Our Mission:
Bringing long lasting value to the region by offering innovative, sustainable, and economically beneficial recommendations to small and medium sized manufacturers, as well as educating the next generation of engineers to be mindful of energy efficiency and waste prevention as they enter tomorrow’s workforce.Our History:
The Nebraska Industrial Assessment Center (NIAC) program began in 2017 with funding from the U.S. Department of Energy. The NIAC team is comprised of students and faculty from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) who provide free assessments focusing on energy efficiency and waste reduction for small- and medium-sized manufacturers in the Midwest area. Following such assessments, NIAC prepares and administers comprehensive reports which provide specific details on all cost-saving opportunities identified during the assessment, descriptions of existing conditions, energy profiles, applicable rebates and incentives, and recommendations with simple payback periods.The NIAC is a proud affiliate of UNL's Partners in Pollution Prevention (P3) Program. You can find out more about the P3 Program by visiting the following link: /research/p3-partners-pollution-prevention/.
In the News:

Nebraska Industrial Assessment Center (NIAC) Director Bob Williams and student worker Brittlin Hoge discuss how they are helping local businesses save big money from their energy assessments while Nebraska Engineering students also gain valuable field experience.
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