Professional Memberships:
• M. ASCE• M. GI
• M. EMI
Academic Degrees
- Ph. D. in Civil Engineering, Louisiana State University
- MSc. in Civil Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin
- BS in Civil Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
- Ph.D. AE, M. ASCE
Ten Industry Experience
2001.5 – 2002.8 Sambo Engineering Seoul, Korea
Due Diligence Work for CheonAhn-Nonsan Expressway
- Role: Chief Project Engineer
- Project Summary: This project is a due diligence work for an Expressway. The client is a Black & Veatch International. This project includes the slope stability analysis, tunnel analysis, and foundation analysis.
2001.5 – 2001.8 Sambo Engineering Seoul, Korea
Basic Design of Seoul-Chuncheon Expressway
- Role: Chief Geotechnical Engineer
- Project Summary: This project is a basic design of a Highway for Hyundai Development Co.(Korea) and Bouygues (France). Total length is 58 km. This project includes the geotechnical investigation, slope design, tunnel design, and foundation design. Official language for the project is English.
2001.4 – 2001.5 Sambo Engineering Seoul, Korea
Turn Key Design of SungNam – Janghowon Expressway
- Role: Chief Geotechnical Engineer
- Project Summary: This project is a design for Turn Key project that includes detail geotechnical investigation, cost estimation and design of expressway.
2001.2 – 2001.4 Sambo Engineering Seoul, Korea
Turn Key Design of Seoul Subway 911
- Role: Chief Geotechnical Engineer
- Project Summary: This project is a detail design for Turn Key construction of Seoul Subway Line 9, sector 11. It includes the geotechnical investigation, cost estimation, and detail design of deep excavation and tunnels
2001.1 – 2001.4 Sambo Engineering Seoul, Korea
Detail Design of Changsung Tunnel
- Role: Chief Geotechnical Engineer
- Project Summary: This project includes detail design of Changsung Tunnel.
1995 – 1996 Daewoo Engineering Co. Seoul, Korea
Planning, design, construction, instrumentation, monitoring and analysis of the trial compaction of the hydraulic fill materials of New Seoul International Airport
- Role: Chief Field Engineer/Senior Engineer
- Project Summary: This project is a second pilot project for the testing, evaluation, and recommendation of best compaction method for the new airport (for the next generation super-sonic aircraft) that is going to be constructed on the hydraulic filled man-made island.
1994 – 1996 Daewoo Engineering Co. Seoul, Korea
Field instrumentation, monitoring and analysis of the test fill of New Seoul International Airport
- Role: Chief Field Engineer/Senior Engineer
- Project Summary: This project is the first pilot project (test fill) for the testing, evaluation, and recommendation of the best soft soil improving method for the clayey soft soils of the new airport that is going to be constructed on the hydraulic filled man-made island. Fully automatic field measurement and real time analysis were carried out.
1993 – 1994 Daewoo Engineering Co. Seoul, Korea
Ground improvement design of landside of New Seoul International Airport
- Role: Geotechnical Engineer/Senior Engineer
- Project Summary: This project is a ground improvement design project for the land side of the new airport. Wick drains and sand pack drains were designed.
1992 – 1993 Daewoo Engineering Co. Seoul, Korea
Ground improvement design of Kunsan Daewoo Motor Vehicle Company (Dynamic compaction of hydraulically filled materials)
- Role: Geotechnical Engineer/Project Coordinator
- Project Summary: This is a ground improvement design for the loose sand deposits. Dynamic compaction with de-watering technique was selected. The construction supervision was also included.
1991 – 1992 Daewoo Engineering Co. Seoul, Korea
Safety evaluation of Samrangjin pumped power storage dam
- Role: Geotechnical Engineer/Project Coordinator
- Project Summary: This is a safety evaluation of cracked dam body of a pumped power storage dam. Finite element simulation, laboratory tests data, and instrumentation data were used for the analysis. It was concluded that the water level should not exceed a certain limit.
