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Apr 06, 2018
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By The Pulse
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Homecoming 2017 was a special weekend for several College of Engineering alums reunited after traveling a great distance to first meet in college.
Nearly 40 alums and their spouses, who came to UNL as teenagers from Asia, enjoyed everything from campus tours and an ice cream social at the Dairy Store to a Husker football game and a reception sponsored by the College of Engineering at the Van Brunt Visitors Center.
Twenty-two of the 38 guests were College of Engineering graduates between the years 1971 and 1978. For many of them, it was their first visit to campus since graduating more than four decades ago.
“Most graduates would consider a college experience as a time of growing up freely, studying away from home,” stated Tony Lam, a 1974 graduate with a degree in electrical engineering. “For us, it meant being uprooted from the comfort zone of our home country to spend the next four years in Nebraska. We developed, though not obvious at the time, a deep bond and relationship through our college experience among ourselves, with UNL, other student bodies and the people of Lincoln.”
Visiting places like Memorial Stadium, the Nebraska Union and Nebraska Hall brought back fond memories for several graduates, most of whom are from Hong Kong. They thanked Interim Dean Lance Pérez and the College of Engineering for scheduling the various activities the group enjoyed Sept. 21-23. Lam and David Chen, a 1972 UNL graduate with a degree in industrial engineering, presented Pérez with a commemorative plaque during a reception at Othmer Hall on Sept. 22.
“We particularly enjoyed the interaction with staff and faculty members in the reception held by the college,” added Lam. “Like everything in life, a bond may have faded somewhat over 40 years. As we set foot on campus last fall, the sight and sound revived feelings and memories from our youthful past. We shared stories and laughs from college days and rekindled old friendships once again.”
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