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Jun 13, 2018
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The Durham School of Architectural Engineering and Construction has received a 2018 National Council Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES) Engineering Education Award and a $10,000 prize.
Students from The Durham School's Master of Architectural Engineering (MAE) program carried out the project in their Team Design course, under faculty adviser Clarence Waters, professor of architectural engineering. This year’s award is the third for The Durham School in the past four NCEES competitions, including a 2016 grand prize.
The Durham School’s submission was titled, “Children’s Hospital and Medical Center Expansion,” a proposed $290 million, 390,000-square foot addition to the existing structure.
The project was structured around the Architectural Engineering Institute (AEI) Student Design Competition, for which students from this same group earned runner-up awards in structural systems design and mechanical systems design.
For the project, electrical, structural, and mechanical engineering students worked as part of a team that also included licensed faculty, more than 50 licensed professional engineers and architects from industry, and many other allied professionals who served as mentors for the students.
The NCEES Engineering Education Award recognizes college engineering programs for engaging their students in collaborative projects with licensed professional engineers. It was established to promote understanding of the value of licensure and to encourage partnerships between the engineering profession and education.
Eight cash awards are presented each year – one $25,000 grand prize and seven $10,000 prizes – and can be used at the discretion of the winning engineering departments/colleges. NCEES encourages the winners to use the funds for the advancement of projects connecting professional practice and education.
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