1991 – 1991 Daewoo Engineering Co. Seoul, Korea
Safety evaluation of back hill slopes of Daewoo Precision Company
- Role: Geotechnical Engineer
- Project Summary: This is a investigation of the failure mechanism of the a slope and design of the counter measure for slope stabilization. Failure mechanism was turned out to be the broken ditch at the top of the slope, and the counter measure was designed as the combination of stabilizing anchors and flexible ditches at the top
- 50% teaching, 40% research, 10% service
Curriculum Vitae (CV):
Areas of Research and Professional Interest
- Evaluation of physical and mechanical behavior of soils
- Combining noble theories to solve real field problems such as bridging nano-particulate-continuum mechanics, implementation of acoustic techniques in subsoil exploration, the behavior evaluation of geotechnical structures, soft soil improvement, constitutive relations of geo-materials, simulation of saturated/unsaturated soils using coupled theory of mixtures, numerical modeling, calibration chamber testing, soil dynamics, soil-structure interaction, in situ and laboratory testing, geotechnical instrumentations, and pavement related geotechnical engineering.
Courses Taught
- Coupled theory of Mixtures
- Plasticity
- Soil Dynamics
- Advanced Foundations
- Advanced Soil Mechanics
- Field Instrumentation and Measurement in Geotechnical Engineering
- Foundation Engineering
- Soil Mechanics
- View the Undergraduate Course Catalog
- View the Graduate Course Catalog
About Chung Song
- Chung Song worked in many national and international projects, while working for Sun Jin Engineering Co. Ltd. and Daewoo Engineering Co. Ltd. from 1988 to 1996, as a senior design and field geotechnical engineer. Chung Song obtained PE qualification in Korea. He has published approximately 150 technical articles, three book chapters and two books. He was invited as a guest lecturer for Korean Geotechnical Society, in geotechnical instrumentation and soft soil improvement areas. In August 1996, he joined the graduate program at Louisiana State University and defended his dissertation at 1999. After his Ph. D. degree, Dr. Chung R. Song worked for Sambo Engineering Co. Ltd. as a director of Tunnels and Infrastructure Division. In 2001 Dr. Chung Song was qualified as an APEC Engineer that is an international professional engineer recognized in more than 20 countries that include US. Currently, Dr. Chung R. Song teaches geotechnical engineering at The University of Nebraska as an associate professor. Chung R. Song also taught geotechnical engineering at The University of Mississippi from 2004 to 2015.
Honors and Awards
- School of Engineering, Outstanding Faculty Member of the Year, (Feb. 2011)
- School of Engineering, Teaching Award (University of Mississippi, Apr. 2009)
- Distinguished Dissertation Award (Louisiana State University, Sept. 2000)
- Michael A. Clause Awards (For outstanding graduate student, LSU) (Spring, 2000)
- “Erosion Resistant Rock Shoulder”, Chung Song and Richard Wood, PI, NDOT, $142,907, Jul. 1, 2021 to Jun. 30, 2013
- “Application of Steel Sheet-Piles for the Abutment of Water-Crossing Bridges in Nebraska”, Seunghee Kim, Jongwan Eun, and Chung Song, NDOT, Co-PI, $154,314, Jul. 1, 2021 to Jun. 30, 2013
- “Assessing Performance of Geosynthetic Reinforced Pavement with a Large-Scale Track Wheel Test and Nondestructive Testing Tools”, Jongwan Eun, Chung Song and Seunghee Kim, Co-PI, NTC, $270,000 (UNL$135,000), Oct. 1, 2020 to Feb. 28, 2022
- “Evaluation of Light Pole Foundation Embedment”, Joshua Steelman and 6 co-PI’s, $248,261, AkDOT, Sept .1, 2020 to Feb. 28, 2022
5. “Crashworthy Foundations for Soil-Embedded Roadside Safety Hardware”, Joshua Steelman and 6 co-PI’s, MATC, Co-PI, $122,152.23, Oct. 1, 2020 to Feb. 28, 2022
6. “Spokes: Medium:Midwest: Smart Big Data Pipeline for Aging Rural Bridge Transportation Infrastructure (SMARTI)”, Chungwook Sim and 10 senior persons, $123,849, Sept. 1, 2020 to Aug. 31, 2021
7. “Crash Testing of Various Bridge Guardrails and Transitions, Phase II”, Ron Faller and 8 co-PI and senior persons, Senior person, Hawaii DOT, $2,100,000, Jan. 2, 2020 to Dec. 31, 2021
8. “Biopolymerized slope/subgrade stabilization and advanced field monitoring” - Complete, Chung R. Song (PI), Yong-Rak Kim, Richard L. Wood and Jongwan Eun, NDOT, $123,386, Jul. 1, 2019 - 12/31/2020
9. “Data-Driven Prioritization and Empirical Predictions for Bridge Scour in Nebraska” - Complete, Richard L. Wood, Christine E. Wittich, June Guo and Chung R. Song (Co-PI), NDOT, $115,662, Jul. 1, 2019 - 12/31/2020
10. “High-Mast Tower Foundation” - Complete, Chungwook Sim, Chung R. Song (Co-PI), Brandon Kreiling, and Jay Puckett, NDOT, $47,149, Jul. 1, 2019 - Dec. 3, 2020
11. “31-in. Midwest Guardrail System (MGS) and Curb Combination Guidelines for MASH TL-3”, Scott Rosenbaugh and 8 Co-PI’s, DOT-FHWA, $600,000, Jul. 3, 2019 - Jun. 2, 2022
12. “NYSDOT-MASH-1: MASH 2016 Safety Hardware Evaluations-Phase I System C1 and C3”, Karla Lechtenberg and 6 others, NY DOT, $3,228,715, Mar. 12, 2019 – Aug. 31, 2020
13. “Nebraska Specific Slope Design Manual – Extension”, Chung R. Song (PI), Yong-Rak Kim, $11,612.70, Jul. 1, 2017 - 12/31/2018
14. “Design Optimization and Monitoring of Joint-less Integral and Semi-interal Abutment Bridges in Nebraska”- Complete, Chungwook Sim(PI), Jongwan Eun(Co-PI), Seunghee Kim(Co-PI) and Chung Song(PI), NDOT, $142,312, Jul. 2017 – Dec. 2019
15. “Crash Testing of Various Bridge Guardrails and Transitions”, Ronald Faller (PI) and 12 co-PI’s, Hawaii DOT, $709,563, Oct. 22, 2020 – Apr. 24, 2020
16. “NSF BD Spokes: Medium: Midwest: Smart big data pipelines for Aging Rural Bridge Transportation Infrastructure (SMARTI)” - Complete, NSF, 09/01-2018-08/31/2020, Chungwook Sim (PI), 9 other co-PI’s and senior persons, $353,084, Sept. 13, 2018 - Aug. 31, 2020
17. “CPT Based Pile Design” – Complete, Chung R. Song (PI) and Seunghee Kim (co-PI), NDOR, $104,425, Jul. 2017 - Dec. 2018.
18. “Application of LiDAR for South Dakota DOT” – Complete, South Dakota DOT, Richard Wood (PI), Yong-Rak Kim (co-PI) and Chung R. Song (co-PI), $74,999, Sept. 2016 – Dec. 2017
19. “Piezocone Penetration Testing Device” – Complete, NDOR, C.R. Song (PI), $89,882, Jul. 2016 – Dec. 2017.
20. “Nebraska Specific Slope Design Manual” – Complete, NDOR, C.R. Song (PI), Yong Rak Kim (co-PI), 133,731, Jul. 2016 – Dec. 2017.
21. “Development of a Traffic Noise Barrier Using Active Noise Reduction Technique” – Complete, PI, EnE Construction Co. Ltd. $153,644, Jul. 2013 – Jun. 2016.
22. “Developing a Technique for Real Time Dam Safety Evaluation and Field Feed-Back” – Complete, PI, Rural Research Institute of Korea Rural Community Corporation, $28,000, Jul. 2013 – Nov. 2013.
23. “Earthquake and Piping Hazard Assessment for DeSoto” – Complete, Tunica, Coahoma and Tate County, Mississippi – Complete, PI, MEMA/MMRI, $39,893, Apr. 2011 – Apr. 2014.
24. “Nano-Enhanced and Bio-Inspired Composite Materials for Mitigation and Protection of TIH railcars and Stationary Tanks against High Power Impact” – Complete, Co-PI, DHS/SERRI, $1,001,970.00, May, 2010 to May, 2012.
25. “Structural, Material, and Geotechnical Solutions to Levee and Floodwall Construction and Retrofitting” - Complete, PI, DHS/SERRI, $1,959,537.00, Nov. 2007 – Dec. 2010.
26. “Real time estimation of soil permeability using Piezocone Penetration Test” – Complete, PI, Korea Land and Housing Corp/Baytech Korea, $50,000, Nov. 2004 to Dec. 2007.
27. “Construction of design chart for determination of hydraulic conductivity using pore pressure response of soils” – Complete, PI, UM, $7,416, Jan. 2005 – Dec. 2005.
28. “Estimation of hydraulic conductivity using acoustic techniques” - Complete, PI, Baytech Korea, $20,605, Amount, Jul. 2004 – Jun. 2005.
Selected Publications
- Bekele, B, Song, C.R., Jin, G., Sawyer, B. and Lindemann, M., “Fast Estimation of Hydraulic Conductivity for Overconsolidated Soils Using Piezocone Test Results”, Infrastructure, MDPI, https://doi.org/10.3390/infrastructures6030032
- Song C.R. and Kim Jinwon (2020), “Estimation of Hydraulic Conductivity of Soils Based on Biot’s Theory of Wave Propagation”, J. of KGS, 36(12), 7-16, https://doi.org/10.7843/kgs.2020.36.12.7.
- Song C.R., Cheng A.H-D., Ostaz A. and, Mantena R. (2020), “Lessons Learned from Hurricane Katrina – With Emphasis on Cost Effective Retrofitting Techniques”, J. of ENU, https://doi.org/10.32523/2616.7263
- 4. Chung R. Song, Binyam Bekele, Alex Silvey, Mark Lindemann and Lucas Ripa (2020), “Piezocone/cone penetration test-based pile capacity analysis: calibration, evaluation, and implication of geological conditions”, IJGE, DOI: 10.1080/19386362.2020.1778214
Recent Presentations
Recent 10 Presentations
- C.R. Song, L. Bitar and B. Bekele (2020), “Reducing Soil Erosion by Biopolymer,” KGS-NA workshop, Zoom
- C.R. Song and B. Bekele (2019), “Numerical simulation of drained Piezocone penetration tests for saturated clayey soils to obtain strength of soils at residual-wet-drained condition,” EMI2019, Caltech, CA
- C.R. Song and B. Bekele (2019), “Behavior of Saturated Cohesionless Soils to High Speed Cone Penetration,” EMI2019, Caltech, CA
- Song, C.R., Yosef, T.Y., R. Faller and K. Lechtenberg (2017), “Numerical Evaluation of Soil-Pile Interaction During Crash,” 2017 TRB, Computational Mechanics Simulation Forum
- Nathan T.M. and Song C.R. (2014), "Liquefaction Susceptibility of Soils in Desoto, Tate, and Tunica County, Mississippi," MAESC 2014
- C.R. Song, A. Al-Ostaz and A.H.-D. Cheng, "Protection of Flood Protection System Using Multidisciplinary Countermeasures," 2012 ASCE-MS Section Conference, Biloxi, MS
- Song, Chung Rak (2011), “Nano… in Civil Engineeering,” Civil Engineering, 59(9). 18-29 (invited article to Korean Civil Engineers Society)
- Kidd T., Hosey M., Chung R. Song, Ahmed Al-Ostaz and A.H.-D. Cheng (2011), “Design of Bentonite apron to mitigate the gap development for levees in New Orleans during flooding season,” MAESC, Memphis, 2011
- Adhikari, S., Song, C.R., Cheng, A.H.-D. and Al-Ostaz, A. (2011), “Incorporation of the anisotropic elastoplastic model in FLAC3D and its application in the numerical simulation of New Orleans Levees and Floodwall section,” MAESC, Memphis, 2011
- Song C.R., Cheng A. H.-D and Al-Ostaz A. (2011) Hurricane Damage on Flood Protection System and Multidisplinary Countermeasure,” MAESC, Memphis, 2011