Ph.D. Candidate

Alessandro Amaranto
Contact Information:
Chase Hall 18
East Campus (Lincoln)


Expected Graduation Date:
January 2019

Area of Research:
Soil and Water Resource Engineering

Water Resources

Francisco Muñoz-Arriola • Dimitri Solomatine; Gérard Corzo Perez

About Me:

Before joining UNL I graduated in Environmental and Geomatic Engineering at Politecnico di Milano in 2014. My research areas are data-driven modeling, sensitivity and uncertainty analysis, with an emphasis on their application to groundwater resources management. As part of my Ph.D., I joined the Hydroinformatics research group in IHE Delft, which carries together with UNL a number of projects related to the water management and food security. I serve as a reviewer for different international journals, and I was involved in supervisory activities for different MSc students. I received the Scientific Communication Award by the Digital Agriculture Society (2018).


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Research Gate 


  • A Amaranto, F Munoz-Arriola, G Corzo, DP Solomatine and GE Meyer (2018) Semi-seasonal groundwater forecast using multiple data-driven models in an irrigated cropland - Journal of Hydroinformatics, 20(6): 1227-1246
  • Maurizio Mazzoleni, Seong Jin Noh, Haksu Lee, Yuqiong Liu, Dong-Jun Seo, Alessandro Amaranto, Leonardo Alfonso, Dimitri P Solomatine (2018) Real-time assimilation of streamflow observations into a hydrological routing model: effects of model structures and updating methods - Hydrological Sciences Journal, 63(3): 386-407