Dierks, who has been with Conductix-Wampfler since 2015, also was featured in another industry publication in April, Manufacturing in Focus, where he talked about Conductix-Wampfler’s automotive systems like cranes, light rail systems and other people movers.
In the online Q&A with Industrial Machinery Digest, Dierks, a 2002 graduate of the College of Engineering with a B.S. in electrical engineering, addressed the issue of cybersecurity and industrial machinery.
“Ask yourself if Wi-Fi is the ideal solution for your equipment – if it’s not, consider creating a subnetwork completely separate from Wi-Fi for security and performance,” he explains in the column.
Some additional highlights from the Q&A include Dierks’ overview of the products and services Conductix-Wampfler provide, including a Power Rail Intelligence System (PRIAS), which is a comprehensive technology that evaluates the health of rail systems. Additionally, Conductix-Wampfler designs, manufactures, and services a wide range of solutions from conductor bar systems and transit conductor rails to industrial power transfer systems.
Full Interview with Andrew