
School of Natural Resources, Departments of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences and Biological Systems Engineering

NRES/METR/BSEN 479/879 Hydroclimatology* (2016, 2017, 2019, 2021; 2023; Springs of ODD years)-Undergraduate and Graduate levels

NRES 2xx Climate Action (taught as UHON395 Living in our changing climate, Fall 2023; comming Fall 2025) -Undergraduate  

SCIL103 Water and Society* (Spring 2023, 2024)

NRES 896 Climate Analytics, Analysis, and Synthesis (Comming Spring 2026) -Graduate level

NRES 896 Climate Adaptation and Mitigation (Fall 2022) -Graduate level

NRES 896 Building Reseach Experiences* (2021)-Undergraduate

BSEN 892/NRES 896 Decision making and Attribution Science in Food-Energy-Water-Ecosystem Services Systems**+ (2020)-Graduate level

NRES 896/BSEN 892 Complexity Science in Food, Energy, Water, and Ecosystem Services Systems**+ (Fall of 2019 and 2021)-Graduate level

NRES 453/853 Physical Hydrology** (Spring 2014 and 2015)-Undergraduate and Graduate level

Department of Biological Systems Engineering

AGEN/BSEN 350 Soil and Water Resources Engineering* (Falls of 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019) -Undergraduate level

AGEN/BSEN 954 Small Watershed Hydrologic Modeling (Spring 2015)-Graduate level

AGEN/BSEN 899 Seminar I (2014)-Graduate level

Special Topics

NRES 896/BSEN 892 Hydraulic Systems in Europe**+ (Summer 2019 and 2022) – Graduate level; co-organizer with Delft Institute for Water Education, Delft-IHE

BSEN 898 Attribution Science (Spring 2019)-Graduate level

BSEN 898 Statistics of Extremes in Water Resources (Fall 2016 and Spring 2017)- Graduate level 

*Periodically taught

**Periodically co-taught

+Part of the National Science Foundation Research Training (NRT) graduate program on Resilient Complex Landscapes