Kaycie Lane

Contact Information:

Scott Campus (Omaha)
PKI 204B
(402) 472-2371

Assistant Professor of Practice

Academic Degrees

  • B.Sc. Engineering Physics, Colorado School of Mines
  • Ph.D. Water and Resource Engineering, Dalhousie University

Areas of Research and Professional Interest

Improving access to safe drinking water and sanitation services in rural communities

Helping small communities assess and manage risk in their water and wastewater infrastructure

Teaching students the importance of sustainable design

Providing students with knowledge of the socio-cultural factors that impact long-term engineering design

Research Profiles:

In the News: Powered by the Nebraska Engineering News

Courses Taught

  • Introduction to Environmental Engineering (ENVE 101)
  • Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering (ENVE 210)
  • Sustainable Design in Environmental Engineering (ENVE 430)
  • Environmental Engineering Process Design (CIVE 420)
  • Biological Principles of Environmental Engineering (ENVE 322)
  • Civil Engineering Analysis II (CIVE 202)
  • Senior Design (CIVE 489)

Selected Publications

Yoder, C.J and Lane, K. (2024). Investigating small drinking water system technical capacity to treat for PFAS [White Paper]. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35349.74722

Fuller, M., Wells, E., Furatian, L., Douglas, I., & Lane, K. (2023). Drinking water quality management progress in Ontario, two decades after Walkerton. Journal of Water and Health, 21(8), 1073–1085.

Lane, K., & Hrudey, S. E. (2023). A critical review of risk matrices used in water safety planning: Improving risk matrix construction. Journal of Water and Health, 21(12), 1795–1811.

Lane, K., & Kumpel, E. (2023). A Critical Review of the Global Use and Context of Trucked Water as a Potable Water Supply. ACS ES&T Water, 3(5), 1260–1274.

Lane, K., Reckhow, D., Tobiason, J., & Kumpel, E. (2023). Triple-bottom-line approach for comparing point-of-use/point-of-entry to centralized water treatment. AWWA Water Science, e1320. https://doi.org/10.1002/aws2.1320

Lane, K., Fuller, M., & Gagnon, G. (2022). Operator-informed risk assessment tool: Opportunities and barriers to support risk management practices. AWWA Water Science , e1307. https://doi.org/10.1002/aws2.1307

Lane K., and Gagnon, G.A. (2022).  Comparing quantitative probability of occurrence to a risk matrix approach: A study of chlorine residual data, Water Research, Volume 218, 118480, ISSN 0043-1354, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2022.118480.

Lane,K., Fuller,M.,  Dyment, T., and Gagnon, G.A. (2022).  Co-development of a risk assessment tool for use in First Nations water supply systems: A key step to water safety plan implementation, International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, Volume 240, 113916,ISSN 1438-4639,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheh.2021.113916.

Lane, K., Fuller, M., Stanhope, T. and Stoddart, A. (2021).  Exploring the use of a Sanitation Safety Plan framework to identify key hazards in First Nations wastewater systems. Water. 13(11) DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/w13111454 

Lane, K. and Gagnon, G. A. (2020) Evaluating the use and intention of drinking water advisories in Atlantic Canada. IWA Water Policy. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.2166/WP.2020.029

Lane, K., Trueman, B., Locsin, J. and Gagnon, G.A. (2020).  Inorganic contaminants in Canadian First Nation community water systems.  IWA Journal of Water and Health. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.2166/WH.2020.185

Lane, K. and Gagnon, G.A. (2019, SEPTEMBER 24TH).  The lack of clean drinking water in Indigenous communities is unacceptable.  The Globe and Mail.  Retrieved from: HTTPS://WWW.THEGLOBEANDMAIL.COM/OPINION/ARTICLE-THE-LACK-OF-CLEAN-DRINKING-WATER-IN-INDIGENOUS-COMMUNITIES-IS/

Lane, K., Stoddart, A. K., and Gagnon, G.A.  (2017) Water safety plans as a tool for drinking water regulatory frameworks in Arctic communities. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.  ONLINE ISSN: 1614-7499.  DOI: HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1007/S11356-017-9618-9

Milman, A., Kumpel, E. and Lane, K.  (2021).  The Future of Piped Water.  Water International.  Doi: 10.1080/02508060.2021.1995169

Recent Presentations

Lane, K., Kumpel, E., Reckhow, D. and Tobiason, J.  (2022, April).  Sustainability Comparison Study: Assessing Centralized and POU/POE Treatment for Small System Compliance to the SDWA.  2022 WQA Convention. 


Lane, K., Kumpel, E., Reckhow, D. and Tobiason, J.  (2021, September).  Sustainability Comparison Study: Assessing Centralized and POU/POE Treatment for Small System Compliance to the SDWA.  18th Annual EPA Small Systems Drinking Water Workshop.  https://www.epa.gov/water-research/18th-annual-epa-drinking-water-workshop-small-system-challenges-and-solutions


Lane, K., Kumpel, E., Reckhow, D. and Tobiason, J.  (2020, September).  A Framework for Comparing the Sustainability of Centralized vs. POU/POE Treatment for Small Systems.  17th Annual EPA Small Systems Drinking Water Workshop.  https://www.epa.gov/water-research/agenda-and-recordings-17th-annual-epa-drinking-water-workshop-virtual


Lane, K., and Kumpel, E., (2021, October).  A systematic review of global use and context of trucked water as a potable water supply.  Annual UNC Water and Health Conference


Lane, K.  (2020, November).  Safe water strategies for Northern water systems using a water safety plan methodology.  Annual Northern Territories Water and Wastewater Association (NTWWA) Conference, Iqaluit, NVT.


Lane, K., and Gagnon, G.A.  (2019, March).  Water Safety Plans: Managing Risks to Achieve Safe Drinking Water.  Annual Drinking Water Workshop, Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada


Lane, K. and Gagnon, G.A.  (2018, September).  Utilizing Data and Risk Analysis to identify reasons for Advisories: a case study from CBRM.  Atlantic Canada Waterworks Association (ACWWA) Annual Conference, Sydney, NS


Lane, K. and Gagnon, G.A.  (2016, September).  Using Water Safety Plans to Prioritize Risks of Water Operations.  Atlantic Canada Waterworks Association (ACWWA) Annual Conference, Moncton, NB


Lane, K., and Gagnon, G.A.  (2016, September).  Using Water Safety Plans to Prioritize Risks of Water Operations.  National Drinking Water Conference, Ottawa, ON.