May 16, 2016 - Graduate Connections sat down with Ramin Hosseinabad, PhD student in Mechanical and Materials Engineering, to talk about his experience as an international student at UNL and how he’s made Lincoln his home.
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April 20, 2016 - There may not be other mechanical engineers working on his senior capstone team, but Derek Wallin rarely finds himself alone on an island as part of a unique biomedical project.
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April 18, 2016 - In recognition of a long collaboration between UNL and a French university, Mehrdad Negahban, professor of mechanical and materials engineering, on Friday will receive an honorary doctorate from the University of Rouen.
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April 18, 2016 - Five students from the College of Engineering will be among the 32 UNL seniors recognized as Chancellor's Scholars during the All-University Honors Convocation at 2 p.m. Sunday, April 24 at the Lied Center for Performing Arts.
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April 06, 2016 - Benjamin Terry, assistant professor of mechanical and materials engineering, was chosen as the Tau Beta Pi Distinguished Teaching Award recipient for 2016. Terry was chosen for the award by a vote of the College of Engineering student body.
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April 06, 2016 - A UNL team led by professors Eli Sutter and Peter Sutter has become the first to directly image the self-assembly of nanocrystals in the liquid environments that foster it.
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March 25, 2016 - Sticks and stones may break bones, but a research group led by UNL mechanical and materials engineering faculty and post doctoral researchers has set out to ensure that the ensuing X-ray will never hurt you.
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March 18, 2016 - A unique team of UNL engineering and business students will travel to Uganda over spring break to complete an engineering capstone and social entrepreneurship project to assist an organization that helps marginalized women.
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March 02, 2016 - Virtual Incision Corp., a company co-founded Shane Farritor, professor of mechanical and materials engineering, announced a first successful in-human use of its robotic surgical device.
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February 17, 2016 - In a building that used to house the Cornhusker football team, engineering faculty are playing a big role in the Nebraska Intelligent Mobile Unmanned Systems (NIMBUS) lab developing the future of drone technology.
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