Delmar Timm

Contact Information:

City Campus (Lincoln)

Professor Emeritus

Academic Degrees

  • Ph.D., Iowa State University, 1967
  • M.S., Iowa State University, 1965
  • B.S., Iowa State University, 1962

Areas of Research and Professional Interest

  • Composite materials comprised of polymeric matrix
  • Theoretical modeling

Research Profiles:

Courses Taught

About Delmar Timm

Dr. Timm's research focuses on composite materials comprised of a polymeric matrix. Emphasis is directed at developing correlations between the resin's molecular structure and its physical performance.

With thermosetting resins, polymeric molecules are characterized by their degree of polymerization, chemical composition, extent of chain branching, and degree of chain cross-linking.

Theoretical modeling incorporates deterministic and stochastic methodologies. In one phase of the research, kinetic reaction studies are directed at the evaluation of reaction mechanism and rate constants.

In a second phase, estimates of molecular structure are confirmed and incorporated into structure/property relationships. Tsai-Halpin correlations then couple matrix contributions with reinforcement properties and spatial orientation.

In a third phase nondestructive evaluations are performed using non-obtrusive, embedded sensors. Using a numerically controlled machine, composite specimens are filament wound.

Selected Publications

  • Flodman HR, Timm DC. Batch Distillation Employing Cyclic Stripping and Rectification Operations. ISA Transactions 51 (2012) 454-460.
  • Navrkal TW, Flodman HR, and Timm DC. A Water-Water Preheater and a Steam-Water Heater Network: Temperature Dynamics. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 166-178.
  • Flodman HR, Timm DC. Batch Distillation Employing Cyclic Stripping and Rectification Operations. Conference Proceedings ISA Automation Week, September 2011. Mobile, Alabama USA.
  • For additional publications, please visit the Digital Commons.