Academic Degrees
- Ph.D., Civil Engineering, Purdue University, 2014
- M.S., Civil Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, 2009
- M.S., Civil Engineering, Yonsei University, 2003
- B.S., Civil Engineering, Yonsei University, 2001
Areas of Research and Professional Interest
- Modeling and testing of structural concrete
- Structural members under extreme loads
- Advanced instrumentation and testing of structures
- Disaster reconnaissance and data management
- Infrastructure health monitoring (Big Data)
May 27, 2016:
ASCE Members attend Mid-Continental Competitions
Courses Taught
- MECH 223 - Engineering Statics
- CIVE 341 - Introduction to Structural Engineering (Lab)
- CIVE 342 - Structural Design Fundamentals
- CIVE 440 - Reinforced Concrete Design I
- CIVE 447/847 - Reinforced Concrete Design II
- CIVE 436/836 - Foundation Engineering
- CIVE 991 - Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Members
- View the Undergraduate Course Catalog
- View the Graduate Course Catalog
Honors and Awards
- ASCE T. Y. Lin Award for the paper co-authored, American Society of Civil Engineers, 2022.
- PCI George D. Nasser Award for the paper co-authored, Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute, 2021.
- UNO Alumni Outstanding Teaching Award, University of Nebraska at Omaha, 2019.
- ASCE Excellence in Civil Engineering Education (ExCEEd) Fellow, 2018.
- Henry Y. Kleinkauf Family Distinguished New Faculty Teaching Award, College of Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2018.
- The Seed for Success Award for Excellence in Research, Purdue University, 2015.
- Estus H. and Vashti L. Magoon Award for Excellence in Teaching, College of Engineering, Purdue University, 2014.
- Rotary Ambassadorial International Scholarship, The Rotary Foundation, Academic year: 2007-2008.
- Apr 2023 - Aug 2024, "NSF SBIR: Phase I: High-Performance Chloride-Proof Ferritic Steel for Cold Spray Coating of Steel Rebar," National Science Foundation, PI for UNL subcontract from Allium Engineering Inc., $274,993.
- Jan 2023 - Dec 2025, "SMART Analytics for Critical Infrastructure inside a Resilient Data Fabric (SMART-RDF)," Department of Defense, US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center. (Co-PI), $4,000,000.
- July 2022 - May 2024, "Air-Coupled GPR and HD Imaging for High-Speed Evaluation of Concrete Bridge Decks with Asphalt Overlay," Nebraska Department of Transportation. (Co-PI), $166,897.
- Sep 2021 - Jun 2023, "Multilevel Analytics and Data Sharing for OPerations Planning (MADS-OPP)," Department of Defense, US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center. (Co-PI), $4,199,993.
- July 2020 - May 2021,"Field Demonstration of GPR and UAV Technologies for Evaluation of Two US75 Bridges," Nebraska Department of Transportation. (Co-PI), $25,517.
- July 2019 - Dec 2020, "High-Mast Tower Foundation," Nebraska Department of Transportation. (PI), $47,196.
- Sep 2018 - Aug 2023, "NSF BD Spokes: Medium: Midwest: SMart big data pipeline for Aging Rural bridge Transportation Infrastructure (SMARTI)," National Science Foundation, Award #1762034. (PI for subcontract to UNL), $999,988. (Extended)
- July 2018 - Dec 2020, "Data Fusion and Visualization for Bridge Deck Evaluation Using Multi-Sensor NDE Techniques," University of Nebraska Collaboration Initiative/System Science Seed Grant. (Co-PI), $150,000.
- July 2018 - Dec 2020, "Multiscale-Multiphysics Modeling of Corrosion-Induced Damage in Structural Tendons," University of Nebraska Collaboration Initiative/System Science Seed Grant. (Co-PI), $145,653.
- July 2018 - Aug 2021, "Design Optimization and Monitoring of Joint-less Integral and Semi-Integral Abutment Bridges in Nebraska," Nebraska Department of Transportation. (PI), $167,687. (w/ cost and project extension)
- Aug 2017 - July 2019, "Eliminating Rebar Splicing in Transverse Joints of Precast Full Depth Bridge Deck Panels," Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute, Daniel P. Jenny Research Fellowship. (PI), $94,435 (w/ cost share included).
- July 2017 - Dec 2018, "Development and Implementation of a Moving Nondestructive Evaluation Platform for Bridge Deck Inspection," Nebraska Department of Transportation. (Co-PI), $159,583.
- Sep 2016 - Sep 2018, "Development of Specifications for High-Performance Fiber Concrete for Nevada," Nevada Department of Transportation. (Co-PI), $186,719.
