MME - Research Areas - Terry Lab

Terry Research Laboratory (Benjamin S. Terry)

The Terry Research Lab (TRL) is located in the Walter Scott Engineering Building (SEC) room 360 in UNL’s Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering.

The objectives of the TRL are to:
  • Solve essential biomedical challenges through exceptional research and engineering
  • Provide industry-relevant research opportunities for UNL engineering students
  • Collaborate with local primary education to enhance K12 interest in STEM
Our expertise is in:
  • Medical therapeutics, devices, and surgical tools
  • Intuitive, ambulatory biosensors
  • Biomechanical behavior of tissues and organs
  • Commercial applications of biomedical technology
Our featured facilities are:
  • 3D printer
Highest Resolution is 0.018mm. More detailed information at
  • 60,000 RPM 5-Axis Milling Machine: TN5
The TN5 is a 5-axis Mill featuring an 8 Tool Automatic Tool Changer for simultaneous and 3+2 5-axis machining applications. Our TN5 High Speed 5-Axis CNC Mill has infinitely variable speeds from 5000-60,000 RPM. More detailed information, please see
  • ADMET eXpert 5601 Tension Testing system
Perform tension, compression, peel and bend tests. More detailed information, please see: