download
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 2017. DOI:10.1137/15M104565X
Boris Kramer*, Piyush Grover, Petros Boufounos, Saleh Nabi* and Mouhacine Benosman
4). On optimal performance of nonlinear energy sinks in multiple-degree-of-freedom systems Download
Journal of Sound and Vibration (JSV) 2016. DOI:10.1016/j.jsv.2016.10.025
Astitva Tripathi*, Piyush Grover, Tamas Kalmar-Nagy
3). Topological Chaos, Braiding and Bifurcation of Almost-cyclic Sets Download
Chaos: An interdisciplinary journal of nonlinear science, 2012. DOI: 10.1063/1.4768666
Piyush Grover, Shane Ross, Mark Stremler and Pankaj Kumar
2). Topological Chaos and Periodic Braiding of Almost-Cyclic Sets Download
Physical Review Letters, 2011. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.114101
Mark Stremler, Shane Ross, Piyush Grover, and Pankaj Kumar
1). Designing trajectories in a planet-moon environment using the controlled Keplerian mapDownload
Journal of guidance, control, and dynamics, 2009. DOI:10.2514/1.38320
Piyush Grover and Shane Ross