- Sep 2016 - Aug 2017, "NSF BD Spokes: Planning: Midwest: Big Data Innovations for Bridge Health," National Science Foundation, Award#1636805. (Co-PI), $99,959.
- July 2016 - Dec 2017, "Standard Design for Nebraska County Bridges," Nebraska Department of Roads. (PI), $156,098.
- Sep 2014 - Sep 2017, "NSF CIF21 DIBBs: Building a Modular Cyber-Platform for Systematic Collection, Curation, and Preservation of Large Engineering and Science Data - A pilot demonstration project," National Science Foundation, Award#1443027. (PI for subcontract to UNL), $1,500,000.
Selected Publications
- Chen, D., Kim, C., Yoshida, E., and Sim, C. (2024), "Enhanching Structural Damage Evaluation PC Girder Bridges through Digital Twinning Bayesian Model Updating," Engineering Structures, Vol. 321, No. 15, Paper 118974,
- Kim, S., Ali Shah, S.H., Woo, S., Chu, I., and Sim, C. (2022), “Probability-Based Crack Width Estimation Model for Flexural Members of Underground RC Box Culverts,” Applied Sciences, Vol. 12, No. 4, Paper 2063, (corresponding author).
- Pashoutani, S., Zhu, J., Sim, C., Won, K., Mazzeo, B.A., and Guthrie, W.S. (2021),“Multi-Sensor Data Collection and Fusion using Autoencoders in Condition Evaluation of Concrete Bridge Decks,” Journal of Infrastructure Preservation and Resilience, Vol. 2, Article No: 18,
- Jeon, S.H., Moon, H.D., Sim, C., and Ahn, J.H. (2021), “Construction Stage Analysis of a Precast Concrete Buried Arch Bridge with Steel Outriggers from Full-Scale Field Test,” Structures, Vol. 29, Feb., pp. 1671-1689;
- Sim, C., Tadros, M., Gee, D., and Asaad, M. (2020), "Flexural Design of Precast, Prestressed Ultra-High Performance Concrete Members," PCI Journal, Vol. 65, No. 6, November-December, pp.35-61; , (Paper received 2022 ASCE T.Y. Lin Award and 2021 PCI George D. Nasser Award)
- Sim, C., and Frosch, R.J. (2020), "Cracking Behavior of Slabs with Corrosion Resistant and High-Strength Reinforcing Bars," ACI Structural, Vol. 117, No. 5, September, pp.245-257. (corresponding author).
- Won, K., and Sim, C. (2020), “Automated Transverse Crack Mapping System with Optical Sensors and Big Data Analytics,” Sensors, Vol. 20, No. 7, 1838; (corresponding author)
- Shi, X., Park, P., Rew, Y., Huang, K., and Sim, C. (2020), “Constitutive Behaviors of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete under Uniaxial Compression and Tension,” Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 233, No. 10, 117316;
- Catlin, A.C., HewaNadungodage, C., Pujol, S., Laughery, L., Sim, C., Puranam, A., and Bejarano, A. (2018), “A Cyber Platform for Sharing Scientific Research Data at DataCenterHub,” IEEE Computing in Science and Engineering, Vol. 20, No. 3, May-June, pp. 49-70;
- Villalobos, E., Sim, C., Smith-Pardo, J.P., Rojas, P., Pujol, S., and Kreger, M. (2018), "April 16, 2016 Ecuador Earthquake Damage Assessment Survey," Earthquake Spectra, Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 1201-1217; (corresponding author)
- Yeum, C.M., Dyke, S.J., Ramirez, J., Hacker, T., Pujol, S., and Sim, C. (2017), "Structure Annotation of Semantic Contents on Images from Earthquake Reconnaissance," 16th World Conference on Earthquake, Santiago, Chile, Jan. 9-13.
- Sim, C., Gandhi, R., Gee, D., Khampariya, A., Kale, A., and Moore, D. (2017),"Nebraska Bridge Data," dataset available at
- Sim, C., Villalobos, E., Smith, J.P., Rojas, P., Pujol, S., Puranam, A.Y., Laughery, L. (2016), "Performance of Low-Rise Reinforced Concrete Buildings in the 2016 Ecuador Earthquake," dataset available at
- Sim, C., Song, C., Skok, N., Irfanoglu, A., Pujol, S., and Sozen, M.A. (2015), “Database of Low-Rise Reinforced Concrete Buildings with Earthquake Damage,” dataset available at
- Frosch, R.J., Labi, S., and Sim, C. (2014), Increasing Bridge Deck Service Life: Volume I- Technical Evaluation, Joint Transportation Research Program Publication No. FHWA/IN/JTRP-2014/16, West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University,
- Sim, C., Basu, S., and Manuel, L. (2012), "On Space-Time Resolution of Inflow Representations for Wind Turbine Loads Analysis," Energies, Vol.5, No.7, pp.2071-2092.
- Jung, K.H., Kim, K.S., Sim, C., Kim, J.J. (2011), "Verification of Incremental Launching Construction Safety for the Ilsun Bridge, the World's Longest and Wideest Prestressed Concrete Box Girder with Corrugated Steel Web Section," ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, May-June, pp.453-460.
- Sim, C., Manuel, L., and Basu, S. (2010), “A Comparison of Wind Turbine Load Statistics for Inflow Turbulence Fields based on Conventional Spectral Methods and Large Eddy Simulation,” Proceedings of 48th American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, Florida, USA, January 4-7. AIAA2010-829.
- Sim, C., Basu, S., and Manuel, L. (2009), “The Influence of Stable Boundary Layer Flows on Wind Turbine Fatigue Loads,” Proceedings of 47th American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, Florida, USA, January 5-8. AIAA2009-1405.
- Ahn, J.H., Sim, C., Jeong, Y.J., Kim, S.H. (2009), "Fatigue Behavior and Statistical Evaluation of the Stress Category for a Steel-Concrete Composite Bridge Deck," Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol.65, No.2, pp.373-385.
- Ahn, J.H., Sim, C., Jeong, Y.J., Kim, S.H. (2008), "Fatigue Strength Evaluation of Steel-Concrete Composite Bridge Deck with Corrugated Steel Plate," Journal of Korean Society of Civil Engineers, Vol.20, No.6, pp.731-740.
Recent Presentations
- Sim, C. (2023), “Observations on Proportions of the Reinforced Concrete Buildings in Turkey,” Presentation at the Special Session: ACI 133 Field Reconnaissance and Observations from the February 6, 2023, Earthquake in Southern Turkey, Boston, MA, Oct. 29 – Nov. 2.
- Sim, C., Rautenberg, J., Schultz, A., Mustafraj, E., Penava, D., and Abrahamczyk, L. (2020),"Building Survey in Durrës after the 2019 Albania Earthquake," Virtual Presentation at the ACI Committee 133 - Disaster Reconnaissance, Rosemont, IL, Mar. 29-Apr. 2.
- Lee, J., Sim, C., Detweiler, C., and Barnes, B. (2019), "Computer-Vision Based UAV Inspection for Steel Bridge Connections," International Workshop for Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM), Stanford, CA, Sep. 10-12, pp. 3152-3159.
- Sim, C., and Won, K. (2018), "Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network to Develop Full-Depth Transverse Crack Mapping System,"ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference, Boston, MA, May 29-Jun.1.
- Sim, C. (2018), "Reconnaissance of Low-Rise Reinforced Concrete Buildings Damaged by the 2017 Pohang Earthquake," Presentation at the ACI Committee 133 - Disaster Reconnaissance, Salt Lake City, UT, Mar. 24-28.
- Sim, C. (2017), "Structural and Material Evaluation of Concrete Members Reinforced with Corrosion-Resistant Reinforcing steel," Invited talk at the Structural Engineers Association of Nebraska, Omaha, NE, Sep. 15.
- Sim, C. (2017), "Big Data Innovationas for Aging Bridge Infrastructure," UKC 2017 Conference, Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association, Washington, D.C., USA, Aug 9-12.
- Sim, C. (2016), "Performance of Low-Rise Reinforced Concrete Buildings in the 2016 Ecuador Earthquake," Presentation at the ACI Committee 133 - Disaster Reconnaissance, Philadelphia, PA, Oct. 23-27.
- Sim, C., Won, K., and Youn, J. (2016), "Development of Image-Based Autonomous Transverse Crack Mapping System," UKC 2016 Conference, Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association, Dallas, Texas, USA, Aug 6-9.
- Sim, C., and Frosch, R.J. (2015), "Various Rebar Types: Pros and Cons," Invited Presentation at Bridge Workers, Supervisors, and Engineers Conference, Mt. Sterling, Ohio, Apr. 15-16.
- Sim, C., and Frosch, R.J. (2014), “Structural and Material Performance of Concrete Bridge Decks Reinforced with Corrosion-Resistant Reinforcing Steel,” UKC 2014 Conference, Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association, San Francisco, California, USA, Aug 6-9.
- Sim, C., and Frosch, R.J. (2013), "Evaluating Corrosion Protection Systems for Bridge Decks with Modified Macrocell Specimens," Invited Presentation in Laboratory Test Methods for Corrosion Assessment, ACI Committee 222, ACI Fall 2013 Convention, American Concrete Institute, Phoenix, Arizona, Oct. 20-24.